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Everything posted by Hardliner

  1. Hardliner

    Oh the poor taleban and al-queda..

    Ahh sarcastic yes in a way. I don't know why I posted it. I don't think anyone gives a shit about my posts anyway. Americans just shoot me, and now they will. Being depressed does not help when posting on here... Plus I have already seen pictures of war... documentries.. and yes I already know that its not the same as being there. I don't glorify anything but if it seemed to you that I did then I guess I put it all wrong. I'm sure people will just use this against me now. Oh well. Go ahead. Its not like anyone takes me serioursly anyway. They just say I come up with anti US bullshit anyway. It wouldn't matter if I saw them pictures... I'v seen it before... I don't get sick over things like that.. life is so pathetically bullshit to me anyway now. besides in the other post I stated that I'v had it with everything. Last time I was this bad or in fact worse I was at school being picked on all the time thats when my life went down the drain, everything started messing up, I lost the will to go on. But of course noone cared and I had to pull through myself. Why should I care for a race that just insults and destroys itself? Why should I even try to pick this race up from the death and destruction that it has itself caused? Why should I help people that would just tell me to fuck off anyway? And why should I try to make contructive critisiem when I just get blasted by anything american?
  2. Hardliner

    Oh the poor taleban and al-queda..

    Shit did I write all that? me want peace? BULLSHIT! HA! I am the war type! The world would be a dull place if everything was great and fluffy with pink flowers, rainbows and teddy bears with little red hearts saying "I love you"... HAHAHA great! Let the war begin! Actions speak louder than words! Hint: if you want to fight in a war.. being xenophobic is the way to go! *sigh* Don't mind me I just go through mood changes. It would be a dam boring place if everyone was peaceful!
  3. Hardliner


    Where does she get out? When I drive the newly found truck to her she gets out the damaged one and gets in the new one. Altho when I watched a friend playing this mission on the way to the chopper he stopped the truck and she got out and stood there. I fail to see why.
  4. Hardliner

    Me doing chinhook-mission(god,i love this game!)

    I like flying the Russian gunships (Mi17). I am good in tank fights (T80). I don't like being in infantry much but its good for what it is. I was just messing around in the mission. I finished it the first time round so there was no need to finish it again. I never flew it before and the first time I did I was perfect at it. That say something?
  5. Hardliner

    Mission poll (look at this one)

    Voted tank based but I also like aircraft based... also being commanded by AI most of the time.
  6. Hardliner

    Oh the poor taleban and al-queda..

    Its strange how people are so easy to get frustrated and insulted by things. I'm not picking on anyone here. I'v been insulted to the point where I don't care what people say about me anymore. What they say about me is irrelivent. What people say about the country I live in is irrelivent. What people say about the flag I have here is irrlivent. So go ahead, if you don't like me or my comments say so. I don't give a dam what you think about me. What I would like to see is a world where everyone has certain rights and have NO right to take anger out on others AND ALSO have NO right to exploit others! The USA, Middle East and many other countries included for example. I am not attacking anyone nation. I just get sick of seeing certain countries exploiting others or bombing other countries and so forth plus all the back stabbing certain countries do. I'm at the point now of being ashamed of being human Well no I have been ashamed for a while. I'm also at the point of not caring about anything anymore whats the point with all the shit that goes on? whats the point when you just get abused because you have an indipendant opinion and have the balls to state it? Oh christ another long post... I might as well stop here seeing as most people wouldn't listen anyway I have so much to say yet there is no point in saying it as the only main responce would be insults. All this is getting too primitive. Words solve nothing.
  7. Hardliner

    why did you use your username

    Take a wild guess...
  8. Hardliner

    Oh the poor taleban and al-queda..

    Well USA considered this a war didn't it? what about the geneva convention? if US POWs were not looked after USA would play hell. But in the news we got here USA didn't want the geneva convention for these so called POWs (afgan fighters). And also a country that rekons its fighting for freedom of speach and also human rights, then USA does not have a very good record  USA has bombed more countries and innocent people than every other country put together. What about innocent people there? Don't get me wrong I'm NOT trying to be smart here but americans everywhere wouldn't be happy being targets in a war. But in other wars innocent people have been the target of US aggresstion (WW2, Vietnam, Iraq, many others ect) most wars have not affected US soil directly. But over the past century USA has messed up other countries and even now has "occupied" certain spots (probably for economical gain) I'm sure americans would not be happy if they were consantly bombed by other countries and had hostile aircraft patroling "no fly zones" over their homes and also defining what their country can do and not do, simply because other governments don't like what your government thinks or does. I'm not repeat not trying to be an arsehole here. I'm just thinking about the innocent people that always get caught in the middle, between the US government and a hostile government (Saddam for example) US planes over Iraq hurt innocent people more than Saddam. The more you bomb him the worse he will make life for his own people just to stay in power. Oh shit have I gone too far? Ok I'll stop there. Once again I am thinking of the innocent ones caught up in it all. I am believing that all governments are evil.
  9. Hardliner


