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While ArmA 3 Alpha doesn't appear to have infinite turning speed, the speed to a 180° turn (or greater) still approaches arcade fantasy speeds for a armored and encumbered infantryman. Kinesiology as applied in Military Science to the study of tactical movement, weapon handling, stress, and marksmanship performance illustrates the disconnect here in ArmA 3 scale. Generally the speed of movement in ARMA 3 feels about right for traversing a handgun, SMG, light carbine or assault rifle for about 40° (or less), at greater angles where the Operator is rotating his torso to the limit of extension, and still greater his hips and legs, and still greater to where he has to improve his stance by stepping -- turning speed should be progressively reduced. It would also be a good measure against arcade movement and 'gaming the game' to have negative acceleration at certain limits to avoid 'snap turns' etc.. Fast head eye movement to improve peripheral view via the ArmA head movement is still available and a much more realistic approach to this -- though even it might be improved by adding dynamic FOV on head/eye axis movement to better model how we see...
You 'don't know why', because I don't use it in 'every reply' -- only those that reference you, and your trolling. To make certain your confusion is allayed I use the word in reference to you because: you are a Troll, a Shill, and you are trolling -- it's a fact, not an insult and again not used in every reply. Oh, so you 'won', congratulations! A life achievement I'm sure... Did you want a special prize? You obviously have a very different definition of the word 'know' then most people that understand the meaning of the word and intend in any context of empiricism... You do realize that your sentence is a sophomoric non-sequitur, that I'm not 'name calling' (you are trolling), and I don't need to 'prove' anything -- the facts exist independent of your ignorance of them, and that your criterion of 'proof' doesn't satisfy anything... Another one of your informal fallacy arguments, that's also a non-sequitur... It's is not 'good' and it's not merely 'lacking features right now'; it's cheap (free actually) and is being used in ArmA primarily for that reason. It's sub-standard in terms of fidelity, has a broken sub-mixer, doesn't do proper distance and geometry culling, doesn't support proper steradian boundary effects and many other capabilities beyond your understanding, rational apprehension and the scope of this thread that are essential to realistic scale audio that can not and never will be supported on Xaudio2... Many? Proves? Obviously, in addition to being a Shill you you don't understand the meaning of 'proof', the insignificance and miss use of 'many'... Some Developer/Publishers choose to use XAudio2 because it's: 1) free, 2) is portable, and is supported by some other tools for reasons 1 and 2... All of which proves nothing other then you're still trolling; keep it coming until you achieve your intended outcome and this Linux thread (and a few others) are locked then you'll disappear from the forum just like you have elsewhere -- and someone will give you a head pat and the recognition you so badly need...
Oh yeah, it's just LOL! So much LOLROTF! I bet you actually LOL'd! First, I didn't call 'people trolls' I called one person a Troll -- which he is; he has virtually no time/posts on this forum, is in abrogation of the forum rules, and did not cite sources for any but one of his counter claims. Second I didn't demand an apology, I said if he wanted citations he'd have to make the effort to approach me privately off this thread (per the forum rules), when that didn't work I suggested an apology; which any polite accountable person would understand... I'm sorry you found them so convoluted and challenging; going forward, I'll try to simplify even more -- just for you... I'm also truly (sarcastically) sorry for not wanting to turn this thread into a Microsoft vs. SGI and the Khronos Group argument, no less a historical recitation of how OpenGL was purloined by the aforesaid, no less another idiot Microsoft vs Linux bottom of the barrel BS fest. Everyone has an opinion and a preference -- but facts are facts and are there for anyone to ascertain that is willing to make the mental effort above and beyond a constantly sanatized Wikipeida. Yup, there's no reason this can't happen and many that it could... Just getting the ArmA games (all of them) off Xaudio and on a decent cross-platform sound renderer, sub-mixer and manager like FMOD would move the game forward to a SOTA audio back-end that would offer enormous dividends going forward that could pay for the cost of an ArmA port, even if ArmA 2 and 3 never were.
