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Everything posted by Hardliner

  1. Hardliner

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (captainwhiskers @ Feb. 28 2002,02:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How mad would a Soviet mission be based on the opening days of the war when the Spetnaz stormed a palace and took out the Afghan leader at the time. I saw a TV doco on this once and it was a huge fire fight - Spetnaz kicked ass though. Lots of convoy escort missions would be a must. Search and destroy missions by airborne troops in the mountains would be cool. Street to street fighting was pretty common also. Yeah they have to do this campaign.<span id='postcolor'> I saw a doc that sounds similer... the one I saw the Spetz Natz were out numbered, had to storm a building defended by alot of gaurds and it was in pitch black darkness with no support (sounds like Red Hammer). The Spetz Natz guy said the only way they could tell enemy from friend was from all the cursing that was being yelled. Missions based on real events would be ok with me.
  2. Hardliner

    Why russains have to be so ghetto?

    Da Comrade!
  3. Hardliner

    Why russains have to be so ghetto?

    I like the Russians better full stop, I'm sure you have all noticed by now. And yeah I do heaps of tank battles in editer and I am ALWAYS Russian. I think there is an option in settings to take off added armor but I'm not sure. The M1 seems too armored, but in a platoon vs platoon of M1 and T80 I'm mostly the only T80 left but we destroy the M1s. The Shilka is cool The BMP is way better than M113 because it can defend against armor. A BMP nearly blew my M1 to bits point blank but my M1 was a bit damaged already. I'd like to believe that Russian weapons are better. Yeah the US was beaten out of Vietnam.
  4. Hardliner

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    Hey you lot read this. http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/02/26/gallup.muslims/index.html
  5. Hardliner

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    Hey you lot read this. http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/02/26/gallup.muslims/index.html
  6. Hardliner

    Campaign experience

    Don't even have to keep them alive if you don't want. On that Strange Meeting mission I don't go up the dirt road I head right for the second evac point. On way BMP and T72s with enemy troops show up so I stop and my guys get out to fight then i drive off before the BMP blasts the truck I'm driving into bits then get out and head to rescue point. While I'm getting there my guys sometimes knock out the BMP and if lucky a T72. Its better than lossing all your guys to a sniper and a few Russian troops up that dirt track.
  7. Hardliner

    Operation flashpoint: holy war crisis

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT. Armstrong @ Feb. 26 2002,18:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">David is now happily retired from the army is now living in New Jersey.(He usually still keeps in touch with Fowley, Koslowski, Gostovski,etc.) all of David's friends who fought the Everon War felt David's pain and decided that they would help him right whatis wrong by joining the army again with him.<span id='postcolor'> Only thing is Armstrongs friends all died on Everon (he mentions that in game), except maybe Gostovski as I ain't got too far in the campaign because I don't play campaign that much so I don't know if he survives or not. It would be good to be any country yeah. But I'm not sure I would buy such an addon, maybe for the modern conflict but not much else.
  8. Hardliner

    How does the russian ofp community feel about ofp?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Random @ Feb. 26 2002,13:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And let's face it, if there was a campaign based solely around playing a Russian (against NATO), a lot of people wouldn't buy it.<span id='postcolor'> I'd buy it
  9. Hardliner

    How does the russian ofp community feel about ofp?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Dogi] @ Feb. 26 2002,13:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">how about a campaign with "Real" Russian forces go out against the Renegade ones?<span id='postcolor'> Now THAT would be a fine campaign to play! As I posted under another thread it would be an internal conflict for Russia. After all there were and might still be alot of groups there that are still against each other. well maybe not alot but you know what I mean. It would be nice for a change to have Russia save the day instead of USA (no offence to USA of course)
  10. Hardliner

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    The Afgan war would be good, a World War 3 situtation in Europe would be good as that was mentioned in the campaign (well as the Soviet doctrine, massed tank assaults at key points in central Europe) but in the Afgan war the US would not have been present so being American would not be right (altho I'm not sure about that I know the Afgan rebals or whoever were supplied by America) But it would be good to have a conflict that is an internal matter for Russia, say trouble with one of its republics or something along them lines, or maybe just internal conflict within Russia. But probably not that last point. Maybe a border disdute or some form of conflict between Russia and China, I think they were not on friendly terms when Russia was USSR (again I think) Anyone of these conflicts would be good with me.
  11. Hardliner

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    The Afgan war would be good, a World War 3 situtation in Europe would be good as that was mentioned in the campaign (well as the Soviet doctrine, massed tank assaults at key points in central Europe) but in the Afgan war the US would not have been present so being American would not be right (altho I'm not sure about that I know the Afgan rebals or whoever were supplied by America) But it would be good to have a conflict that is an internal matter for Russia, say trouble with one of its republics or something along them lines, or maybe just internal conflict within Russia. But probably not that last point. Maybe a border disdute or some form of conflict between Russia and China, I think they were not on friendly terms when Russia was USSR (again I think) Anyone of these conflicts would be good with me.
  12. Hardliner

    Friendly and enemy tags stop working

    Friendly enemy tag, is that the tag that shows you what your aiming at when you aim at it? oh yeah it must be. Having the leader and the formation marker where you should be is handy, but I have 2 users on here for myself with one in cadet and one in veteran mainly because I wanted to try vet. In both US and Russian campaigns I got further in vet than in cadet mode I think which is strange.
  13. Hardliner

    Why russains have to be so ghetto?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (OjomojO @ Feb. 25 2002,00:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hardliner, Russia was beaten by puny Japan awhile ago. Check your history<span id='postcolor'> What year was that? and did they occupy all of Russia and did they rule over Russia?
  14. Hardliner

    Kind of like the matrix?

