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Everything posted by Hardliner

  1. Hardliner

    Should i change my avatar?

    You should do what you feel is right I voted third choice. I feel that was right.
  2. Hardliner

    Happy earth day

    Recycle I do, train I catch, meat I like, greens I don't. I like the planet, it is a shame if man destroys it. Bush wanted to drill for oil somewhere in Alaska was it? Mining for resources damages the planet.
  3. Hardliner

    Happy earth day

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ April 22 2002,18:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I believe man can kill anything.<span id='postcolor'> Including himself.
  4. Hardliner

    Can someone please explain this to me?

    It would look nice falling from the sky with a black trail behind it after being shot at by VC.
  5. Hardliner

    I am a russian at last!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ April 22 2002,15:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So Hardliner, do they actually sound Russian? I'm not Russian, but thought they sounded a bit fake - maybe they're actually right?<span id='postcolor'> Some of them sound fake. Some of them I think are good. Maybe there could have been better vocies but I can only use what I have got. A few of them sound ok yeah.
  6. Hardliner

    I am a russian at last!

    Yeah it might have been Dimitri. I think it was him that when he said "all go to house" it sounded like "all go to cowse" yeah his voice is amusing As for the VoiceRH.pbo file I don't know. If your on a LAN just transfer it to the others Addon folder. Its only 21mb. But its worth a try to see if it works if someone does not have it. It might work. Only one way to find out I think the worst that could happen is there would be no voice or they are kindly returned to the desktop. No harm.
  7. Hardliner

    Bis: age-old tank glitches everyone hates

    Abrams take 6 hits? the most it took from me was 4 hits. I downloaded a custom T80B tank with AT-8/Songster missiles and I can take an Abrams out from afar while it can't hit me and it takes 2 hits to destroy it even on frontal armor. I was overjoyed at this
  8. Hardliner

    I am a russian at last!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Pukko @ April 21 2002,18:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Whats the name of the speaker with the best russian accent? I looked for them after playing Red Hammer, but could not find them. I loved the main charachters pronoucing of 'All, hit the dirt' in the capaign - sounded like: "All, Keep the dirt" <span id='postcolor'> You mean the officer in the beginning?
  9. Hardliner

    I am a russian at last!

    Don't know if anyone else has done this but I just go to the User folder and go into my folder in it and open the userinfo file with notepad and go down to where it says Speaker="[name]" and changed the name to any of these names... Aleksei Andrei Boris Georgiy Ivan Nikolai Oleg Ruslan Sergey Vadim Vitaliy Vladimir I'v only tried Ivan but I'm sure the rest would work (only just done this). I know the names because I extracted the VoiceRH.pbo for the russian voices and they were all there. Just an attempt to make the game more realistic Russians sounding Russian There was another way that someone had on an editing page but certain words were not used so you would get "1: 9 o'clock enemy ....... ....." "1: target .......... ......." but with this way all the words are here like in Red Hammer. The voices also don't work if you go to edit your character like voice pitch at least for me it didn't and you'd have to go retype the name in.
  10. Hardliner

    One thing that should have been added to the game.

  11. Hardliner

    Civilised war

    I had and still have a game on Commadore 64 called Pegasus Bridge. The British had to secure two bridges for the forces landing on the beaches nearby and destroy or hold several other bridges to the east to cut off German reinforcements. It was always easy for me to be German.
  12. Hardliner


