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Everything posted by Hardliner

  1. Hardliner

    Bush presses for economic sanctions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Oligo @ April 17 2002,17:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You shouldn't blame the U.S. public too much, since more people did vote for Gore than Bush. It's just that U.S. election system considers the votes given by the citizens of certain states to be more important than the ones given by citizens of other states. Thus, over half of the U.S. population did not vote for Bush and so are not to blame for his idiotic actions.<span id='postcolor'> True the public of a nation should not be blamed for the action of their government. But if they blindly follow their government like that they are probably just as bad. But of course I know not EVERYONE is like this. At least I hope so. Didn't the court just put Bush in office? I watched the whole election but the ending bit didn't really seem democratic. Or maybe it was. I live in a democracy myself and sometimes it seems like a democratic country is not very democratic. Especially when it makes restrictions on certain things if any.
  2. Hardliner

    Ai's stupidest moments

    Well when I was in a T80 as the driver my commander told the gunner to target all the infantry that had no AT weapons. This is all very well to destroy the enemy the point is where is the logic in using a sabot round on one man when their are 2 Abrams about 100 metres in front of you looking right at you? Sure my platoon was somewhere behind us their LOS to the Abrams were blocked but wouldn't it be more sound to target the armor first? Or at least use the machine gun on infantry so that if an armored threat comes up you can deal with it at once? I know one T80 Vs 2 Abrams is useless but it would help the rest of the platoon if one of the M1A1s were damaged a bit.
  3. Hardliner

    Ofp player's age

    I am 21 in June. I look younger but feel older if that makes any sence.
  4. Hardliner

    Dinner anyone?

    I wouldn't know which choice to choose, I rarely eat at all. I'll be lucky if I eat once a day. To me eating is kind of a chore. I get hungary and start eating something then I suddenly feel full. I don't have to eat much at all. I get full and my plate is still half filled with food. Thats whenever I have a full plate of food but I rarely eat like that either.
  5. Hardliner

    What games does one have on his hd atm

    Operation Flashpoint (with Red Hammer) StarTopia Hidden & Dangerous Star Wars: Starfighter Battlezone Battlezone 2 Homeworld Grand Theft Auto 2 World War 3: Black Gold Microsoft Combat Flight Simulater Microsoft Combat Flight Simulater 2 Airport Inc Unreal Quake Command & Conquer Command & Conquer: Red Alert Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun The War of the Worlds Carmageddon Carmageddon 2 Half Life StarCraft Orbiter Dogs of War Close Combat 1 2 & 3 M1 Tank Platoon 2 I also have Amiga and Commadore 64 Emulators with many of the old games that I still go back to at times.
  6. Hardliner

    Tanks but "no tanks!"

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Antichrist @ April 13 2002,13:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ok here comes the tip of the day when u in the tank battle as a commander u only need 2 (two) buttons Right Mouse Button and Control! That's it!<span id='postcolor'> The TAB key is useful too. Cycles through the targets in sight. Handy if you don't want to look around and right click everything to target it. Also a fast way to get a quick target, fire and target something else. Just make sure the gunner has target in LOS before you fire so you don't waste that round. Being tank commander is one of the best postitions in OFP.
  7. Hardliner

    National pride

    I am not patriotic. I see no need to be. To be honest I don't love any nation. I used to like Germany, I used to like America (only god knows why) even tho I have never been to these places. I used to like Britain (its the only other place I have been to) and I liked Russia too. I don't belong to any nation, I don't think of myself as Russian or American or British or anything. And before any of you say anything about it I might change my signature.
  8. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    Yeah I know ChickenHawk. I don't know what countries have signed it but some countries do not follow or agree with it. I guess someone had to "sanatise" war somehow if you can do that to war at all. I just see rules of war as folly. The objective is to destroy the enemy, regardless of what geneva convention says.
  9. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ChickenHawk @ April 09 2002,16:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But as far as war as realistic as it gets with all the emotions and all the people doing nasty stuff, I suggest you check out this site to realise that in some wars its no rules at all, just do anything you want to your enemy to win.<span id='postcolor'> Who said there was "suppost" to be rules in war? I'm not starting a fight or anything but its just strange how in war your suppost to kill the enemy but there are certain guidelines that must be followed in order to do this. Even if you take prisoners unarmed they are still the enemy and will kill YOU if they got their hands on a gun or knife. Weapons or no weapons they are still enemy, plus you don't have to waste your resources on them when the resources you use on them are badly needed by your own side. War can be such a contradicting thing. The Germans towards the end of ww2 were desperate so of course they would do things like that. I would imagine that the Allied troops would want to do the same thing after so much pain was caused.
  10. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    Bigger don't always mean better. But I don't know. Bigger ones do the same thing that the ones I have do. I can't really say. But yeah if you got some use them anything thats better than compac disc player headphones.
  11. Hardliner

    Is it worth buying that red hammer thing?