    I don't need wind to knock my shots off target my tank driver does that! I shoot and the tank moves at the same time in another driection taking my aim off target, its pretty hard to aim right. I prefer to be the tank commander because the AI gunner hits better than me. Maybe having a better CPU would help to due to framerate. Also theres my high pitched american voice to listen to The picture I will share shortly
  15. Hardliner

    Montignac must fall

    If you want to avoid that pain in the arse mission just wait back from Montignac and hope your sqaud gets slain, then fall back to the truck and you get a different mission thats more interesting and with that good music
  16. Hardliner

    Kind of like the matrix?

    Talking about realism has anyone seen a T80 tank upside down? I made a mass tank battle with T80s and M1A1s and during the fight I saw one of my T80s had flipped onto its top. It was not destroyed either and I was so amused by it I just had to take a screenshot of it a T80 tank, in formation... upside down... and you guys are talking about soldiers that shouldn't be able to drive tanks and fly choppers? HAHAHA I like the pyhics of this game!!!
  17. Hardliner

    Who here dont like desert island maps?

    Just use the island for massed conflict! I put the US trying to invade it with massed Russian forces on it, first I put troops, then heaps of ZSUs and US choppers, then tanks and I ended up with a massive struggle to control a piece of rock with sand on it. Framerate was horrible but it was fun! Had Hinds and heaps of stuff there. Its amusing to have heaps of troops there fighting on a bit of rock. Countries in the real world fight over the same thing... a piece of rock.
  18. Hardliner

    Why russains have to be so ghetto?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Feb. 24 2002,11:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But our weopons still are a bit better.<span id='postcolor'> How would you know? like was said before USA and Russia have never really fought each other. It would be foolish to underestimate the Russian military. History shows that Russia cannot be defeated in conflict (well in the past anyway) The BMP is better than the M113 having a main gun on it so I can't see how the M113 is better when the BMP will just smash it to bits. The Abrams... better than the T80? maybe but if you knock out its main gun (like I do many times with my T80) its useless. In many battles I seen perfect M1A1s nothing wrong with them, driving around only thing is the main gun is destroyed so its useless meaning you can attack other threatening targets. So you can see my point here, western weapons may seem better, but if you hit it in the right spot it will become useless. Sure Abrams takes 5 hits frontal but with main gun gone? it doesn't matter. With the Apache? hiden AA troops can deal with them, or ZSU even tho its as weak as hell but there would be more than one around. Too bad theres no AA missiles in the game i mean missile systems not shoulder launched missiles. I wouldn't say the Apache is better than the Hind because they are both made for different types of conflict, so comparing them is pointless anyway, the Apache used for fast strikes, the Hind is for heavy support. The AK and the M16... basically the same thing in FP anyway, altho AK has auto feature M16 only semi, but i like the single shot anyway as it uses less ammo. Anyway I'll stop now.
  19. Hardliner

    Tank problems

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DodgeME @ Feb. 23 2002,00:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Maybe is luck but killing tanks is quite easy!<span id='postcolor'> Oh hell yeah! A fair T80 vs Abrams platoon fight me being in T80 can kill Abrams easy! Then my high pitched american accented guy says "Abrams is history!" sounds funny! even funnier when its "T55 is history!"
  20. Hardliner

    Tank problems

    Ahh SpaceAlex... if you read the part of my post that you quoted you would notice that i was mostly talking about being the commander and how to target things using the radio... "But just today I got past that mission. To target things without having to click on them try pressing 2 and then using the radio to tell your gunner to select targets that are there. Or try pressing the Tab key if there are any targets showing red on the radar. If you can't shoot at something because theres hills in the way or whatever try moving the tank towards the target, you can do that in the map or without having a target selected just click on where you want the tank to go so you can in a way control your tank as you move towards the target." if you read it carefully you'll notice i was talking about the campaign all along in this part. You must have misread it. Anyway yeah being the tank commander is easy and good. With my guys high pitched voice (changed voice in options to high pitched) everytime i give an order i can hear this stupid high pitched voice with an american accent, funny when in a russian tank and having an american voice. I wish there were russian voices to choose from.
  21. Hardliner

    Tank problems

    I just think thats the way tanks are. I mostly do tank battles in the editor and as the gunner i always have a hard time hitting the target. The commander says fire and i do but at the same time the driver is moving the tank all over the place, causing me to miss alot of the time.But just today I got past that mission. To target things without having to click on them try pressing 2 and then using the radio to tell your gunner to select targets that are there. Or try pressing the Tab key if there are any targets showing red on the radar. If you can't shoot at something because theres hills in the way or whatever try moving the tank towards the target, you can do that in the map or without having a target selected just click on where you want the tank to go so you can in a way control your tank as you move towards the target. Hope I was of any help if any.