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Posts posted by Hit_Sqd_Ack

  1. If it's a Linux server you have to convert all your maps into linux format. There should be a button to convert them after you have uploaded your map. You should have a page to stop the server and ofp watch, on that page there is the conversion button. It's what I have to do for any maps that I upload.


    It could be that you used an addon that the server is not hosting, but to my knowledge the Anderson DM only uses core addons, I think. Well it's good to know anyway.

    - Ack

  2. *UPDATED* December 30th 2004

    What is this? It's a template for you to use to create missions. I was not intending to release this to anyone but the people who had the server addons but since I had so many requests I thought I'd share. Below are a list of features and a readme. Matt was nice enough to host this for me.

    Merry X-Mas,

                      Ack (charlie_spruce@hotmail.com)

    Section 3. Features

    Custom Objective Complete Sound

    Custom Drop crate Sound – Ammo crate that drops out of a C130 via radio

    BAS Crew Config Script – Faceshields, Visor

    Ammo Crates respawn if destroyed

    Dead Units delete once they are killed

    1 Crew Member can repair up to 20 different vehicles on the map that you choose

    Snipers or anyone you desire can carry multiple weapons

    Helicopters have a dust script attached to them

    All west players can use revive respawn on each other

    GPS system for West

    Day / Night Variable

    East uses Artillery on you every once in a while

    West will call out for medics once they are shot

    12 Objectives fully scripted for you to complete

    scoped and nonscoped west and east ammo crates

    1 custom West flag, 2 custom East flags – Crappy job I know, but the West flag looks okay I think.

    Random Weather

    Ack’s Google Template Updated: December 28th 2004

    Addons you will need:

    Ack’s Google Template

    Dropcrate & C130 Zip

    And the

    BAS Addons

    Section 1. FAQ:

    Q: Who are you? Who helped? Where can I play more maps that use this template?

    A: Charlie Spruce “Ack†from Tampa, I am a Server Admin for Fraghaus OFP, so come join us. You can use OFP Watch to find us and get our addons. Special thanks is listed at the end of this document.

    Q: Why the name“Google�

    A: Because with this template you can create missions in many ways without every having the same effect over and over again. Below I will be a list of the things you can do to change it up.

    Q: What can I do with this?

    A: It is a basic setup for you to use to create missions, so you don’t have to keep opening up different maps and copying and pasting scripts or units over and over again, or if you don’t know much about scripting you can use this because I have done most of it for you.

    Q: Why did you make this?

    A: Because I know how frustrating it can be for someone who doesn’t know how to script something or know where to look but has all these great ideas for missions. I wanted to give you something that would make things easier for you.

    Q: Did you create all these scripts?

    A: God no, I barely have time to play OFP much make a mission these days, I’m 28 years old, I have a career. I simply made this template for my buddies to use so that they could make missions because I don’t have time anymore for it. All I did was take other peoples scripts and put them all together, it was pretty easy actually.

    Q: Have you ever done anything like this before?

    A: Yes back when OFP first came out I made an Island called Ackropolis. I really wanted to update it but I just didn’t have time, so instead I ended up helping other people out.

    Section 2. Files that come with this:

    google_template (soviets).Intro – BAS troops vs. regular Soviet Units

    google_mission_example (soviets).Abel – Example Mission, regular Soviet Units

    (*Warning* for the other missions you will need additional addons, I didn’t intend to share this with anyone that didn’t have the Fraghaus addons)

    google_template_jam (soviets).Intro – BAS vs. Jam Soviet Infantry

    google_template_jam (rebels).Intro– BAS vs. BAS Rebels


    google_template (soviets).Intro – BAS troops vs. regular Soviet Units

    Spawn Command: East, 1985

    Addons required to load:











    google_mission_example (soviets).Abel – Example Mission, regular Soviet Units

    Spawn Command: East, 1985

    Addons required to load:














    google_template_jam (soviets).Intro – BAS vs. Jam Soviet Infantry

    -The Spawn Manager for this Mission is setup to spawn JAM Soviet Infantry, and JAM Soviet Spetznas.

    Spawn Command: East, 1985

    Addons required to load:




















    google_template_jam (rebels).Intro– BAS vs. BAS Rebels

    -The Spawn Manager for this Mission is setup to spawn BAS Rebels.

