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Everything posted by Hamza

  1. Im sorry for being a total newbie but where do you put those code samples. Im trying to make an unit radio something when a trigger is activated but nothing happens. Trigger East/present on activation: leader alpha sidechat "monkey" there is a unit grouped as alpha
  2. Hamza

    Intros cutscenes

    I am also having troubles with them cameras in movies. I dont have any clue about how to use scripts so im trying with those triggers. As I set the camera to zoom in on a unit it zooms to close on their legs and not on their face. Is there any way to adjust the hight on the trigger or camera to make it look right? I suck at scripting. On joltans post I dont understand what those number are eg: camera = "camera" camcreate [10483.03,10058.88,72.89] _camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"] And where do i type all this?