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Everything posted by HighWire

  1. Oh, it's the twisted genius himself! Man, I owe you one. The script totally kicks ass. Cluttering all sorts of units in a large area  with your script really leads to a completely random and interesting environment. I added the line you specified to the INIT.SQS and it worked. I'm not sure if it also works for clients in MP, but I don't have the resources to check that out right now, so if anyone else can, please report! It's probably a safe bet that it does the same for MP clients though; init.sqs usually consists of a slow fade-in at the start of a mission, and that surely shows up on every client in the game.
  2. Hi all, I'm using kronzky's urban patrol script for some serious randomising in one of my missions. It works perfect. Gameplay-wise I have had some awesome coop sessions and it really shows the potential of the OFP engine. There is one problem however: Whenever I call a unit inside the mission editor to use the UPS script, I supply it with a "HIDEMARKER", because I don't want to have the game map cluttered with black squares. This works in single player, but in MP games the squares don't disappear for clients. The squares ARE invisible to the server hosting the game. Is there a solution to this?
  3. HighWire

    Reccomended amount of objects?

    My apologies. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for pointing it out. As for the general performance: For now the island runs pretty OK. I'm not using a huge model variety, but I do have lots of grass bits scattered around the island at a certain density. I could always remove some if things get out of hand, but I'm not forecasting any problems on it so far (seeing the fact that I'm already finished with about 50% of the island. ProfTournesol: The island is based on regular Nogova objects with tropical plants and trees. See it as a former european colony somewhere near the canary islands. I don't have a specific era in mind though, that's up for the mission creators if they are interested.
  4. HighWire

    Reccomended amount of objects?

    I take your advice and raise you... Three screenshots! http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c248/Highwire/texel1.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c248/Highwire/texel2.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c248/Highwire/texel3.jpg
  5. HighWire

    Lipany Town Square P3D! :)

    Thank you very, very much. I owe you one.
  6. What is the P3D for the Lipany town square? I have been searching both OFPEC and this forum like crazy, as well as scouting through o.pbo! Reference me to a Nogova object list if possible, as long as I get to know which object the town square is. Thanks in advance!
  7. Hello all, I'm in the process of making a island for Operation Flashpoint and while I am very fond of Visitor, it's road manipulation system seems rather blurry. Connecting roads (select road, right mousclick on another road to connect) is either horrible in the default configuration (there is a lot of polish language going on in there which I cannot translate) or just plain horrible. Can anyone point me some directions on 'good practices' with the road connection tool? Also, I would like to know if it's possible to edit T-crossroads into X-crossroads without too much hassle. That's all. Visitor is pretty user-friendly apart from the roads stuff.
  8. Has anyone else noticed that support units barely respond when being called upon by a player? I usually end up having to pick up the support trucks by myself, even though they should be controlled by units with a SUPPORT waypoint... This only happens in MP, and the support units mostly refuse to respond to players who have joined my server.
  9. Is there some kind of random traffic script out there? And if there isn't, is it hard to make one myself? I had this idea of scattering some hidden markers across Nogova at key locations, such as all towns and stuff, and make civilians in cars travel to these markers in random order in a continous loop. It'd be far less messy than all the waypointing in Status Quo, and it would result in a nicely populated island. Anyone can help me with this idea?
  10. HighWire

    Random traffic script

    Niiiice. So, for instance: I would take the central area of Everon. (Let's say, everything within and including Montignac, Lamentin, Le Moule, Morton, Figari, etc etc) And clutter it with russian squads (both tanks, helicopters, infantry, etc etc), then basically all that is left to do is place some WEST units, cover the area up with a EAST-NOT-PRESENT trigger to end the mission, and voila: Epic and almost completely random mission?
  11. HighWire

    Random traffic script

    It did. Thanks! It's actually kinda nifty! Is it Multiplayer-friendly? Or will things go out of sync?
  12. Hello all, I recall seeing a video of some kind of zombie mod in action in Flashpoint, and I was wondering where I can find it. There seem to be several zombie mods out there, so I just kindly ask which one is mostly reccomended, and supplied with some good quality multi-player missions. (it's okay if they're not present, I could make some myself if necessary) Thanks.
  13. HighWire

    Get Ready to dump your LCD screen

    Seconded! I already lose touch with reality easily in Flashpoint on a 17" laptop screen. I don't think this would make things better. :P Kindof cool, but it's also a scary development. It'd be a decent brainwashing device if you ask me.
  14. Hi all, I'm currently making a mission in which a helicopter needs to follow a set of waypoints. All goes well, until it starts to behave strange at a certain waypoint. No special attributes, no behaviour changes (set to careless all the time), nothing exotic has been done at that certain waypoint! All what the chopper basically does is the following: Follow waypoint. Follow next waypoint. Execute LOAD waypoint and pick up troops. (works fine). Follow next waypoint. Follow next waypoi~*~* suddenly it goes bananas and keeps hovering! Does anyone have an idea what is going on? The mission is large and consists of a lot of units using the guard waypoint. The helicopter is supposed to cross the Nogova river (south of the bridge), but it never got to that point. That's all of the crucial details I can hand out. Anyone?
  15. Yeah, I came to that conclusion myself. Basically, I just made it go the one way to the other, and put two triggers inbetween them (one to make it fly skyhigh, and one to drop to acceptable altitude when nearing it's next waypoint. Kindof 'dirty', but it does the trick.
  16. Fixed it myself by handing out waypoints every 300 meters. Also, the AI apparantly had some trouble with centering on certain waypoints when flyinheight was set to 180.