    Spawn Command: East, BAS_Deltas

    Addons required to load:






















    Section 3. Features

    Custom Objective Complete Sound

    Custom Drop crate Sound – Ammo crate that drops out of a C130 via radio

    BAS Crew Config Script – Faceshields, Visor

    Ammo Crates respawn if destroyed

    Dead Units delete once they are killed

    1 Crew Member can repair up to 20 different vehicles on the map that you choose

    Snipers or anyone you desire can carry multiple weapons

    Helicopters have a dust script attached to them

    All west players can use revive respawn on each other

    GPS system for West

    Day / Night Variable

    East uses Artillery on you every once in a while

    West will call out for medics once they are shot

    12 Objectives fully scripted for you to complete

    scoped and nonscoped west and east ammo crates

    1 custom West flag, 2 custom East flags – Crappy job I know, but the West flag looks okay I think.

    Random Weather

    Section 4. Installation

    1. Place all the files in your User Mission Directory with all your other missions you have made.

    2. Load up: google_template (soviets).Intro

    3. You will see that I have already labeled everything for you; all the triggers are setup to exclude the spawning of the men.

    Section 5. Spawning East

    There are two Spawn Scripts that I used for this –

    Dr. Doolittle’s Spawn Manager


    Dr. Strangelove’s (weird how they both have PhD’s)

    How do they differ?

    Dr. Doolittle’s Spawn Manager – Use this to spawn East Vehicles, not infantry or you will use up your east groups quick. You want to save your groups for snipers and for vehicles.

    Basically what this script does is delete objects or vehicles off the map and spawn them in later, you might want to test this out if your using addons, or you will need to edit the unit.sqs and unitcreate.sqf files for the correct crew members to spawn in the vehicles or when they spawn in they will have a driver and 2 crew members running around the tank. So try and use basic units don’t use a resistance tank with this or your guys will not start in the tank. You can edit this though if you wish. I’m working on it this weekend so you should have a res version soon.

    Okay just below the objective triggers you’ll see another trigger much bigger than the others. Place a tank inside and run the mission, you’ll see that at the beginning of the mission it’ll delete the tank, and what ever objective you decide to link it too will make the vehicle spawn when desired. This is great because you can place one tank down and then put 6 of the same trigger over the tank, and it will spawn 6 tanks! You can also use waypoint and move commands with this. I like to make them spawn in half way through a battle by putting a time delay on them, so that when someone is half way through taking a town, all of a sudden their tanks get flanked by some t-80’s it really stirs up things.

    Be Aware that I have altered this script to be much harder: See below

    _type createUnit [_pos, _group, "unit = this", 0.80, "MAJOR"];

    “80†is the number of how hard they are when they spawn in, you can edit this in the unitcreate.sqf

    Dr. Strangelove’s – This is the key to everything, you can spawn as many men as you want where ever you want any time you want with this. I won’t go into explaining how to spawn the men but I will tell you how to have them spawn from objects delayed.

    In the objective 1 trigger once you open it up you’ll see that it runs my “obj1.sqs†file that changes the flags, reveals the second objective, changes the flag and plays a little nifty mission complete sound. What you will do is past the following in here.

    ["east"","1985",getpos (object 87617),12,100,5,2,6,getpos p1,(object 87617)] exec "spawnman.sqs";

    Let’s break this down:

    East – What side is used?

    1985 – Is the selection of troops to spawn (If you want to change this open up the spawnman.sqs and scroll all the way down till you see the 1985 section)

    getpos (object 87617) – This is the object the units are going to spawn from (Make sure they match)

    12 – How many soldiers are in group?

    100 – How many meters out from P1 are they going to patrol, in this case its 100 Meters

    5 – How many seconds the group will pause between patrol points?

    2 – How many respawns

    6 - How many dead in a group to trigger a respawn

    getpos P1 – Patrol Position (You can change this to the player’s name “S1†or “Opsgroup†or name it another object if you wish.

    (object 87617) – This is the object the units are going to spawn from (Make sure they match)

    exec “spawnman.sqs†– Executes the spawnman script with these parameters


    If you scroll all the way into the map and you click on “Show I.D.’s†you will see numbers appear on the objects on the map. This is the number you should use in the trigger above. (It’s off on the right hand side of the map if you didn’t already know)

    Basically what I do is I look at the objects on the second’s objective and copy down the numbers of the objects of where I want them to spawn and then I go back to the 1st objective trigger and paste it in there. You can paste multiple lines of this so you can spawn 3 groups of twelve from 3 different buildings, bushes, etc... The only draw back to this is you must spawn them from objects already on the map so on the desert island template they do not spawn that is why I put in a mission example for you to view.

    Section 6. Other goodies

    T80 and Crew

    Also on the map you will see a T-80 and a crew out. Basically they are on a West Detected by East trigger. You can copy this as many time as you want for your objectives. When you are detected they will hop in the tank.