    I got Red Hammer in with the game Gold Pack. Yeah its a good campaign altho I don't play the campaigns much. Its good to have only you and your rifle and thats it. No tank support, no support at all really. Early in the missions anyway I ain't got far into them because I mainly don't play campaign as I stated above. Still, get it!
  12. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ April 08 2002,02:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Wow, Im hearin all these guys with the "Im a badass pilot" stuff, but Im not seein all that much skill in MP. Â <span id='postcolor'> Well I don't behave like this. There can't be much that is more embarrassing than boasting how good you are only for you to get knocked out of the sky. I would endever not to boast but just keep to the mission and the cause. I like piloting the Mi17 better than the Hind. The Mi17 has many rockets with which to shower the target area with. Its a slow chopper but its better than the Hind because the Hind AT missiles are useless just about and the rockets are too few and the cannon is well not too strong but still good. Maybe I just need to try it out more. The American choppers I like the view from the Cobra better but I ain't really tried them ones out to the fullest, nor have I done that with the Russian choppers. I got through the Single mission Ground Attack and survived the first game of Ground Attack 2 but failed it. Only played it once.
  13. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ April 07 2002,21:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nah, i dont think you get too involved with your games, thats actually a good idea. So, define "Good Headphones". You mean the ones that practicly cover the whole sides of your head, or would some nice Sonys do the trick?<span id='postcolor'> Well good as in not just any headphones. These ones I got are Optimus NOVA44 stereo high bass TV headphones. I got them from a friend in exchange for speakers, it cost him $60 Australian (yeah thats where I am). Of course you don't have to spend alot on headphones any would do. I used cheap ones ment for my compac disc player before I got this trade agreement but the sound is not as good as having proper headphones. The sound cut out alot so yeah if you can afford it. But yeah Sony I wouldn't know I never used headphones untill now. If you got the money yeah buy some good ones. But the expensive ones are basically the same as the ones I got here so you don't have to pay up big. Dam is that too much?
  14. Hardliner

    Bis please, try to fix tank dammage

    But it was fun to have one M1A1 there, copping hits from all sides plenty of RPGs being fired at it. With using heavy AT weapons you only get one shot, while with 4 AT soldiers this would kill it I took the RPG option. Not one man died on my side. The Abrams did what my tank commander (AI) does all the time when i'm the driver of a tank... "target soldier.. target soldier.. target soldier.. target soldier" so he never got a shot off. Its frustrating being driver in a tank and the commander does that (sometimes I just like to drive and let gunner and commander do the work but its not always the best choice). Then he fires a Sabot at a soldier while 2 Abrams are looking at you directly ahead and loading up I only used mines in that "Defender" mission. Put the mine too close to where we had to hide and when the first Russian tank went over it my commander got hurt and yelled out "2 CEASE FIRE!" I ain't messed with mines yet. Never even thought about them.
  15. Flying. Easy. Hardly use external view. Maybe for landings but not much at all. Didn't take long to work it all out.
  16. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    If you want to feel like your there why not use headphones? I use headphones really good ones and on high volume its good. Nice and silent, nothing going on then suddenly you hear an armored vehical in the distance coming at you, then you hear gunfire and bullets wizzing around (always sounds like their flying right past your head) then the loud sound of bullets tearing into your body is enough to make you jump (the loud sound I mean). The game is better with headphones as you hear things like you would if you were there. Speakers can't do that as good. Maybe this would make the game seem more real? Your sneaking around silent then suddenly *VOOOM* dead. Makes you jump a bit, with speakers I don't. Its the same with tanks and everything else I guess. Your the gunner of the tank looking at an M1A1 in your sights, his main gun is looking right at you, you fire a round then he does, you hear the shell hit your tank, big bang right in your ears.. I guess what I'm saying is with the headphones on you feel like your there and it makes you sweat. Or maybe I just get too "involved" in the game. Thats what we plan to do in our LAN games soon.
  17. Hardliner

    Mission poll (look at this one)