    Mission failure? I wouldn't know I got past that mission with flying colors... Red and yellow colors of course. The ammo truck has been blown up and it ended the mission altho I died with it, so I can say for sure but I would say if she dies its game over.
  10. Hardliner

    Opfp? where does it stand for you as a game\sim?

    I don't care what anyone else says.. I like them armored conflicts and Air ground attacks. Like flying the Mi17! Going for extreme realism would be ok but too hard on the system requirement. FP is great the way it is for me! Nothing beats it!
  11. Hardliner

    Me doing chinhook-mission(god,i love this game!)

    The other day when a friend was over I did this mission again. While landing to pick up the troops I flipped the chopper onto its top and it was flipping from one side to the next (on ground of course). After that tho it was on its side moving in a circle which I found amusing as the troops were all there trying to clime into a chinook that was as I said on its side and spinning. After this my friend took over the controls and tried to get the chopper to take off from its side (it was still spinning on the spot on its side), with a cargo of red raced dead americans on board. He then jumped out while the thing was still spinning on one side and start lobbing grenades at it, trying to blow it up. After that we had to quit the mission due to a shortage of grenades and after using all the ammo on it (there were a few dead americans outside of chopper to get grenades from but he used them all missing the target most of the time). My first mission went according to plan the first time i played this mission... this time however was completely different which is whats good about OFP.
  12. Hardliner

    Would you buy a full featured ofp editor?

    I voted maybe at first but I don't think I'd use my money on something I wouldn't use. FP to me is fine as it is. I am happy with mission editer.
  13. Hardliner

    Me doing chinhook-mission(god,i love this game!)

    Thats a good mission that. First time I played it I landed the chinook first time, second time and ever since. Got a few dints in the thing there must have been a Shilka somewhere near, there were a few targets around. But that mission was easy not to mention fun.
  14. Hardliner

    Russian voices

    I didn't mean that FP needs Russian voices and that I wanted that, just the accent, like in Red Hammer. It would still be ok tho to choose a Russian accent. I always look at the radio messages anyway, automatically, so that wouldn't bother me. But yeah I ment the accent.
  15. Hardliner

    Russian voices

    I was just wondering if there was anywhere that you could get Russian voices from. It sounds strange when your a Russian in a T80 and your platoon all have Russian accents and then your guy has an American accent, or in my case a high pitched girl type american accented screach (Patrick or Paul with max pitch) I like the Russian accents.
  16. Hardliner

    War and games, your opinion?

    Yeah thats it. A simulation of actual events might wake some people up and then they might have some respect for the peolpe who had to fight in these wars, espcially Vietnam (US troops there I mean even tho it was US aggression against communism due to US fears of a breakout of communism in Asia and further south... I guess anyway) altho that war was pretty pointless. Anyway I'll stop there before someone tells me to pipe down.
  17. Hardliner

    Russian voices

    Da.. It would be good to have an option to change from English to Russian and vice versa. I heard that European Air War the Germans speak German which is what I like in games. In Microsoft Conbat Flight Sim 2 the Japanese speak Japanese. Same in Close Combat games. And the radio chatter would be great too. I was just disapointed that there were no Russian voices to choose from for missions that I make in Editer. Unless you mess around with script. The American voices are good, but its odd when a Russian has that type of voice. No big deal tho I like my high pitch screach. So amusing...
  18. Hardliner

    War and games, your opinion?

