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Posts posted by Hit_Sqd_Ack

  1. If any of you have played with this addon you'll receive a nice big error upon loading. I depbo'd it this morning, no more errors. General_NS gets full credit for this addon, all I did was fix the config file. Change log is below. - Ack "Charlie"

    Change Log: 6-28-08

    class CfgAmmo was incorrect

    class CfgMagazines was missing data

    class Mode_SemiAuto was missing data

    class Mode_Burst: Mode_SemiAuto was missing data

    class Mode_FullAuto: Mode_SemiAuto was missing data

    Download #1

    Download #2

    *Screen Shot*

  2. Looks good, I like the variety. However you need to add the slanted pockets on the shoulders as well as put a dog tag in the boot. Maybe throw the name tap on the fanny pack as well as the rank centered on the flak vest. Since Lance Corporal is the largest rank out of the 225,000 Marines I would sugest making your basic rifleman this rank but it's really your preferance. Just trying to help. Other than that I'll be downloading them to have some fun.

    Example: http://s204.photobucket.com/albums....MP3.jpg

    - Ack


  3. As some of you know I have been making mods for games since I was in the Marines playing Rogue Spear on the weekends. I am very thankful to you and everyone else who has enjoyed the many addons, mods, missions and music I've made for games like Operation Flashpoint, Armed Assault, Rogue Spear, Empire Earth, Star Wars Galaxies, Ghost Recon, Soldiers: Hero's of World War II, etc....

    I never did any of this for personal satisfaction, the satisfaction I got was from hearing how much "you" enjoyed what I made or how you wanted to see this made and I'd do it for you. That is what has always driven me; you the consumer.

    But due to some things that have happened in the past 8 weeks I don't think I will be able to focus and work on any of this or any other mods for games ever again.

    (My Fathers health is deteriorating and he will not live for much longer; and I came home to an empty house to find a note from my girlfriend of 5 years saying that she was not happy and wanted to move back to California, if anyone wants to TP her house for me I’d appreciate it, she lives in Sacramento)

    I have lost the taste for video games and I have not played since that time. Moreover my new $2000 computer I bought just for ArmA sits in the corner collecting dust and I've sold all my games, joysticks, etc... Except for ArmA in the hope that I’ll want to play it again one day. I am very sorry but I have just lost all my drive to do anything. I will talk to Average Joe and Deanos and some others about turning over everything that I've done to someone who is mature and can complete things.

    I have 100's of textures for civilians, military projects completed... I just never finished the configs for them. I really wish I could complete all of this for you but someone else will have too in my absence. Who ever takes over will have most of the work done for them so if it's a team you should see the things very shortly. My main choice would be the Crime City guys but they are more scripters, they have a surprise for you but I don't want to spoil it and ruin their thunder. I promise you it will move the earth when you get to play it, think evolution but as Cops and Robbers.

    I am so happy that I could have been apart of this community and to have brought some enjoyment to your game play through the SWAT stuff or in the old days of Ackropolis on Karrillions server. And if you are one of those young addon makers out there who has all these ideas but you don't know where to begin, never give up, talk to people that know stuff and learn and grow from them and one day you'll be right up there and a jack of all trades. Just don't give up this game needs you and your ideas even if it's a Star Wars Lego Mod, Dinosaurs etc...

    Very Respectfully,

    Charlie "Ack"


  4. If you are looking for tougher AI but do not want to have them be crack shots, download my heavy bank robbers or heavy swat. They take 3 headshots, or 13 shots to the arms or 20 shots to the chest to kill. It's not for everyone but some people requested it.

    - Ack


  5. @ Charles - I don't want to ruin the surprise but something is in the works. Again I dont' want to ruin it but I promise you will be happy. The only hint I will give you is "GOL Clan". Warning you, this is a spoiler if you figure it out.

    - Ack biggrin_o.gif

    P.S. - I seriously need some help so if anyone knows anything about modeling, texturing, etc.... please contact me. I don't care if you only know how to model basic objects that will be fine, thank you.

  6. @Wardude - It does not matter if a Law Enforcement Officer is guarding an Airport, a Hospital, etc.... They are sworn LEO's that can arrest you. They deserve just as much respect as any other LEO that does Patrol.

    The Dallas Sheriff's Office does do Detention Duty, in addition they serve warrants, etc... Which is pretty dangerous in my opinion?

    In other states Sheriff's Offices do Patrol such as in Tampa Florida. All of the Police there only patrol down town Tampa. All of the other suburbs are patrolled by the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Department.

    I think you do a disservice to LEO's by telling the ones that guard the Jails that they aren't real cops.

    - Ack

    P.S. - The Sheriffs that I have created are Los Angeles County, not Dallas County. They and the Uniformed Officers won't be out until I have time to do the rvmats.