Many people, even some with extensive military training behind them never learn how to properly adjust (focus and converge) binocular optics... Adjusted properly it is impossible to perceive anything but a perfect circle unless the binocular instrument in question is damaged or otherwise misaligned, or in some cases of sever facial deformity or injury. Creating correct to-scale ratios of FOV and perceived image size due to eye relief (focal length) is also only possible with masks that are perfect circles; anything else will be grossly broken scale as far as realism is concerned.
Well your confusion problem (a subjective personal issue I might add) could be just as easily, and far more realistically be assuaged by having a realistic and technically correct binocular reticule (as oopsed to the useless and non functional one we have now) on the 'binovision' mask like: ...Or ...Or learning to hit your 'B' key, unaim your rifle, or toggleing your camera view (if you're really that forgetful.... Or, a 'Special Interface' with bright red flashing text reminding you you're looking through a rifle scope, or binoculars, with voice over repeating 'You are looking through binoculars.'... I certainly hope BI doesn't deliberately choose such an approach of dumbed down and broken scale to make the game easy -- by the same logic we could end up with idiot lights, circles and arrows or special colored windows reminding you that you're in a house and not a tank, or even 'better' ArmA 3 will be re-monikered: ArmA Call of DooDoo Medal of Action Super Magic Surprise Prize! :(
Not sure what you mean xyberviri, or that I agree depending on what you mean. I do agree more people should visit the tracker and probably vote more issues then brought them there, as the vote system is obviously heavily skewed and biased toward issues people knew and understood enough to seek a forum topic that linked them there or to find the tracker outright and report or confirm a report. That said I don't think there's anything wrong with getting confirmation from the forum before creating a tracker post or concurrently to doing so. A lot of people new to firearms, serious and scale realism gaming for example are justifiably completely in the dark about a topic like Correct Weapon Handling & Canting, and even if they're seriously browsing the tracker, may blow past a low vote volume issue like this that appears technical or tedious. Having a forum thread to inform and survey interest seems reasonable to me...
I agree, and it's sad to see this topic constantly trolled and shilled (in this thread and others) into a ridiculous Microsoft vs. Linux thread which its Author and proponents clearly did not intend. I'm personally not emotionally invested in Windows, or Linux (I collect Operating Systems), and have zero brand loyalty -- ergo if someone makes a better something I'll buy that one, or both if each offers something the other does not... My only investment in this thread is in hoping that BI its Fan and Supporters recognizes the opportunity cost of a problem > solution approach; that while it may work in code development; as an approach to market, licensure, and venue -- has taken bigger unsuspecting and unprepared companies then BI to their knees with too little too late... Being co-dependent on an onerous (and vulnerable) company like Microsoft for your well being is a lot like trying to get along living near Grizzly Bears by making them your pets -- this only works out until they get hungry, bored, or anxious and regard you as food or in the way... The Microsoft Legal Team has a bigger hourly budget then BI grosses annually and can dispatch a company the size of BI just out of competitive spite, or need of Attorney fees, or boredom faster then a Grizzly can turn a man into strawberry jam -- this isn't conjecture, they've done it, repeatedly... BI is a fantastic company, that builds and supports excellent games like no other Developer/Publisher. They offer expandability, mod tools and very long term support that have made BI games one of the best bangs for the Gamer's buck in existence. It would be tragic to see this jeopardized. Platform portability and agnostic design is a smart long-term hedge; having all your eggs in one basket, in a cave, with hungry bears and 'Soft Target' signs with bright red arrows is never a good idea.
I added to the tracker post notes to keep the recitation there as factual and technically correct as possible... I understand some may have a personal preference that don't reflect the facts, realism, or scale -- but that's not what I intended to present or argue.
Per my tracker post on canting, I wanted to wait to see if anyone actually cared before making a tracker post for Improperly Converged/Depicted Binocular Optics -- don't want to waste BI's time and resources with issues Fans don't even recognize no less care about.
