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Hank Hill

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About Hank Hill

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    Private First Class


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  1. Truck is part of the group from the editor, and given to gaia with group this setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["2","MOVE"], true]; . It recognizes it as motorized until the troops actually mount, at which point every unit of the group in MCC indicates the vehicle name, and the marker type on the MCC map disappears. The waypoints then switch to vehicle waypoints (move/sentry). Waiting doesn't sort out the problem (they just park at their destination). If the truck itself hits contact, the troops will dismount and fight however.
  2. One thing to look into for GAIA is how she handles motorized infantry. If I attach a transport truck to a group, the group will get a move order and the leader will mount everyone up: but once everyone is mounted GAIA starts giving the group move/sentry commands and treating it like just a truck, rather than a motorized infantry squad.
  3. Suggestion: With the caching system - If you have a group with a vehicle (mech/mot infantry) and all but group leader are cached, when they are uncached they will be out of the transport. The group leader however will not command them back into the transport, and they will stay dismounted. My suggestion is to code it so if group leader is in a vehicle, the rest of the group is spawned in transport as well.
  4. Don't know if this has been asked/answered already, but is it possible to have zones you place in the BIS editor appear registered in the MCC as gaia zones? What I mean by this, is say I preplace some markers in the editor and task preplaced units to that zone with gaia. When the misson is running and I open MCC, the zone does not appear and I cant drop down the MCC zone selection to select it. Say I wanted to add units and task them to this zone, or move it: this is not possibles since MCC doesn't recognize it. Is there any way around this so I can work with preplaced zones?
  5. How does one incorporate the AiA terrain pack with Zeus to place the cherno structures?
  6. Mod is looking awesome!! Keep up the good work!
  7. It's linked to the transmission / engine RPM somehow I think. Using the below code which simulates a fuel flow gauge, you can watch the rates rise and fall with the shift points. The HEMMT gearbox values from the config are gearBox[] = {-8,0,10,6.15,4.44,3.33}; so this may factor in. while {true} do { _measuretime = .5; _fuelcap1 = (fuel vehicle player); sleep _measuretime; _fuelcap2 = (fuel vehicle player); _deltafuel = (_fuelcap1-_fuelcap2) * (60/_measuretime); hint format["FLOW:%1s",_deltafuel];
  8. I did some testing with scripting, and it looks like the Zamak is actually the broken config entry. Regardless of speed or throttle setting, even at idle, the Zamak burns .018 fuel per hour (since fuel is between 0-1) giving it an endurance of 55.5 hours. The HEMTT fuel burn seems to vary with speed and throttle setting (no throttle, W key, or E key). So it seems there are more variables involved here and .01f probably feeds into a function somewhere in the engine. Here my test script if you're interested. I also have a script that uses setVelocity and a while true loop to hold a constant speed so I can vary throttle settings. hint "MEASURING - HOLD VELOCITY CONSTANT"; sleep 1; _measuretime = 15; _fuelcap1 = (fuel vehicle player); _position1 = getPosATL (vehicle player); sleep _measuretime; _position2= getPosATL (vehicle player); _deltapos = (_position1 vectordistance _position2)*(60/_measuretime); _fuelcap2 = (fuel vehicle player); _deltafuel = (_fuelcap1-_fuelcap2) * (60/_measuretime); hintC format["Time:%3s Fuel Used:%1 Distance (M): %2",_fuelcap1-_fuelcap2, _position1 vectordistance _position2, _measuretime]; sleep 2; _fuelper100 = (_deltafuel/_deltapos*1000)*100; _fuelperhour = _deltafuel*60; _calcspeed = (_deltapos*60)/1000; _range=_calcspeed/_fuelperhour; hintC format["FPH: %1 V Calc: %2 KPH RANGE:%3 KM ENDURANCE:%4 H F/100 = %5", _fuelperhour, _calcspeed, _range, 1/_fuelperhour, _fuelper100];
  9. After searching, I found other people asking about this problem (old posts) but could not find a clear answer to my question: so I apologize if it's common knowledge now. I'm trying to better understand the relationship between vehicle fuel capacities and fuel consumption. I'm scripting a function to approximate filling vehicles with jerry cans somewhat realistically (for example a real jerry can = 20L and an example vehicle CFG fuelCapacity =150, therefore a jerry will fill 20/150 or +.13 for setFuel purposes). However, fuelConsumptionRate is an enigma to me. A majority of them are "0.01f". Some are integer values however, such as Truck_02_base_F (Zamak) with fuelCapacity = 350 fuelConsumptionRate= 26. - Whats the deal with this? - How does fuel consumption work within the ARMA 3 engine given these values? - Why does something like the "Truck_02_base_F" (Zamak Family) have fuelCapacity = 350 fuelConsumptionRate = 26, but "Truck_01_base_F" (HEMTT Family) has fuelCapacity = 45 fuelConsumptionRate = 0.01f. The KamAZ-5350, which the Zamak (zamak backwards = kamaz, very sneaky BI) seems based on has ~ 295L capacity and 27L/100km consumption. Therefore 350L capacity and 26L/100KM seems accurate for the Zamak. The real HEMMT has a 580L tank and on the order of 46L/100KM consumption. To be fair, the HEMMT seems to be the exception to the fuelCapacity trend, so I could script an exception - but I would still like to understand the fuel consumption rate as I DON'T LIKE VOODOO :mad: . Can anyone shed some insight?? UPDATE - From the M977 HEMTT operators manual (TM 9-2320-279-10-1) fuel capacity is 568L and range is 483km based on mixed terrain and 100,000lb GCWR, giving a staggering 117.6L/100KM.
  10. Thanks waltenberg, thats a good idea.
  11. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to retrieve all variables attached to unit. This is so I can save them and reapply them using the setVariable command with iniDBI. The trouble i'm having is that getVariable requires you to know specifically the variable you are querying. I am interesting in setting up a script that is capable of determining all variables attached to a given unit from a list of units (such as allmissionobjects). If anyone can assist I would be very grateful!
  12. Same thing for me, when this map loads I get a message in the top right corner "the alliance between guerillas and blufor has ended" and find myself and razor team in the midst of a hostile base. Top drawer BIS.
  13. Hank Hill

    Razor Team Equipment

    Does anyone know off the top of their head what kind of molle chest rig Razor team and the other MFR operators are using?