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Everything posted by HighWire

  1. HighWire

    Texel Island

    Texel A new island for Operation Flashpoint Megaupload Mirror Sharebee Download Mirror Zshare Mirror Rapidshare Link It's finished and available. It doesn't depend on other add-ons (although it uses Ebud's tropical nature stuff; proper credit has been given!), and has a few missions on board. I hope you can enjoy this release as much as I had making it. Edit: Obviously, OFP: Resistance is required. Edit2: In order for the intro cinematics to work, you need to install them into the ORIGINAL ADDONS folder. NOT the folder inside RES.
  2. Hey guys, Kronzky's Urban Patrol Script crashes Operation Flashpoint here whenever I try to use about more than 7 or 8 different patrol zones. Any thoughts on what it might cause? I'm sure I have all the marker names and script calls right. Neither am I running any other scripts. A quick peek at the FLASHPOINT.RPT file shows that the game throws access violations at me. Perhaps some kind of double variable reference inside the script that I could fix myself? :)
  3. Awesome. Excellent. Thanks for the help and bless you :) Edit: I just brought it to Kronzky's attention.
  4. Ka-ching! That seems to have nailed it! What was the problem? Was it generating (unnecessary) redundant enemy-knowledge arrays? Thanks for the heads-up though! Should the creator himself be informed?
  5. Hello all, Just as the title says: is there a quick and dirty tool out there that accepts mission.sqm files and converts every east unit into a equivalent west unit and vice-versa? I mean, how hard can it be, right? It's just a plain-text replace attack, and with knowledge over all class types it shouldn't be too hard to make one? I'm interested in making something myself but I can't really imagine why anyone else hasn't come up with it yet. :)
  6. Hi all, Just as the thread title says: I need to raise a dialog screen that is only invoked on the player who is calling it. I'd go with ADDACTION but it's pretty wonky when entering vehicles. A RADIO ALPHA trigger would do the trick, but the problem is in multiplayer where player 1 calls the radio trigger and player 2 will get to see the dialog screen as well. Any thoughts?
  7. Yeah, I decided to go for that. Thanks for pointing out that addAction is local, I always thought it went global. The code below solved my problem. cmd_action_object = player #LOOP if (vehicle player != player) then { cmd_action_object = vehicle player; } else { cmd_action_object = player } cmd_action = cmd_action_object addAction ["Command System", "cmd_commandscript.sqs"] ~1 cmd_action_object removeAction cmd_action GOTO "LOOP" That might be worth investigating if I proceed with the satellite script. Thanks for your help!
  8. Thanks for your quick reply! The solution you have provided me however is controlling the availibility of the radio command, which is not exactly what I'm looking for. Neither will keyboard output checking help me; I believe that's only applicable to the standard movement keys. But I must say that I'm being vague on the subject so I'll supply some details. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=104102 To illustrate my problem; I want certain individual players to have the ability to invoke this dialog. ADDACTION won't help me that great because it requires players to be outside of a vehicle mostly. (It acts kinda random actually; perhaps I'm using ADDACTION wrong?) Radio triggers would be a great solution; it actually is in single player since a radio trigger can be called universally. The problem however is when player X uses a radio trigger to invoke the dialog, so will player Y and Z because the execution of radio triggers are broadcasted publicly. :(
  9. I don't have Arma 2 sadly, but pretty much everything you've just summed up sounds familiar from OFP. Overview and briefing in HTML. Init.sqs as the first script file to be executed. OFP uses scripting with SQS syntax, which is a bit limited from compared to SQF. (I believe SQF looks more like 'traditional' languages) You also might bump into a few scripting commands that you are used to in Arma but aren't available in OFP. Bottom line; you might have to make a few slight adjustments.
