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Everything posted by Hornet85

  1. Hornet85

    Mcnool's pacific island

    you nead promision from BIS first to edit it
  2. Hornet85

    Mcnool's pacific island

    hey i talked whit Deadmeat on IRC a wille back and he told me that its OK to use BAS things as long as you leav them unedited  Deadmeat = BAS Member
  3. Hornet85

    Cuba v2

    We will have look on that Sorry if you got a virus
  4. Hornet85

    A wall addon

    i cant see it so hear you got a new one
  5. Hornet85

    Ar-15 base

    o realy nice love it The GW2 MOD is looking for some good modelers join up and yes you are a good modeler Gulf War 2 MOD
  6. Hornet85

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    ni i just starterd my work on it so its not ingame right now but plz give the link to uss
  7. Hornet85

    Gw2 mod

    thanks m8 that made me worm inside
  8. Hornet85

    Gw2 mod

    that is what we was thinking of m8 but thanks
  9. Hornet85

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    ok some of the things that you might see in the MOD all are erly betas but not the M4 they are from Inq (and no the UH is not from SEB NAM or any other MOD)
  10. Hornet85

    Gw2 mod

    ok some of the things that you might see in the MOD all are erly betas but not the M4 they are from Inq (and no the UH is not from SEB NAM or any other MOD) And we will work whit IM:UC to make a realy good mod so from now on we are IM:UC not GW2
  11. Hornet85

    Gw2 mod

    yes we nead texture artists, sound tec, cpp writers and modelers bad and later on mission makers and scripters
  12. Hornet85

    New island in progress

    and abut 100% lag if its going to be that big not for MP games
  13. Hornet85

    Long son island - version 2 released.

    nice work m8 realy nice... Love your islands
  14. Hornet85

    Long son island - version 2 released.

    nice work m8 realy nice... Love your islands
  15. Hornet85

    Mapfact discussion thread

    that will be nice for an Eaglenest kind of mission Or wy not a CTH MP mission wooow love it
  16. Hornet85

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    use the BAS one that came out!? and if you guys nead any healp whit making the gear and shit for the troopers give me call
  17. Hornet85

    Flashpoint 2004

    Do we have other options? Yeah. We attack BI studieos in The Cehzch repulic and interrigate Suma and Maruk and all the workers. Or if that dont work. We attack Codemaster HQ (London i thinks???) and interrigate the owner. Anyway. My plans have a lot of attacking. :p The Cehzch repulic and the UK just whent in to a RED ALERT
  18. Hornet85

    Codeblue mod update

    will it be long time for a demo or a beta or will you only give out the MOD ones? I love your work m8´s
  19. Hornet85

    Any mission making groups?

    Edit: To late
  20. Hornet85

    Unsung - updates

    I will love that
  21. Hornet85

    New star wars thread

    this is really swet
  22. Hornet85

    Vietnam collaboration

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels is it still alive?? Ye Drow its a g8 idea
  23. Hornet85

    New star wars thread

    i love it i love it you know i love it
  24. Hornet85

    Irish army

    hello guys you cant make an Irish MOD whit out the IRA will newer work but the IRA on the east side and the UK and Irish Armys on west and Res and then Police and Civilians om Civilians what do you guys think abut that?
  25. Hornet85

    Unsung - updates

    Under work lol yes naked pinups in the bunkers a most have