    The Snipers are actually soldiers set to do not move, do not form up, and stand always. They are great for ambushing. You can freely place them on top of buildings already on the map and they will stay there the entire time.

    Helo Insertion

    I put in a Helo Insertion that my buddy Zulu created, it works about 90% of the time, if your guys don’t jump out on the landing, then move the landing pad a few feet over, I rarely have a problem with this. (Uses the Helo Dust Script)

    2 Weapon Script

    After 30 Seconds you will see that you can pick up a weapon any time you want. You can edit the weapon in the gun.sqs


    Unfortunately I could only get this to work with 1 guy for now until I get more time later to mess with it. Your crew member can fix any thing you wish. Simply rename the vehicle “tank1†through “tank20â€.

    More FAQ’s:

    Q: How can I change the infantry that spawn?

    A: Well the first thing you must do is the change the infantry on the map to what ever you want to spawn. There are two reasons why you do this. First off you must always have the “Officer†as the dummy group as dictated by the spawnmanager script. The second reason you create dead dummy guys is because this reduces lag.

    1. If the man is already on the map the mission and ofp engine will not use very much power to create this if the instance is already on the map. So change the Officer to what ever kind of Officer you want, and the “dead infantry group†to what ever you want.

    2. Next you will need “save†then “alt-tab†and open up your mission.sqm file and your spawnman.sqs file. In the mission you will now search for the infantry you just placed on the map. For Example if you were looking for Suchy’s Infantry you would use the “find or replace†command and look for “SUCHâ€, or if it was SEB Infantry you’d look for “SEBâ€, etc… Most infantry types are already used in the spawnman.sqs so please scroll to the bottom of it and look first. The only reason I edited the SEB Vietnam script was because I wanted it to pull from all the Vietnam guys and not just 6 types. I did this with the BAS milita “civilians†and used all 24 of them in the spawnman.sqs and it looks really nice, totally random every time, very realistic.

    3. Now you will copy and past the name of the soldier “ESoldier†for example into the spawnman.sqs over an older soldier. You can do this for all of them, just make sure you have at least 1 dead one on the map to reduce lag. This works also if you are spawning in Vehicles with the Doolittle script. It’s not a bad idea to lay out 1 empty C130 also if you are going to be using the dropcrate script as well.

    Q: How do I use the Sniper group you have put in?

    A: Always remember this if you place the man on an object that is already on the map, say a roof, he will start out on top of that object and not move or lay down. He will turn some times if he detects west, but he will always start on any object already on the map. If you try and put him on an object you added into the map then he will start inside of it. If you wish to put him in an object like this or in a window I’d suggest you use the “setposâ€command. I will place a sniper like this on the map for you in the template.

    Q: What if I don’t want to set it to where “East not present†sets off the objective trigger?

    A: This is easy, put 1 sniper from the group in each of the objects. Then change each objective trigger to 200 X 200 Meters and change it to East , Not Present. Then once you have gone in there and wiped out all the infantry that spawned and the 1 guy you put in there in the start it’ll trigger the next trigger. See you put the sniper group member in there so that it does not set off in the very beginning.

    Q: How do I edit what weapons are in the crates?

    A: Open up one of these files:

    Rangercrate_nonscoped.sqs – West BAS Weapons, Non-Scoped

    Rangercrate_scoped.sqs – West BAS Weapons, Scoped

    Sovietcrate_nonscoped.sqs – East Weapons, Non-Scoped

    Sovietcrate_scoped.sqs – East Weapons, Scoped

    Now that it is open lets examine this for a moment and break it down:

    _crate addweaponCargo ["BAS_JM4desEOTech", 8]

    crate – object (don’t ever change)

    addweaponcargo – where it is going (don’t’ ever change)

    “BAS_JM4desEOTech†– Weapon that is in the crate

    8 – Amount of weapons that are in there (There is a limit of the number of weapons and magazines you can put in a crate I think it’s like 2000 or something, but always keep it realistic, don’t put 20000 rifles and 99999 magazines in a crate.

    Q: I want to add more markers, the mission calls for more than 12 players

    A: I have already written out a nice marker.sqs for you, all you need to do is open it and take a look at how it is laid out and name objects on the map that name and the marker will follow them around the map.

    Special Thanks to the following people:

    Dark Nova : Drop Crate Script

    Dr. Stranglelove: Spawn Manager

    Dr. Doolittle: Delay Spawn and Revive Respawn

    Blip: Multipule Rifles

    Jorge F: Revive Respawn

    Key Cat: Group Link II , Marker Script

    Gummi: Weather Changer

    Gandalf 21VB: Repair


    -=BT=- Matty R: Hosting files for me

    OFP Info

    OFP CZ

    All the HS and Fraghaus Members who have had to endure my many failures on the server.

