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Everything posted by HeinBloed

  1. HeinBloed

    Disable mouse acceleration

    Did you have seen the extra part for game settings in the setpoint software?
  2. HeinBloed

    Workaround for flipping Tanks

    I pressed Submit instead of Prieview. Now the post is finished. I did not see any difference in performance on our server or as client. Any Mirrors are very welcome. Our (old) server willl be closed tomorrow, and our new homepage and the domain transfer to the new server takes some more time.
  3. Here are some extended experiences from our server. ArmA Windows dedicated server. Core2Duo E6600, 2GB, 100Mbit custom sounds and faces disabled Signature-checking disabled. BattlEye disabled We are running ArmA and Team Fortress 2 on this server. It does not make any different whether both games running on both cores, or each game on its own core. As long as Arma does not produce the JIP Lag everythin is fine. The ArmA cpu load for one core can reach 100%. It does not matter. If ArmA is running with many players and a JIP mission which produces the JIP Lag, this Lag does not only exist in Arma. This Lag affects Team Fortress 2 in the same way. If we are running a mission like Warefare, Domination or Evolution and players are connecting and disconnecting, it will be impossible to play Team Fortress 2 because of that Lag. Its not the servers Bandwidth. A Player with a 1Mbit connection is producing the JIP Lag. One or more fullspeed downloads with 16Mbit connections does not have any effekt on any game. Team Fortress 2 is also transfering files (up to 40MB) to clients without any effekt on any game, also not if 10 players are connecting on the same time. It looks like Arma is taking controll over some part of the operating system or the hardware.
  4. If you don't like the new KA50 AT Weapon "feature" from ArmA 1.14, you can use this little Addon. Download (1KB) This Addon changes: KA50 AT Weapon can not lock on an aircraft anymore. For full functionality this addon must be installed on server and client. Required: Original Version of Armed Assault 1.14 Knowing bugs: none
  5. HeinBloed

    KA50 AT Weapon Fix for ArmA 1.14

    I like realistic very much. The Vikhr can destroy arcrafts is realistic. But implementing this feature by only changing one config entry from false to true does not mean the result is realistic. There are consequences wich are anynthing but not realistic. For example: The missile missed me, no it did not. Video (752 KB) Three enemy choppers on three different directions (270°- 360° - 90°). Each chopper is 2000 meters away from me, and out of my visual sight. I can destroy all choppers within seconds. I don't have to see the target, I don't have to aim on any target. I'm just pressing TAB - MB1 - TAB - MB1 - TAB - MB1. Video (6,2 MB) One chopper 500 meters away behind me. TAB - MB1 - killed. Video (2,1 MB) There are two effects using this Addon. 1. Addon installed on Server: The Server Ai does not attack flying aircrafts with the Vikhr. Clients can still lock flying aircrafts with the Vikhr. 2. Player side: The Player can't lock flying aircrafts with the Vikhr. Other Players can still lock flying aircrafts with the Vikhr. Its on you to install this Addon. Players with this Addon don't get any advantage.
  6. ForceEnd is a must have for me on missions with a spectating script. My expiriences: If players are using the camera view in the moment the mission ends, the mission does not end very often for one or more from this players, and the server (which has ended the mission) is waiting for ever.
  7. HeinBloed

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    From M1127 Styker specs : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cross Country Speed 20 mps (39 kt) mps = Meters per Second kt = Knot 1 Meters per Second = 3.6 Kilometers per Hour 20 Meters per Second = 72 Kilometers per Hour
  8. This Addon changes: - Sight for under barrel grenadelanchers. Calibrated from 50 to 300 meters. - HE and flare grenades replaced by 5rnd grenade pounch (2 Slots). - Grenadiers equipped with 8 magazines, 4 handgrenades and 4 5rnd grenade pounches. For full functionality this addon must be installed on server and client. Required: Original Version of Armed Assault 1.08+ Download GDTModGrenadier (250kb) Knowing bugs: The secondary (pistol) magazine slots are showing two pictures for every 2-slot magazine (ArmA bug). This addon is not full compatible with other addons with grenadiers. Some grenadiers will get 8 grenade pounches (16 slots).
  9. @Pvt_Parts and everyone else, if you are interested you can modify every part of my work and release it as a new addon. (Credits inside the readme would be nicely.)
  10. Update Leaf sight from M16A2 GL and M16A4 GL turned down. This Models are based on the M16A4_GL from ArmA - Sample models from Bohemia Interactive.
  11. HeinBloed

    Cant binarize p3d mlod model

    Oh yes, now it works. I did't looked at BinPBO, because i thought due to the name BinPBO its only for creating and extracting of pbos. Thank you very mutch Gnat.
  12. Hi, i can't binarize any mlod p3d model. If i start it like described in the readme.txt <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BinMake.exe source_file_path destination_file_pathi get always the error "Unknown argument -o" I'll get the same error if i start it manuely like described in the binMakeRules.txt, which requires the "-o argument" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">binarize.exe -o "$@" "$<" Without the argument "-o" i get hundreds of errors: The p3d mlod model works fine in O2, Bulldozer and ArmA. Any ideas?
  13. HeinBloed

    Attach Satchels to vehicles.

