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Everything posted by Hadrian

  1. Hadrian

    Recon Operations

    Sled, question. How long have you been modding/mission making and how many releases have you made? Little tip of advice incase your still as new as I think. No matter what you do, what you release, what you dont do or release, your going to get slammed down. Your team will be ripped apart on forums. You cant stop it, there are always little punks who WANT to do what you CAN, but have absolutely no capability at all. Now most people would just say they wish they could do what you do, but these punks instead try and tear you down to make themselves feel better. So instead of acting, quite frankly, like a immature two year old screaming around here and there, act like a mature addon maker/mission scripter. Otherwise, you give your detractors exactly what they want, yuor demise as a member of the OFP community and even though I have yet to play it, I can see potential with Recon Ops. So calm down, let the punk guests post what they want, let them try and rip you and your team down, just keep doing what you love to do, wich is making missions for OFP.
  2. Hadrian

    Recon Operations

    Sled, question. How long have you been modding/mission making and how many releases have you made? Little tip of advice incase your still as new as I think. No matter what you do, what you release, what you dont do or release, your going to get slammed down. Your team will be ripped apart on forums. You cant stop it, there are always little punks who WANT to do what you CAN, but have absolutely no capability at all. Now most people would just say they wish they could do what you do, but these punks instead try and tear you down to make themselves feel better. So instead of acting, quite frankly, like a immature two year old screaming around here and there, act like a mature addon maker/mission scripter. Otherwise, you give your detractors exactly what they want, yuor demise as a member of the OFP community and even though I have yet to play it, I can see potential with Recon Ops. So calm down, let the punk guests post what they want, let them try and rip you and your team down, just keep doing what you love to do, wich is making missions for OFP.