Originally discussed here for ArmA 2 it's still disappointing to see this aspect of realism is again ignored/forgotten or marginalised in ArmA 3. Binocular optics ('Binoculars' and NVG) are still not properly converged in ArmA III. Any properly converged binocular optical instrument, be it: 'Binoculars', NVG, a Binocular Range Finder, or Binocular Periscope will present a perfect peripheral circle not an oval, not to semi converged circles or any other theatrical effects originally created for film... Examples of incorrect, cinematic, fantasy portrayals of binocular view can be seen: here, here, and here... All properly converged binocular instruments present a view like this, and this... Some might remark that realism isn't as important here and being able to use more screen real estate on wide aspect ratio displays; in that case a clipped circle would offer more viewable area and still portray a more aesthetic realism -- two illustrations of that can be executed be seen here and here... It would be nice to see ArmA III present realistic optical aesthetics and limitations of FOV... As well, but perhaps better approached in another topic; it would be nice to see some of the of the optical displacement and magnification effects of NVG realistically portrayed in ArmA III as the means to do so are already in the game... Vote the technical recitation here on the Arma III Tracker...
For many just a port of the original ArmA to *nix would be the 'killer game' as far as the GNU *nix platform was concerned. It appears that few posting to this thread have been around long enough to experience the quality, depth, and sheer volume of content, mod assets and Fan created tools for ArmA that in many cases raise it to feature and aesthetic parity with ArmA 2, in some regards ArmA 3, and some even surpassing that... As well, the many development forks in the BI Real Virtuality engine could benefit from concurrent Linux port work on the RV2 iteration of the engine and the kind of of source level exploration that comes out of a full-on port, even if these iterations of the engine are never ported. Few Developer/Publishers understand long term, deferred gratification and benefit that comes out of 'slow burn' support for a dedicated productive community the way BI does, so this would seem a perfect fit. The win:win benefit of co-opting Linux Fans and Developers may be appear to offer small return due to the apparent size of the audience; but really productive talent has always been just a tiny minority of people that actually get real work done and in turn gets people excited and things moving en masse...
Incorrect, it's a custom AMD part, with custom features -- the GPU core is not compatible with any of the E, A, and C series AMD APUs driver interface. Dwarden, I think you are right, it has been so long since the offer came over the bow, I'd long lost track... But if there's anything out there still standing in the way of ArmA Linux offers it could be a great revenue opportunity for BI to get some preeminence on the Steam/Linux platform, leverage the enthusiasm and commitment of Linux Developers, renew and leverage the value the enormous ArmA asset wealth BI has via its Fans, Mod Developers and mod support sites, as well offer a good test and asset hedge against what may loom in the way of future licensing costs, limitations and restrictions that may prevail by developing exclusively for Microsoft.
It does not 'mount a card' DirectX or otherwise it incorporates an APU that has some feature parity with AMD GCN 'cards' -- though it is not a 'card', is not the same architecture, and does not offer the same backplane or driver interface as the products from which it was derived... :eek:
The first citation was on your forums and can be found here from 2009 following Svartalf, one of the Developers at LGP that had contacted BI about the possibility of doing a port of ArmA... There was a thread that seems MIA where someone from Phoronix and Svartalf both posted indicating they'd received no reply from BI, with BI Fans speculating that it was because BI would be taking a risk sharing code and assets with an third-party... It has also been indicated in many leaked Microsoft emails, and by second party reports from Developers that used to work on DirectX -- that DirectX it is no longer under active development... Of course there are stories like this one but if you've been a Parter with, or followed this company for more then a decade you know by now it's good to hedge your bets on Microsoft's mixed, vague, boiler-plate PR messages as very few leaks there are accidental...
Are not libraries I forgot, they're Windows APIs and libraries that you don't understand. BI would not need to create the APIs; their analogues already exist in better form on Linux with better documentation and the amount of code required to port existing game assets to use them is small. In the case of audio XAudio2 and X3DAudio are terrible APIs and are impossibly bad software post-processing and sub-mixing that ArmA Fans have been complaining about and pining for FMOD for years... No, you don't understand what a render backplane is, or how it's written... No, you do the waiting, and while you're: learn to read, write and think clearly, understand sentence structure and notice the noun in parenthesis (Steam). The only one implying Linux has 87% market-share is you. You might also make an honest effort at staying on topic -- but clearly those are three concepts that escape you entirely... Yes, I do; you don't understand how to ask an honest question. And for the record, Steam has no intention of building their own hardware, it will just be a target design that may not even be licensed...