    To tell the truth I would like to see a game that has the horrors of war in it. It would show how bad it could be. Might even discourage certain people who are nuts about it. But of course computer games will never show what war is really like. Only the people who have the misfortune to have to fight in a REAL war would know what its like. If anyone does not want to see what its like... DON'T join the army... theres nothing worse than someone joining the army and then going to war and complaining about it. I am NOT repeat not attacking or having a go at anyone here. Its stupid in FP training when the soldier talks to the officer. "we must be ready for anything" "even for WAR Sir?" If anyone does not want to fight a war.. then stay out of the army  thats what armies do when the time comes. I guess I have gone off topic? Maybe I'm just tired, did a computer test tonight and I was up late (round 5am) GREAT when theres a test that same day! I did read the article. I don't know really, I am happy with OFP for now Â
  19. Hardliner

    Hard to survive in red hammer mission four.

    At the gear setup screen I always hand out as many AA launchers as possible. It helps. I think you can hand out maybe 3? 2 at least.
  20. Hardliner

    Navy pilot still being held in iraq ?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SC Jolly @ Mar. 12 2002,17:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the US is using 11. Sept. as an excuse for attacking "world-wide terrorism". To me, Bush is a big a$$hole! (IMHO)<span id='postcolor'> Bravo. USA is gonna use septmber 11th as an excuse to go after everyone they don't like, or other governments that don't run to their OWN liking. US government goes on about freedom... its almost laughable. Thing is I don't laugh at stuff like this. You can bet your life that Wolrd War 3 is coming fast.
  21. Hardliner

    Russia urges us to explain nuclear plan

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LauryThorn @ Mar. 12 2002,09:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm going to American websites, and grabbing as many fellow Americans as I can to come to this pathetic forum, so that for once we have the majority here, then we can all join in togehter and belittle and degrade your country<span id='postcolor'> You feel like you can't deal me without your pals? I'm flattered. Now let's move on with this topic. I would like to ask.. It has been claimed here that Russia has sold nukes. Who is in a position to decide, which country has a right to own nukes?<span id='postcolor'> Alot of americans are just like this. The many ones I have come into contact with anyway. Its like the moment you say something they don't like they get their buddies and gang up on you with all kinds of insults. It always seems to be the americans that abuse people with "f*** off" and other such primitive insults. Also people that resort to vulger language like this usually are often frustrated and can't think of anything intelligent to say. Or maybe its just the way they were brought up.
  22. Hardliner

    Russia urges us to explain nuclear plan

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ Mar. 12 2002,09:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm not going to fight with you about this. Already done that. But I'm sure that somebody somewhere could explain the 9/11 thingy very nicely and also point out how many lives the attack actually helped to save. The thing is, the history is written by the winners and thus it is impossible to say just how many lives actually were saved, if any. But of the ABC-weapons, the nukes are far worst. They kill a lot of people, but they also destroy the only real inheritance we give to our children: The genetic code. As far as I'm concerned, their first use can NEVER be justified.<span id='postcolor'> I have to agree with this statement. And guess what? During the Korean war or one of the many wars that the US has fought a US general McCarther (if thats spelled right) made a plan to use nuclear weapons all over the country. Luckly the plan was looked at by Washington and was NOT accepted. Now don't go out taking the shit out of me because I know this really happened. How wonderful would the world be today if you americans just kept on nuking everyone you had trouble with? Let me remind you all that nuclear weapons has a devastating affect on the atmosphere and guess what? You NEED the atmosphere to survive! Radiation will kill you! But I guess most of you fools wouldn't know that! If this so called "contingancy" plan goes into affect... then may whatever god you believe in have mercy on your soul.
  23. Hardliner

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ChickenHawk @ Mar. 11 2002,17:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The classified Pentagon information says nuclear weapons could be used against Libya, Syria, China, Russia, Iran, Iraq and North Korea in certain situations, the Times said. Thats about as classified as the Pentagon gets aye? Is this a joke or something? WTF? classified and CNN announces it to the whole F&** world. HEY GUESS WHAT Libya, Syria, China, Russia, Iran, Iraq and North Korea THE USA MIGHT JUST NUKE YA SO WATCH OUT !!!<span id='postcolor'> And if USA does it would mean the end of life on this planet. Its down to USA now
  24. Hardliner

    Hard to survive in red hammer mission four.

    This is a good mission. I got through it after a few attempts, altho I don't play the campaign much hance I ain't got through it hardly. But I felt proud after a great successful mission. Shooting them chinooks down was great.
  25. Hardliner

    Hey........what'd you think of the mission hmmwv?

    Oh I did create death in this mission. When we got to the flag pole I ramed into the other vehicals and killed my american boys. When they got out I ran them over. Satisfying.