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Everything posted by Hardliner

  1. Hardliner

    War against terrorism mod?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ April 02 2002,18:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Toolman @ April 02 2002,16:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Treu, but I think Operation Flashpoint is cooler than Rainbow Six, ( Are there Taleban missions in Rainbow six, anyway?) and It would be a cool mod,if you could travel to Afghanistan first, followed by Iraq, and maybe even Palestina(gna gna,)<span id='postcolor'> Oh yeah... Palestine is a terror nation, because they try and defend their national territory from an invading force? Sorry, couldn't resist.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah Palestine IS defending itself. Its not even a fully reconised country meaning they don't have an offical country of their own (I think but I might be wrong which I'd be willing to accept). They want their own country. Why go into Palestine anyway? Most western people just boast that theres nothing there anyway.
  2. Hardliner

    War against terrorism mod?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ April 02 2002,18:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (The Toolman @ April 02 2002,16:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Treu, but I think Operation Flashpoint is cooler than Rainbow Six, ( Are there Taleban missions in Rainbow six, anyway?) and It would be a cool mod,if you could travel to Afghanistan first, followed by Iraq, and maybe even Palestina(gna gna,)<span id='postcolor'> Oh yeah... Palestine is a terror nation, because they try and defend their national territory from an invading force? Sorry, couldn't resist.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah Palestine IS defending itself. Its not even a fully reconised country meaning they don't have an offical country of their own (I think but I might be wrong which I'd be willing to accept). They want their own country. Why go into Palestine anyway? Most western people just boast that theres nothing there anyway.
  3. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    After some thought having limbs blown off does seem not nessasary. It just seems strange to have a HEAT round fired at you direct hit and your still intact. I don't think having parts flying around like that would be too great but it would be suitable to me to have legs and arms "detactched" from the body but not flying everywhere. Maybe its a good idea to not have that at all seeing as it would make things more complicated especially for the people who would make it happen. Actually in the American campaign I felt something I won't say it was strong feeling of anything but I had a slight feeling in me when Armstrongs squad was wiped out on Everon. I kind of do feel for the guys that get wiped out by tanks, APCs or anything like that. I guess it depends on the mood I'm in as I said before (I think). Also felt for the Resistance fighting a massive enemy with basically no chance on their own, altho I do prefer to be Russian in OFP. I tend to be more affected by vehicals being blown up for some reason, the crew inside it but also oddly enough I feel sorry for the poor vehical itself being smashed up which might seem odd to you normal people out there. I had many ZSUs on Desert Island and put many Apaches in the distance and ran it with me as a Russian soldier. Half of the ZSUs went bang and that to me seemed a little sad, espcially with that Amen music going. All in all I think the only REAL way you can feel anything in this game is if you... hell I can't find a way to put it. For me I think about the people as if their real, I really put myself in the situation, kind of like living my life through the computer which I know many of you will think and probably say is sad. But for me computer games are pretty much my life at the moment.
  4. Hardliner

    War against terrorism mod?

    If it was for sale I probably would not buy it.
  5. Hardliner

    War against terrorism mod?

    If it was for sale I probably would not buy it.
  6. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    Actually when certain vehicals go bang I do think about the guys in it even tho they are not real. I feel kind of sad for my guys that are in the thing. When I'm American I don't worry as much and not much for the Resistance either. Its a bad thing when a group of tanks targets one single tank and it shatters (but it sounds good). Altho of course it is a game. I guess it depends what mood I'm in.
  7. Hardliner

    T80 vs m1a1

    One easy way to fix this western superior armor is to out number them. I have been the gunner in a T80 platoon Vs M1A1 platoon and by a margin we managed to destroy the M1s altho my tank was the sole surviver of the whole thing. But when the M1A1 platoon is faced with 2 T80 platoons OR a T80 platoon and a T72 platoon, then the game gets good   After all that was the Russian plan, to out number the enemy. In an SU25 you can destroy a platoon of M1A1s on the first pass easy providing that there is not much trees and buildings in the way. As for the satchel charges just place more than one. The M1A1 seems to be weaker when I am in it but when the AI is in it it can take like 4 or 5 hits depending on the range. If T72s hit it in the right area it messes my tank up with 2 or 3 shots almost, altho hitting the main gun would put any tank out of action no matter how good the armor is making a super tough Abrams just another statistic. I seen many M1A1s with only a ruined main gun but the tank is fine only it cannot fire, likewise with every other tank. Gunless tanks are a free, easy kill.
  8. Hardliner

    Montiniac must fall!

    Ahh if you don't want to you don't have to go up the dirt road. You can follow the convoy and before running into any enemy troops or tanks turn left and head for the 2nd evac zone. You might get a BMP on your tail but just let out a few of your guys and they take it out as well as some T72 if your lucky. Just head right for the evac zone if you don't want to fight. First time I played it I cleared the way to the house and went through the forest cleared that out, ran to Morton saw a load of dead americans, ended up being the only surviver (which is suppost to happen) and crawled along the coast right near Morton where many Russians could have looked over and shot me. Then headed north to rescue point. After that I never did it again. Just headed right there.
  9. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Pete @ Mar. 27 2002,16:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">a good storyline could add a lot to create the feeling of "the horrors of war" it would not be impossible at all, even ofp in its current state could create that feeling if a mission designer would make it so...to force you to take moral decisions. the graphical aspect comes second.... i think perhaps all of us have a different idea of what is "horrors of war"<span id='postcolor'> Horrors of war... fearing for your life? Being scared shitless of a shell landing right on you ripping you to bits? Being crushed under the sheer weight of a tank? Burned alive? Being impaled with meathooks and hung up like a piece of meat to die slowly? Having a blade ran into your gut being pulled slowly up your chest? That would hurt... In fact I have to agree that no computer game will ever manage to show this. After all it is a game. You are not feeling anything. The only time anyone experiances "horrors of war" would be if you go into the army and end up in a war yourself. You free to do that if you wish at your own risk.
  10. Hardliner

