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Posts posted by Hellfire-rty-

  1. If this is not in the right forum please move it to the correct one.

    A big problem in Arma as a whole is the inability to move when reloading or switching weapons, you can do that in real life, I know as I have done it, it is practiced under combat conditions. You would never stop and just stand there when reloading. Is there any indication that this will be corrected or do we just put up with what is an annoyance in an otherwise excellent combat sim.

  2. Our team is in the process of testing a bunch of "revive" maps developed by others. In the games we rely on our team mate to revive us if we are killed, in this instance the one player joined and was able to instantly respawn when he was killed. Of course that detracted from the game as he was able to just run and gun knowing he did not have to rely on others to revive him. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this? is it a hack? god mode command? never seen it before but I don't like it as it spoils the team play for the others.

  3. Our team is in the process of testing a bunch of "revive" maps developed by others. In the games we rely on our team mate to revive us if we are killed, in this instance the one player joined and was able to instantly respawn when he was killed. Of course that detracted from the game as he was able to just run and gun knowing he did not have to rely on others to revive him. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this? is it a hack? god mode command? never seen it before but I don't like it as it spoils the team play for the others.

  4. All I can say is that I have the vista32 home premium and two 8800 GTS with SLI and have had no problems at all with running anything, especially Arma. That said I did try the latest Nvidia beta drivers and immediately had problems, I uninstalled them and went back to the previous drivers and "bingo" no more problems.

  5. I tried the beta yesterday and it caused no end of problems, be very wary with Betas, you are basically being testers for Nvidia. I ended up rolling back the drivers after restarting in safe mode.

    With the beta it got to the point were I SLId the two boards and then it came up and said in order to complete it had to shut down some processes, and that is when the problems started, black screen and nothing short of a hard boot would get me back into safe mode.

  6. Well I just upgraded and have had no problems with Vista 32 bit at all, the game runs okay as do all my other programs, note that I did an upgrade and not a full fresh install so perhaps that is why I get no issues. If anyone is interested I can post the setting I am using. I have two 8800 GTS by the way, in SLI mode.

    system (nothing is OC'd)

    amd 64x2 at 3800

    2 gb ddr 3200 (going to expand to 4gb shortly)

    2 x 8800 gts in sli mode

    windows vista 32 bit home premium

    Running Arma at

    very high for quality preference

    1680x1050x32 at 16.9 wide and 60hz on the monitor

    visibility is at 3236

    terrain, objects, texture shading are all at normal

    postprocess is high

    anisotropic is low

    shadown detail is normal

    antialiasing is low

    blood is low

    I am also using a nostromo N52

    Logitech MX revolution mouse

    G15 keyboard

    and TrackIR4 pro

    Hope this helps

  7. Can you operate the mouse with high heels also ?

    You know, I´m always playing Arma with high heels on

    and I don´t want to loose that feature.

    Can you pls test ?  biggrin_o.gif

    Is there a patch for it already ?

    Will it work on my C 64 ?

    Good one !  biggrin_o.gif

    Please please please say you are a female. biggrin_o.gif

  8. Quote[/b] ]

    The term 'lag' in an offline game is so vague that we cant really help you anyway tounge2.gif

    If you have a low FPS you should tell us your settings, if you have 'mouse lag' then you should force vsync off in your driver settings. (And 'render frames ahead' to 0 if you have coolbits)

    Lag is the term I use for the jerky motion in the game, not the type caused by lousy ISP connections, I have tried VSync off and all the other stuff mentioned in the troubleshooting guide, I am now going to try with just one card active and see if the problem is gone, in that case it will be one GTS 8800 going for sale, unless NVidia comes out with better optimization of the SLI feature.

  9. I have terrible lag both on and off the internet in this game

    AMD 64x2 3800

    Win XP media 2005 edition

    2 x EVGA 8800 gts in sli mode

    2mb of ram at PC3200x400

    700 watt power supply

    I have given up on this game until either the drivers for the video cards are improved or BI puts out a patch that addresses the problems that a lot of us are having. In the meantime it is back to GRAW and Ravenshield Vegas, no lag in those games anyway.

  10. FINALLY WORKED! smile_o.gif

    for those who had the same problem i and the_shadow had i suggest people to this:

    make the backup as they recomend,

    Copy the file cpbo.exe to this folder:

    C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AddOns

    Open the command prompt and type:

    cd\ (enter)

    cd Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AddOns

    now you shouls be on the arma\addons folder.

    With the cpbo.exe in that folder (C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AddOns), you type on the command prompt:

    cpbo.exe -y -e sounds.exe  (enter and it will uncompress)

    next type:

    cpbo.exe -y -e weapons.exe  (enter and it will uncompress)

    you will have 2 new folders in addons, then do the unzip to those folders like they say in the .txt

    Finally i use my computer to make a pbo by right clicking each folder (sounds and weapons). Overwrite all files.

    edit: sorry for double post.

    Thank you, that worked fine after all the problems I had trying to do the extract thing, my problem was the same as the others, all I had come up was the "open" not the "extract", your method worked great. notworthy.gif

  11. I read somewhere that there was a conflict with arma and the x-fi sound card, well there certainly is. I have the x-fi and was getting constant microsoft errors when the game tried to start.

    I had set my x-fi to "entertainment" in the console, and as soon as I set it back to "gaming" everything was back to normal.

    I certainly hope that creative gets a fix for this as I would never have thought of looking there if I had not read it in the forums.