  3. Give me until this weekend and I'll have it all setup for everyone. I'm trying to put together a read me so people (newbs mainly) could easily understand what is needed to do. I had no idea any body wanted anything like this or I would have shared it a long time ago, I only recently found a solution to the spawn men any where, any time, any place, as much as I want.

    - Ack

    So far it has:

    -Revive Respawn Script

    -Crew Members can repair Vehicles that you choose

    -Officer's can call in Ammo Drops (I'll add a Air Strike also for him)

    -Marker Tracking for everyone in your Team

    -12 Objectives (Changes flag from USSR to American / or Iranian to US Flag for Rebel version)

    -Uses Doolittles Spawn Script (You can bypass the maximum number of squads OFP allows with this, I'll show you how I did it in the template.)

    -Uses Dr. Strangelove's Spawn Script (but from objects on the map)

    -Random Time Pass Script

    -Random Weather Script

    -Tank, Helo Shock Dust Scripts

    -Men in towers already elevated

    -Group of 12 that you can reproduce already set for sniping or ambushing set to do not move, set position "up"

    P.S. - Any ideas what I should call this?

  4. Oh, I was just going to make it for fun, I wasn't really planning on releasing it, but if you would like it that's cool. I really just wanted a way for people who don't have the time to learn scripting to be able to make really indepth missions very easily, with little or no lag. As of right now you can have like 1000 infantry on the map and have no lag at all. I really didn't do anything special, it's the people who wrote the scripts, thank them, I just took the time to combine everything. I'll make a read me file and post it up for people to enjoy some time this weekend.

    - Ack

  5. Correction: Dr Strange Love's Spawn Manager

    SITUATION: I started off wanting to make a template for players to use that knew nothing about scripting, so all they would have to do is move markers and triggers around and infantry or vehicles where they wanted. I know a lot of people out there have great ideas but just don't have the time to learn the editor. But now I have come to a speed bump.

        With the normal "Dr Strangelove" Spawn Manager you have them spawn from an object, and they spawn just fine in SP/MP games. But what I did was I took it one step further, I hooked it into a template where at each objective the East Soldier, walks about 5 feet on a syncrinizing from the objective and spawns the men from that end waypoint. By doing this it lets me put enormous amounts of men on the map. This is also combined with "Doolittle’s Spawn on Demand" Script for Vehicles, unfortunately the AI that spawn don't react to the player like the BAS men that spawn do, that is why I'm using both.

    THE PROBLEM: When I link the spawn to the waypoints, it works fine in the editor but when I put them in a MP game instead of spawning 12 guys at each of the 3 East Soldiers; it spawns about 14 guys at the 3 guys. I have tried putting delays, etc... But still between 12 and 14 guys appear each time, not 36 infantry.

        Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. If you have time and would like me to post an example you can look at let me know. I had a buddy look at it already but he could not figure it out either.

    - Hit Sqd Ack -

    - Fraghaus Admin -


    -Move (Paused for Objective 1)

    -Objective 1 Complete

    -Esoldier exec his waypoint

    -Moves 10 meters away, stops and exec Dr Strangelove's spawnman.sqs

    -Spawns Men

  6. Hit_Sqd_Maximus came to me and asked me if I could do it for you guys. I know a lot about Flash, actually more than I care to admit. If you guys want I can create the basic template and show someone via teamspeak on how to update it with people as time goes on.

    It should take me a few hours to make the lay out and create a blank template for you to update. What your wanting is actually very easy to create in Flash 5.

    Please provide me with the graphics you want me to use and be as detailed as possible as to what you would like it to look like. Maybe make me something in photoshop if you are so gifted with that knowledge.

    - Ack (Charlie)


  7. All,

    I have started using Doolittle's Spawn script that basically deletes all the vehicles in the trigger and spawns them back, pretty simple huh? Well when the AI spawns back in, they are total newbs. I have looked but I can't find where to adjust the skill of the units that are spawned back in. I have contacted the author of the script but he does not respond to anyone's e-mails.