    You can find an Update on the first Post. @Mr Burns , thank you for the bug report. Changelog 1.01 =========================== All crew (except tank crew) will be killed on the explosion. Ther is one strange bug i can not fix: If you can't attach a satchel to a vehicle wich is not empty you have to reveal the vehicle first (default: right mouse button). This happens only with With [Options>Difficulty: "Auto report" = Disabled]
  14. HeinBloed

    Lower Grass

    This Addon will not increase the FPS.
  15. HeinBloed

    Night Vision Goggles, FULL SCREEN

    Here you found some full screen Nightvision textures. You have to change the textures in the weapons.pbo.
  16. HeinBloed

    Eastereggs in ARMA

    Bunny Satchel:
  17. HeinBloed

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Ma FOV (Field Of View) was completly different to 1.05. Today i found the reason: I deleted all Keybindings in ArmA (like i do in every Game). This works fine with 1.05, bot not with 1.07. After changing the setting for the action "Zoom in/out" to default, my FOV was correct again (I dont have any TrackIR):
  18. HeinBloed

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    I have got a 8800GTS. 1. After installing the 1.07Beta patch every time i started Arma it looks like this: There are others missing textures like pictures on the map, pictures and text from the briefing etc. Sometimes the (some) textures are loading after a while. Most times they are loading after switch to desktop or after switching textures detail from low to nornal and from nornal to low. 2. After - about the 3rd time switching to desktop. or - about the 10th time pressing Escape in editor. or - everytime pressing Escape in multiplayer (connected to a server and creating a local multiplayer game) the game switched to receiving.... and receifing...without end. From this time on the harddrive was working until i killed the ArmA prozess. One time i waited 10 minutes befor killing the prozess. The harddrive was working all the time without stop. After changing the texture details to high and restarting the game all this problems seems to be gone.
  19. HeinBloed

    Compass Points

    If you like it, you can use my compass. Download
  20. HeinBloed


    20 player Deathmatch mission. Including Infantry, Tanks and Helicopters. With JIP. Download Armaholic Mirror
  21. HeinBloed

    Space Based Laser

    There was a mission update on Feb the 24.
  22. HeinBloed

    Space Based Laser

    Space Based Laser 20 player Coop mission. - no respawn. - no Join in process. download
  23. HeinBloed

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    My specs: AMD 3700+ 2200MHz @ 2860MHz. 8800gts 640MB (500MHz/800MHz @ 600MHz/900MHz) 2 GB RAM All settings = normal. Except: postprozess = low, shadows = disabled. 1280x1024@75Hz. I also did some tests with testmissions with fixed positions, fixed directions of my view and without any units. I got a FPS increase and decrease. Depending on the situation: 1.02 Â 1.05 Â change 58 Â Â Â 52 Â Â -10% 56 Â Â Â 50 Â Â -11% 42 Â Â Â 44 Â Â +5% 28 Â Â Â 35 Â Â +25% 22 Â Â Â 28 Â Â +27% There is a similarity to my grafic card upgrade from 7800gt to 8800gts. On situations with highest FPS the new grafic card increased the FPS about 30%. On situations with lowest FPS the new grafic card increased the FPS about 140%.
  24. HeinBloed

    Huge drop of FPS

    For me the worst FPS killer in a forest is the Texture detail in combination with the Shading detail. Im running an AMD 3700+ 2200MHz @ 2860MHz. With my old grafic card (7800gt) with Shading detail "Normal" and Texture detail "very low" i had 34 FPS on a testmission (fixed position, fixed direction of view) in the forest. Changing the Shading detail to "low" or "very low" does not increased the FPS very mutch. It was in proportion to the different grafic result. Changing the Texture detail from "very low" to "low" reduced the FPS to 16 FPS. After upgrading to a 8800gts (500MHz/800MHz @ 600MHz/900MHz) i got 44 FPS on this testmission with Texture detail: Normal, Shading detail: Normal. Sometimes i still have massive FPS drops. Mostly at the north part of the island. Using scopes on weapons like the M24, during looking on trees/bushes, can also result in a massive FPS drop. The vield of view is at its minimum, i can only see a bush or tree, but the FPS are reducing from 60 FPS to 20 FPS.