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Everything posted by Hawke1992

  1. Hey guys, i've made my self a C-130 and now making a AC-130. All i have done to make the AC-130 is add a turret to the C-130 model and i got the class turret working but its the animations, they dont work. The C-130 animations worked. My model.cfg Model name = ac130 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSkeletons { class Vehicle; class plane: Vehicle { skeletonBones[]= { "backgear0", "", "backgear1", "", "clan", "", "door1", "", "door2", "", "Door3", "", "engine1", "", "engine2", "", "engine3", "", "engine4", "", "front_gear", "", "frontkl", "", "fuellight", "", "g1", "", "g2", "", "g3", "", "hight", "", "jump", "", "jumpprepare", "", "L svelto", "", "leftkl", "", "leftkl1", "", "leva smerovka", "", "leva vejskovka", "", "lkd klapka", "", "lkh klapka", "", "ls klapka", "", "P svetlo", "", "pkd klapka", "", "pkh klapka", "", "prava vejskovka", "", "ps klapka", "", "r1", "", "r2", "", "r3", "", "rampa", "", "rampa1", "", "ramplight", "", "relase", "", "reverseprops", "", "rightkl", "", "rightkl1", "", "something", "", "stall", "", "tmp", "", "temp1", "", "trotle1", "", "trotle2", "", "trotle3", "", "trotle4", "", "vrtule", "", "vrtule1", "", "vrtule2", "", "vrtule3", "", "vrtule staticka", "", "warninglightl", "", "warninglightr" }; }; }; class Rotation; class CfgModels { class Vehicle; class ac130: Vehicle { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"cislo", "grupa", "side", "sektor", "clan", "podsvit pristroju", "poskozeni", "L svetlo", "P svetlo", "zasleh", "sklo predni p", "sklo predni l", "vrtule staticka",   }; skeletonName="plane"; class Animations { class backgear0: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=6;   source = "gear";       selection="backgear0";       axis="osbackgear0";   memory=1;   sourceAddress="clamp";   angle0=0.000000;   angle1=0.872;     }; class backgear1: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=6;   source = "gear";       selection="backgear1";       axis="osbackgear1";       memory = 1;   angle0=0.000000;   angle1=0.872;     }; class leftkl: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=2;   source = "gear";       selection="leftkl";       axis="osleftkl";       angle0=0;   memory = true;       angle1=-0.523;     }; class leftkl1: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=1.2;   source = "gear";       selection="leftkl1";       axis="osleftkl1";       angle0=0;   memory = true;       angle1=3.14;     }; class rightkl: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=2;   source = "gear";       selection="rightkl";       axis="osrightkl";       angle0=0;   memory = true;       angle1=0.523;     }; class rightkl1: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=1.2;   source = "gear";       selection="rightkl1";       axis="osrightkl1";       angle0=0;   memory = true;       angle1=-3.14;     };     class frontkl: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=2;   source = "gear";       selection="frontkl";       axis="osfrontkl";       angle0=0;   memory = true;       angle1=0.195;     }; class NoseGear: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=6;   source = "gear";       selection="front_gear";       axis="osfront_gear";       angle0=0;   memory = true;       angle1=1.6;     }; class vrtule     {       type = "rotation";       source = "rotor";       selection = "vrtule";       axis = "osa_vrtule";       angle0 = 0;       angle1 = 360;       sourceAddress = "loop";           };            class vrtule1:vrtule     {       selection = "vrtule1";       axis = "osa_vrtule_1";     };             class vrtule2:vrtule     {       selection = "vrtule2";       axis = "osa_vrtule_2";     };             class vrtule3:vrtule     {       selection = "vrtule3";       axis = "osa_vrtule_3";     };  class flap: Rotation { type="rotationX"; Source= "flap"; selection="ls klapka"; axis="osa ls klapky"; minValue=0.500000; maxValue=1.000000; angle1=-1.25; }; class flap2: Rotation { type="rotationX"; Source= "flap"; selection="ps klapka"; axis="osa ls klapky"; minValue=0.500000; maxValue=1.000000; angle1=-1.25; }; class Elevator: Rotation { type="rotationX"; source="elevator"; selection="leva vejskovka"; axis="osa leve vejskovky"; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=-0.499164; angle1=0.499164; }; class Elevator2: Rotation { type="rotationX"; source="elevator"; selection="prava vejskovka"; axis="osa prave vejskovky"; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=-0.499164; angle1=0.499164; }; class Rudder: Rotation { type="rotationY"; source="rudder"; selection="leva smerovka"; axis="osa_rudder"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1;          maxValue = 1;           angle0 = "rad 25";    angle1 = "rad -25"; }; class AileronLT: Rotation { type="rotationX"; source="aileron"; selection="lkh klapka"; axis="osa lk klapky"; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=-0.436332; angle1=0.523599; }; class AileronLB: Rotation { type="rotationX"; source="aileron"; selection="lkd klapka"; axis="osa lk klapky"; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=-0.436332; angle1=0.523599; }; class AileronRB: Rotation { type="rotationX"; source="aileron"; selection="pkd klapka"; axis="osa pk klapky"; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=0.436332; angle1=-0.523599; }; class AileronRT: Rotation { type="rotationX"; source="aileron"; selection="pkh klapka"; axis="osa pk klapky"; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0=0.436332; angle1=-0.523599; }; class rampa { type="rotation"; // initPhase=1; // source = "damper"; source = "MoveX1"; animPeriod=6; selection="rampa"; axis="osrampa"; angle0=0; angle1=0.66; }; class rampa1: Rotation { type="rotation"; Source = "MoveX2"; animPeriod=5; selection="rampa1"; axis="osrampa1"; angle0=0; angle1=0.523; }; class door1: Rotation { type="rotation"; animPeriod=4; source = "MoveX3"; selection="door1"; axis="osdoor1"; angle0=0; angle1=-2.4; }; class door2: Rotation { type="rotation"; animPeriod=3; source = "MoveX4"; selection="door2"; axis="osdoors"; angle0=0; angle1=0.785; }; class door3: Rotation { type="rotation"; animPeriod=3; source = "MoveX5"; selection="door3"; axis="osdoors"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.785; }; class cargoload: Rotation     { type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.01; source = "MoveX6";       selection="something";       axis="osrampa";       angle0=0;      angle1=1;     }; class relase: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.01; source = "MoveX7";       selection="relase";       axis="osrampa";       angle0=0;      angle1=1;     }; class fuellight: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX8";       selection="fuellight";       axis="osfuellight";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class ramplight: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX9";       selection="ramplight";       axis="osramplight";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class warninglightl: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX10";       selection="warninglightl";       axis="oswarninglightl";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class warninglightr: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX11";       selection="warninglightr";       axis="oswarninglightr";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class stall: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX12";       selection="stall";       axis="osstall";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class hight: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05;     source = "altBaro";       selection="hight";       axis="oshight";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class jumpprepare: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=3; source = "MoveX13";       selection="jumpprepare";       axis="osjump";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class jump: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "damper";       selection="jump";       axis="osjump";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class r1: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MOveX14";       selection="r1";       axis="osr1";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class g1: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX15";       selection="g1";       axis="osg1";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class r2: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX16";       selection="r2";       axis="osr2";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class g2: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX17";       selection="g2";       axis="osg2";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class r3: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MOveX18";       selection="r3";       axis="osr3";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class g3: Rotation     {       type="rotation";       animPeriod=0.05; source = "MoveX19";       selection="g3";       axis="osg3";       angle0=0;      angle1=3.14;     }; class trotle1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; source = "MoveX21"; selection="trotle1"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class trotle2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; source = "MoveX20"; selection="trotle2"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class trotle3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; source = "MoveX22"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class trotle4 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; source = "MoveX23"; selection="trotle4"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=1.918; }; class reverseprops { type="rotation"; animPeriod=1; source = "MoveX24"; selection="reverseprops"; axis="ostrotle"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.7; }; }; }; The model config is the same but i changed the class <modelname> to the model name my ac130 has. I've tried everything i can think of and it still will not work.
  2. Hawke1992