    I think this might be it:

    unit = objNull;

    _type createUnit [_pos, _group, "unit = this", 0.35, "MAJOR"];

    if (_type != "SoldierECrew") then {

    unit setBehaviour "SAFE";

    Is the "0.35" the skill of the unit to be created? Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks

    - Hit Squad Ack [FHA]

    Scripts listed below:


    comment "By Doolittle";

    private ["_type", "_pos", "_group", "_magazine", "_weapon"];

    _type = _this select 0;

    _pos = _this select 1;

    _group = _this select 2;

    unit = objNull;

    _type createUnit [_pos, _group, "unit = this", 0.35, "MAJOR"];

    if (_type != "SoldierECrew") then {

    unit setBehaviour "SAFE";


    unit setCombatMode "RED";

    unit setSpeedMode "LIMITED";

    if (random 1 < 0.3) then {

    unit setFormation "COLUMN";


    unit addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this exec "killed.sqs"}];

    unit addEventHandler ["Hit", {_this select 0 exec "captive.sqs"}];

    if (random 1 < 0.1) then {

    unit switchMove "StandToSitDown";


    _magazine = [];

    _weapon = [];

    if (_type == "OfficerE") then {

    unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this select 0 fire ["Throw", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"]; _this select 0 removeAllEventHandlers "Fired"}];

    _magazine = ["SteyrMag", "SteyrMag", "SteyrMag", "SteyrMag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell"];

    _weapon = ["Steyr", "Binocular"];


    if (_type == "SoldierELAW") then {

    _magazine = ["HKG3Mag", "HKG3Mag", "HKG3Mag", "HKG3Mag", "RPGLauncher", "RPGLauncher", "RPGLauncher"];

    _weapon = ["HKG3", "RPGLauncher"];


    if (_type == "SoldierEMedic") then {

    _magazine = ["HKG3Mag", "HKG3Mag", "HKG3Mag", "HKG3Mag"];

    _weapon = ["HKG3"];


    if (_type == "SoldierESniper") then {

    _magazine = ["HuntingRifleMag", "HuntingRifleMag", "HuntingRifleMag", "HuntingRifleMag"];

    _weapon = ["HuntingRifle"];


    if (_type == "SoldierESaboteurPipe") then {

    _magazine = ["UZIMag", "UZIMag", "UZIMag", "UZIMag", "PipeBomb", "PipeBomb", "PipeBomb", "GlockMag", "GlockMag", "GlockMag", "GlockMag"];

    _weapon = ["UZI", "NVGoggles", "Glock"];


    if (_type == "SoldierEB") then {

    _magazine = ["FALMag", "FALMag", "FALMag", "FALMag", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade"];

    _weapon = ["FAL"];


    if (random 1 < 0.5 and count _weapon > 0) then {

    "unit removeMagazine _x" forEach magazines unit;

    "unit removeWeapon _x" forEach weapons unit;

    "unit addMagazine _x" forEach _magazine;

    "unit addWeapon _x" forEach _weapon;

    unit selectWeapon primaryWeapon unit;



    ;By Doolittle

    ?not local Server : exit


    _list = _this select 0

    _trigger = _this select 1

    _vehicletype = []

    _crewtype = []

    _pos = []

    _group = []

    _i = 0


    _obj = _list select _i

    _vehicletype = _vehicletype + [typeOf vehicle _obj]

    _crew = []

    "_crew = _crew + [typeOf _x]" forEach crew _obj

    _crewtype = _crewtype + [_crew]

    _pos = _pos + [[getPos _obj select 0, getPos _obj select 1, 0]]

    _group = _group + [group _obj]

    "_x exec ""delete.sqs""" forEach crew _obj

    vehicle _obj exec "delete.sqs"

    _i = _i + 1

    ?_i < count _list : goto "load"

    _count = count list _trigger



    ?count list _trigger == _count : goto "empty"

    _i = 0


    _vtype = _vehicletype select _i

    _ctype = _crewtype select _i

    ?_vtype == _ctype select 0 : [_vtype, _pos select _i, _group select _i] call unitcreate; goto "next"

    _vehicle = _vtype createVehicle (_pos select _i)

    _vehicle addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this exec "killed.sqs"}]

    ?_vtype == "ParachuteEast" : _vehicle setPos [getPos _vehicle select 0, getPos _vehicle select 1, 135]


    _j = 0


    _unit = [_ctype select _j, _pos select _i, _group select _i] call unitcreate

    ?isNull _unit : goto "next"

    ?_vtype == "M2StaticMG" or _vtype == "M2StaticMGE" : _vehicle exec "mg.sqs"; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; goto "next"

    ?_j == 0 : _unit moveInDriver _vehicle; goto "continue"

    ?_j == 1 and (_ctype select _j == "SoldierECrew" or _ctype select _j == "SoldierEPilot") : _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; goto "continue"

    ?_j == 2 and _ctype select _j == "SoldierECrew" : _unit moveInCommander _vehicle; goto "continue"

    _unit moveInCargo _vehicle


    _j = _j + 1

    ?_j < count _ctype : goto "move"



    _i = _i + 1

    ?_i < count _vehicletype : goto "create"
