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About Hansen

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  1. Hansen

    Horrible Performance...

    I have tried to lower the settings it did not help.
  2. Hansen

    Horrible Performance...

    I really hopes that Bohemia is taking the issues very seriously, I was a major fan of OFP, and I had been looking forward to ArmA for a long long time, which only makes it hurt the more. I have also observed this white fog issue, but i have not played it enorgh for it to become a problem. I would be glad if Bohemia just made an annousment about these problems, so we at least kew that they where working on it. take my 4th bug report, it may seem trivial that a option is missing. But I get the feeling that who ever was responsible for writing the user manaul did not even care enorgh to take alook at how the Video section looked like (or was suppose to look like) before he wrote it.
  3. Hansen

    Horrible Performance...

    Hi I just bought ArmA (UK), and boy was I disappoited. It is unplayable. I will hold on to my game in 8-10 days in the hope of a patch to fix this. Otherwise it is going back to the shop. The following points was observerd during offline play. 1. After an amount of time (5-15+ min), the texure quality drops from crisp nice ones to somthing that was good in the mid 80's. 2. After the same amount of time the geometry also begins to drop in terms of detail. 3. The level of detail (quality) in the terrian textures will also drop alot, if i use the map (press M) during the missions. 4. The user manual states that I can turn on/off HDR in the game. however the option is not present in Video/Advanced. 5. The Level of Detail has extreme lag, there can go anywhere from 10-60 sec before a sceen is at the higest LOD. I can catch up with the LOD by running. (moving from High LOD to Low LOD with out the game changing LOD) 6. Sometimes it will not recognize the DVD as the original. This is just unacceptable! This is NOT a hardware/Driver problem, i have NO other games that behave like this. This is what it looks like after i have played for some time : http://img248.imageshack.us/my.php?image=armatextureerrorskb3.jpg And this is how it looks like if i restart the game : (comming later) my Spec: XFX Geforce 8800 GTX (97.92) Intel Quad Core Extreme 2.66 Ghz 2 GB DDR800 RAM Extreme Gamer X-Fi soundcard. I run everything in the highest quality@1680x1050