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Mar. 19 2002,09:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">am i the only infantry lover?<span id='postcolor'> Actually I don't mind infantry either. I like being Spetz Natz. Killed a load of US troops while they had no idea who was shooting at them. Of course my commander and group were hiding a few hundred metres behind me letting ME do ALL the work and only advancing when the way was clear. It was good tho to shoot the enemy at close quarters, some of them ran right into me not shooting me at all, was being flanked boths sides but it was no harm shooting in both directions. I even copped stray lead from my own group shooting at the enemy while hiding behind me, the ONLY lead that hit me from my OWN guys. I guess with being Spetz Natz they thought I should do all the work. I was only Spetz Natz in the group Spetz Natz Vs Special Op. Now that would be good, ain't tried that yet. You would never hear any shots at all. Just the sound of the bullet lodging itself in your ribcage.
  18. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aculaud @ April 07 2002,08:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LOL 7: "9 o clock, 12 T80s, 2 BMPs, and a hell of a lot of infantry, 200" 1: "7, Run like hell to forest, 1 o clock"<span id='postcolor'> 6: "Holy s***, 7 has been blown to bits! F*** this S*** I wanna go home!!"
  19. Hardliner

    Bis please, try to fix tank dammage

    With extended armor off the M1A1 takes 4 hits to the turret from a T80 and T72. T80 takes 3 hits to the turret from an M1A1 and M60. M60 takes 2 hits but turret wreaked after first hit. T72 takes 2 shots to destroy. T55 gets done with 1 hit. M1A1 taking hits from a T55.. I counted 7. All thats with Sabot. We ambushed one M1A1 with 4 groups of Russian infantry with 4 RPG troops. Took alot of hits from all sides but we got it
  20. Hardliner

    War against terrorism mod?

    *sigh* I'm not even going to bother saying anything here. Its not my conflict anyway. As for the word "Terrorism"... it is used rather loosely these days, especially after september 11th. I see no point in REAL war. Wargames yes I kill, maim and destroy, but real war? Illogical.
  21. Hardliner

    I am very disapointed in bis's lack of sniping....

    Sniping... its not bad but still a bit more cowardly than other jobs in military I guess. Taking someone out from a long distance while they don't have the ability to shoot you is still cowardly. This is not only sniping but by other things as well such as artillery. Taking people out at long ranges to me just seems cowardly but I guess everyone who disagree will have a go at me. I'm the up close and personal type. Its more fun in OFP to duck around corners shooting people at close range. I don't know, not an issue I guess.
  22. Hardliner

    What type of graphics card do you have

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sadico @ April 01 2002,19:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But the new NVIDIA drivers have made the TNTII better then it was when it came out. I had it when it came out, and it sucked. A friend of mine still has it, and uses the same drivers as my GF4, and now his card is (still sucks) better then it was before.<span id='postcolor'> That is correct, when i bought the computer i couldn't even play Medal Of Honor or Return To Castle Wolfenstein, because the opengl drivers that came with the card were really old, but i downloaded the detonator drivers from www.nvidia.com and they run great now.<span id='postcolor'> This one I presume? Detonator XP Driver (Video Cards)
  23. Hardliner

    Games portraying the "real horrors of war"

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tales_From_Topographic_Oceans @ April 02 2002,18:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I do not feel "sad" when my squad gets killed. I do feel responsible.<span id='postcolor'> It was not sad. I thought deeply about it happening in real life. I don't cry over it. Hell sometimes I turn on my own squad wiping them out or getting shot by them in the process. Its all to do with thinking about it happening in real life. With the world being as it is its not stupid to think about things like this, as it is all happening now. I know that most people don't or are "unable" to think when playing games...
  24. Hardliner

    My fellow americans

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ April 02 2002,14:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes i also hate the sun  give me my dark scottish nights  raining or snowing   dark at 4 pm   that the way it should stay  then no excuses to leave pc<span id='postcolor'> I'v been to Britain twice in the winter and I LOVED the weather there dark at 9am and dark at 3 or 4pm and grey in between. LOVED IT!
  25. Hardliner

    Montiniac must fall!

    The two missions are the same thing. Difference being that in After Montignac your alone and use the UAZ, in Strange Meeting you have more comrades with you and your in a truck sometimes I get chased by BMP and or T72s and infantry (the way I play this mission I do anyway) its basically the same thing. I like SM better. Good music at start and at end, altho end music would be in AM too.