    Mission poll (look at this one)

    But hell armored conflict is what I like all the way. I'll be in either Commanding, Gunner or Driver position. It beats walking. Mi17 is a faverate of mine too, along with the SU25. Sniping is too cowardly.
  11. Hardliner

    Montiniac must fall!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 26 2002,20:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No, don't!<span id='postcolor'> It has good music
  12. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    Well I'm not really bothered about having it 100% real like that. I like FP as it is, but I'm just stating now that if such a game came out I would buy it. I'm not like all want want want like it seems I have. I just copied the poll choice that I voted for. Realistic as in situations would be ok like in 3rd world countries I guess. Or sistuations like in the Middle East altho you hear about it everyday and nothings changed, also some people might be "hurt" by such a thing being in a game I presume. I don't crave a dead on REAL game like this tho, FP is great as it is. It would be good if bodies where ripped apart like from a grenade explosion. That kind of realism would be ok with me.
  13. Hardliner

    War and games, your opinion?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ Mar. 26 2002,16:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I cant cry over a person that just got shot in a computer game<span id='postcolor'> Cheer then.
  14. Hardliner

    Mission poll (look at this one)

    Being an RPG soldier is fun, waiting in the trees in ambush for a number of M113s... The BANG there goes one! BANG another! Another one comes right at you guns firing away! It hits you in the leg but you manage to hit it before it kills ya! Then a wave of US troops come into view in the distance so you arm your AK74 and prepare to bravely defend your position and destroy them! Ahh ain't it great? Part of a mission I'm making. I like the way vehicals "shatter" in FP!
  15. Hardliner

    Montiniac must fall!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Mar. 25 2002,23:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Mission After Montignac is better than Strange Metting. Strange meeting is just like all others. Nothing special.<span id='postcolor'> Strange Meeting has... no.. I better not...
  16. Hardliner

    Old days

    I liked Gunship 2000 on Amiga, Desert Strike was good, Frontier Elite 2 was one of the BEST game! I still play it on Amiga emulator (the FE2 disks got errors on them) didn't have many games on Amiga but on C64, had alot like Battle of Britain, Bubble Bobble, Commando, Defender of the Crown, Red Storm Rising(altho disk got errors), Summer games, Winter games, Blue Max, Beachhead 1 2 and 3, Operation Wolf, California games, Soloman's Key, Mission Impossible 1 and 2, Super Cycle, Grand Prix. Had alot... 4 disk boxes full of them, can't name them all of course. I had and still do have most of the games mentioned by others here. Still have my C64 and Amiga with all the games. Grew up with them basically.
  17. How do you make the text so it goes on the next line? I mean I typed a long message for the trigger and it goes off screen when it comes up. I seen somewhere how to do it but I can't remember where or how. Or maybe I just not looking hard enough.
  18. Hardliner

    What type of graphics card do you have

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DodgeME @ Mar. 25 2002,16:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">GF2MX cards are only ok now. There are games now that anything above 1024*768 will make em crawl. Anyway as far as l have seen the best thing for OF is a fast CPU <span id='postcolor'> Yeah thats true you might have a good system but you'll make it worse by trying to have higher res. I need the CPU power and a better board. I got a PIII 450 with my TNT2 64 Model card. Thats a 33MHz PCI slot meaning that the card is slower than a 66MHz AGP slot (of course that makes sense). But the only real requirement I lack is the CPU and supporting board.
  19. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    I want all the horrors of war. I want it to be as real as it gets. If some of you don't want or like the idea... THEN DON'T BUY IT! DON'T just attack it!
  20. Hardliner

    Montiniac must fall!

    A good mission
  21. Hardliner

    What type of graphics card do you have

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Mar. 20 2002,22:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm manging with me Geforce 2 Mx200 64mb which is crap <span id='postcolor'> Why is it crap? Ain't it better than mine?
  22. Hardliner

    Old days

    Commodore 64 was my first computer. Had many games on it, alot of wargames. Also had an Amiga 500. Both had WAY better sound than IBM had at that time.
  23. Hardliner

    Help with hold malden campaign mission

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Mar. 23 2002,21:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would love to, but I have no clue as how to make my own missions. I am one of these people that are horrible and hate computers. Plus, I don't think mine is good enough. Â I got a Compaq Presario pentium 4, 1.7 GHz . Â I dunno.<span id='postcolor'> System requirement is 600MHz CPU... if you have 1.7GHz CPU your doing well. I have to make do with a 450MHz CPU and it gets really slow at times Â
  24. Hardliner

    Missed me by that much!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ Mar. 20 2002,09:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder how much money is spent on unimportant things every year. Â <span id='postcolor'> Too much.
  25. Hardliner

    What type of graphics card do you have

    I notice alot of people on this forum have top end systems. I have also noticed people complaining that their system was not good enough while they have a massive 900MHz cpu, alot of RAM, good 64MB high end 3D card and everything to go with it (well I seen one at least) I only have a 450MHz cpu and 256MB RAM and not much else. FP runs slow at times. I have a TNT2 Model 64 Sorry for being like that.. I guess