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Posts posted by Hardtale

  1. Hi, just picked up an 8800GT and ran into the fog issue that from what I gathered is a DX10 card issue.

    I thought at one point I read that there was a driver that worked around this but didn't pay that much attention since I was using a 7950 at the time.

    Can anyone give me an idea of which driver version it was or was I just mistaken and need to wait on 1.09 patch from BI?

    Currently using:

    Version: 169.02

    Release Date: October 31, 2007

    Other than the fog Arma seems to be running fine.

  2. I'm a complete noob to mission/script editing and even I didn't get confused about who originally wrote it (thanks Blanco).

    I also appreciate that someone took the time to add the extra notes in regards on how they might get it to work ...ala Satexas69. Stuff like that helps us new to editing while doing a Search for relevant information.

    So Satexas worded his post wrong, at least he got it right in the "code sample" which IMO is where it really counts.

    Anyway, I got the searchlights to somewhat function using GAMELOGIC Triggers and a DoWatch script that I found elsewhere (no, I didn't write and take no credit at all for it).