  10. There is one tiny bug with the LOAD command. Find the trigger that uses cmd_squad_unload and change it's ON ACTIVATION field from this: expActiv="[""MOUNTORDER"", cmd_squad_unload, false] exec ""behaviour.sqs""; cmd_squad_load = null;"; to this: expActiv="[""MOUNTORDER"", cmd_squad_unload, false] exec ""behaviour.sqs""; cmd_squad_unload = null;"; That *should* be possible under the following conditions afaik: The chopper and the squad are two independent 'controllable groups'; All squad members are assigned as cargo to the chopper; Ordering the squad to get in or out of the chopper can be issued by using the LOAD and UNLOAD commands. As for custom labels... Yeah, I'm very fond of them and I already find myself using those a lot more than the standard ones. Right now there is room for six custom labels but I'll crank that up a bit. I did a little test drive on this script and I'm pleased to report that multiplayer works. It could use some more intensive testing but as far as I'm concerned it pretty much works. Seeing a enormous set of infantry and tanks moving towards one position knowing that only three human players put it in motion gives me a good kick. :) Now there is only one thing left to do, and that is a decent respawn/'controllable group'-inheritance system. I'll post an updated version soon. :) If it suits your mission needs, I'll be happy to support you. I'm looking forward to your feedback! :)
  11. Download Mission Hello everyone, I'm trying to pick up at the whole scripting scene in Operation Flashpoint and here is my attempt at making a onSingleMapClick-command interface. I believe there are many script sets of this kind; so I'm definitely not going to proclaim that mine is best. ;) However, what I am unaware of is the existance of such a script that has: A generic approach; Multiplayer compatibility; Support up to 10 individual 'commanders'. My inability to find such a script inspired to make this thing. As I said before, I'm probably just reinventing the wheel all over again, but it's also just about having fun with scripting. :) I was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on this. :) This is a open test release for my 'Dynamic Control' script. I'm releasing this "as is" for now. ############################ ### Commander definition ### ############################ Commanders require the following initialization line (# is player number, ranging from 1 to 10): cmd_p# = group this; this addaction ["Command System", "commandscript.sqs"] Once a commander dies, the next squad member in command will be able to take over. ######################### ### Group ID handling ### ######################### Units belonging to a certain commander (in this case player 1) require the following ID definition in their initialization lines (# is group number, once again ranging from 1 to 10): cmd_p1_inf# = group this; cmd_p1_mechinf# = group this; cmd_p1_lighttank# = group this; cmd_p1_heavytank# = group this; cmd_p1_gunship# = group this; cmd_p1_support# = group this; cmd_p1_ambulance# = group this; cmd_p1_custom1_# = group this; cmd_p1_custom2_# = group this; cmd_p1_custom3_# = group this; cmd_p1_custom4_# = group this; cmd_p1_custom5_# = group this; cmd_p1_custom6_# = group this; The different names help identifying the squad in the control dialog. Example: 'cmd_p2_inf1' will be displayed in the command interface of player two as "Infantry 2". The custom labels can be set by providing their respective variable names with corresponding strings. For example: cmd_custom1_label = "VIP"; cmd_custom2_label = "Special Convoy"; cmd_custom3_label = "General Guba"; ######################## ### Tracking markers ### ######################## Tracking markers are defined as follows: 'cmd_p1_inf1' will be tracked by the marker named 'cmd_p1_inf1_ref'.
  12. Hello all, I would like to drop in and leave these screenshots of my upcoming island. Everything is going fine and the thing is 100% playable. It is a little object hungry but it runs perfectly fine with 512MB RAM and a Geforce2 MX card. It uses the palm tree models from SEB's ILO ILO island, and resistance objects anywhere else. I will make sure proper credit will be given despite the usage of other people's addons. I will include some generic single missions with the upcoming release. I guess people most likely just want to make their own anyways. But, being the perfectionist I am: I still lack one thing: Town Name signs / Directional signs. What I am looking for is someone who could assist me in making some of these. The island also needs a proper mission editor icon. Anyone out there want to lend a hand, or supply me with some tutorials?
  13. Hello all, I'm making a island for OPF which is going definately fine, but... Is there a 'good practice' on object amounts? I'm working on a 512MB RAM machine which is still pretty much capable of running my island, but I don't want to find out halfway construction that I'm taking the object amount too far.
  14. HighWire