    Animation Problem

    Cool, Thanks for the help. Ill post if i get it working.
  3. Hawke1992

    Animation Problem

    Just edited it and tryed, still no animtions.
  4. Hawke1992

    Animation Problem

    Yeah the p3d is in the root. The animations do not work at all, i dont know why but they just will not work.
  5. Hawke1992

    Animation Problem

    No i have actualy got it to fire the way i wanted but none of the animations work. I've made it my self.
  6. Hawke1992

    Alien addon

    Could ya try and bring out the mission without those 2 addons. Realy bugs me that a addon maker trys and shows you thier addon but they got to use a differnt addon that you dont have in the mission.
  7. Hawke1992

    Shoot from moving vehicles

    When i press A or D my dude doesn't move left or right, he just stand or kneels there. I set my floating thing to the far right and it still doesn't work. Any one know why?
  8. Hawke1992

    23rd Ground Division

    Yeah, i see where ya going, but we are just fighing over words. Seems a bit stupid to me.
  9. Hawke1992

    23rd Ground Division

    You people are just getting mad at each other because of a few words, stop being like babys and grow up ffs. Act like adults not like kids in school.
  10. Hey again people. I want to know how to make a custom made animation source in the config.cpp I've been trying to get a ramp on a aircraft to move, i've tryed nearly every single source E.g. Damper, altRadar. anyone know? Hawke.
  11. Hi, does anyone know which animation source is best or works for a Gear Bay for an aircraft? As the wheels go up the Wheel bay doors close, and when they come out they open. I got the animation sorted its the Source i want to know. Anyone know? Hawke.