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About Highwayman-Ed

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  1. Highwayman-Ed

    RKSL Studios

    Bloody good work mate
  2. Highwayman-Ed

    Screen flashing white

    I had exactly the same problem with 158.24 Drivers. Setting my refresh rate to 59 instead of 60 fixed it for me... *********** Edit: no it didn't  But I'll tell you what did... FRAPS A friend of mine was asking exactly what the problem was, so I loaded up ArmA, jumped in the AH-6 in the Armory, Started FRAPS recording and waited 5 seconds for the flashing to begin and nothing... My problem was solved I thought, and the only thing I had changed was the Refresh to 59 before starting. This morning I load up ArmA and configure the mouse to act as the rudder for aircraft after mapping the mouse to the pedal axis on my Saitek Pedals (Thanks Punisher5555) and the flashing was back!  So I jump out again, start up FRAPS to record the flashing and get back into the AH-6. I waited the 5 seconds, and sure enough, there was the flashing... I hit the record key for FRAPS, and suddenly it was gone!   toggled the recording off, and it started again... started the recording again and it stopped. I've been playing around with my NVidia settings for the past hour now, and NONE of them (split rendering, single GPU, multi GPU, Vsync, AA, AF, etc, etc...) make the slightest bit of difference, but load up fraps and hit the record key  The downside is that my FPS take a hit with FRAPS recording, but it's better than not being able to play at all... Nvidia = nil point ArmA  = nil point FRAPS = dix point! for reference: OS: Vista Ultimate 64bit cpu: Intel Core duo X6800EE board: ASUS P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe ram: 2GB Corsair XMS2 8500 vid: ASUS 1GB GeForce 7950GX2 (Nvidia 158.24) sound card: Extreme Music w/ latest Creative drivers and OpenAL driver controllers: Saitek X52 & Peddals, Track IR 4
  3. Highwayman-Ed

    Multiple Controllers?

    I think he means, map the rudder to the left/right mouse movement in ArmA, then map the rudder pedals to the mouse X axis in the SD6 profiler.... Nice tip, I'll try that! Edit: Works like a charm, thanks Punisher5555!
  4. Highwayman-Ed

    Multiple Controllers?

    I've had a search around, and can't find anything relevant. Is there any way to get ArmA to recognise more than 1 controller? I have a Saitek X52 and Pro Flight pedals, but ArmA will not see the pedals. Does anyone know how I can get them seen by the game?