    Texel Island

    I'm flattered. I'm downloading it just to be safe but I might be playing it later because I'm kinda busy these days. Glad to see you guys like it, keep it up! Edit: As for hi-res requests. You're free to make 'em and release 'em. Just give proper credit and it will be fine! (not just to me, also to Ebud obviously)
  15. HighWire

    Texel Island

    Thanks for the positive replies everyone. It was merely a personal project I wanted to share with some friends during LAN parties. (If you ever get to play the 'Dunes of Hostility' mission in multiplayer you'd might understand why...) Glad to see you guys like it as well. @Bennie: I should do all frysian islands at once next time.
  16. HighWire

    Texel Island

    You need to install the .PBO inside the original ADDONS folder, not the one inside the resistance folder.
  17. HighWire

    Texel Island

    @Faguss: I agree on not wanting to have my add-on folder cluttered with stuff I never use. Just as much as I don't like having lots of stuff added in the mission editor. This island however has a slight mediterranean theme on which I haven't come across in OPF yet. It also doesn't require external addons and is pretty transparantly installed, save for a bunch of missions and a new island in the mission editor list. My aim was a island for Operation Flashpoint with a similiar style to the CWC ones, which means: small towns, lots of nature. @Bennie1983nl: Damn, you caught me.
  18. HighWire

    Texel Island

    Done and done. Thanks Sanctuary.
  19. HighWire

    (Screenshots) Tropical Texel

    I just wanted to drop in and say that this island will probably be released tomorrow. There's really just a tiny amount of tweaks left to perform. The island is fully functional, has intro animations, a good mission editor icon and doesn't clutter the mission editor with new stuff. (the only new thing available is the island itself) Most islands were usually released without some extra single missions... Urm. I'm not that much of a mission designer, so I took some of the original single missions and converted them to my island. These missions are Bomberman, Ground attack and Battlefields. I might squeeze in more if I can. Since I am aiming for a clean release, it all is packed in two .pbo files: one consisting of the island, and one consisting of it's objects. I hope to squeeze them all in one final .pbo tomorrow, but it's not that much of a deal, right?
  20. HighWire

    Custom plants not providing Cover

    Changing the view geometry didn't help, just as much as the other geometrics. I'm willing to try the whole binarizing stuff. I downloaded the tool, and I ran it across my models folder. The problem is however that it's only treating the first three models, and skips everything else afterwards. Edit #1: I have gotten the whole binarising thing to work, but it didn't help. I really think the problem has to be with the model itself, since the view geometry on the other models (palm2.p3d for instance) work perfectly fine. (Walk through it in third person and you'll know what I mean) Edit #2: Aarrggh, I really must be very close to the solution now! But I can't find see what is causing the problem. I'm comparing the plant6.p3d model with the palm2.p3d (which DOES provide cover ingame regardless of binarizing) model for any missing similarities, but I just cannot find them! Edit #3: There we are. Fixed. The View Geometry had two components: Component #1 and #5. The latter consisted of the true view geometry, but wasn't reached because #2, #3, and #4 were missing.
  21. Hello all, I'm using some plants from SEB's Ilo Ilo island on one of my own projects. However, I have noticed that the AI doesn't treat it as cover. Units will shoot at eachother through these plants thus it makes no valuable hiding spot while they are visually. Is there something I can do about this? I noticed that the LOD model is a very poor on providing cover, so I was wondering if it's linked to that?
  22. HighWire

    Custom plants not providing Cover

    I have opened the dreaded model in Oxygen. The View geometry is indeed a inverted piramid (which probably caused the problems indeed) What kind of shape should I provide it?
  23. HighWire

    Custom plants not providing Cover

    Why did you think this ? I haven't looked through the config...but i don't think it's a config problem (i don't see any parameter that could modify the "view" troubles in the config of objects). If i'm right - about what i'm not sure -, you have to get the authorization first, then modify the view geo lod, and re-tag (rename) the objects through a new config, then binarize them (seb_ilo objects aren't binarized, i always thought WRP placed objects had to be binarized to work correctly...). Woo, I think you are overestimating my modding skills here. I had a hard time getting Visitor to work, and I'm no expert on modelling (at all) What do you mean with authorization? Asking the original author wether I could modify them? As far as I can remember, the readme file said that it was okay to use his stuff. Besides; I was going to include him in the credits anyways. I'm keeping track of all my actions with this map and I'm simply aiming at a neat and tidy release. Also: What exactly is binarizing? I have heard and read the term all over the place but I never have read a clear definition. I appreciate your help a lot. I really hope to have this problem addressed so that I can release this island.
  24. HighWire

    Custom plants not providing Cover

    Ahh, so the problem is with the model... I figured it was part of a config.cpp-related problem. ... ...can it be fixed? It's pretty much the last thing that stands between production and release.Â
  25. HighWire

    (Screenshots) Tropical Texel

    Thanks for the positive replies. I will promise to release this sometime soon. But still: Can anyone help me out on town/road signs? I really want to have the towns named with some signs. Edit: Never mind, I already have it sorted out.