    Hitler did not want a war with Britain and France. He got chocky thinking he could take Poland after rolling into Austria and the Studentland. Oh and the Rhur if thats spelled right probably not. He was gambling and hoping that Britain and France would not stop him. Even after Britain declared war Hitler made several unsuccessful attempts to get England on his side, telling them that their Empire would be secure if they aknowlaged Germany had a free hand in Europe but they just would not do it. Hitler was not after the West but his enemy was to the East, Russia, Communism. Later America would be facing the same enemy in a Cold War. I know about the partisans and yes it would be impossible to control a country like this. When the Germans first arrived in certain cities in USSR and the Baltic states the German troops were actually welcomed at first, they also made it look like they were "liberating" the people there from the evil of communism and at that time it looked all fine. However the regular German units pushed on eastward and the SS and Gestapo followed making it clear that they were not there to liberate them, but to eradicate. I have seen this movie Stalingrad and it didn't show heros rushing enemy postions like other movies do. It showed soldiers under extreme conditions with orders to "hold to the last" in a hopeless situtation, being turned on by their OWN officers and leadership. Same thing on the Russian side. Hitler made many mistakes in that war. He had himself to blame really. Thing is he blamed the German people for "failing" him which I think is pretty shit. Even if he didn't attack USSR they might have still attacked him later on a few years down the track. Altho Stalin had "cleaned" out his military leadership sending his officers to the gulags and killing them. Just one thing that made it hard for Russia at first in 1941.
  13. Hardliner

    Bin laden surrenders!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ April 19 2002,09:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Sick they are...<span id='postcolor'> It leads to the dark side... seriously it does.
  14. Hardliner

    Ai's stupidest moments

    Also in that infantry fight when I was a soldier when we ran into the enemy some of my guys were between me and the US troops so I had to shoot past them to hit the emeny. The americans shot back but my guys in front of me just kept on spinning on the spot. I thought it was amusing to see this Also when the americans got close they were walking around slowly guns ready but me and some of my troops were right to their left just watching them! The AI can make some amusing moves
  15. Hardliner

    Ai's stupidest moments

    "1: Target soldier" "1: Target soldier" "1: Target soldier" "1: Target soldier" "1: Target soldier" "1: Target soldier" "1: Target Abrams" "1: No Target" *CRACK--- SHATTER* "You are dead" Nuff said
  16. Hardliner

    Bis: age-old tank glitches everyone hates

    Yeah thought so. I shot M1s in the engine in FP and its taken at least 2 hits to it or more. I rekon it would be better if armor was more realistic, I presume in FP it would not be. It would be good to bypass the heavy frontal armor to hit it in the rear. It seems to make no difference here.
  17. Hardliner

    Bis: age-old tank glitches everyone hates

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ April 19 2002,17:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tank mines are just fine. Two mines are enough to destroy a T80 and disable Abrams.<span id='postcolor'> I thought it took only one mine. In that "Defender" mission each tank ran over one mine I think. Didn't have to shoot any of them.
  18. Hardliner

    Bis: age-old tank glitches everyone hates

    I know the M1A1 is a tough nut but would a direct hit to its engine ruin it? I mean I know the armor at the front is thickest and less on top and sides but at the rear wouldn't it be weak point? I'v heard people saying that if you hit an Abrams from behind thats it. All tanks would have weak behinds no?
  19. Hardliner

    Favourite music in OFP?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Nov. 23 2001,16:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think there is a little programm published where you can integrate any wav into the game.<span id='postcolor'> You think? I'v put my own music into this game and some of the music i put in were from other games also just to try it out. Its all on Avon Lady's web page. My faverate music in OFP has to be "Slow Blades" followed by "Secret"
  20. Hardliner

    Ai's stupidest moments

    Another thing to add. I setup a mission and ran it with an even number of 2 groups of Russian and US troops, US troops based in Morton and the Russian groups to take it. I was a Russian soldier. When we made contact with the enemy a gunfight broke out as normal. We took the village no problem. I changed to being a sniper and ran the mission again. I started sniping the targets before my guys got right near Morton. After I started shooting the US troops they ran around to the west of Morton looking for where the shots were coming from. Now my guys were suddenly appearing in my sights as I was shooting at the enemy! It looked like my guys were right on top of the enemy looking at each other but neither side shot at the other! I could see my guys walking towards them and vice versa looking right at each other but no shooting. My guys were in combat mode too. The Americans had their guns ready but nothing. All of a sudden the last few US troops started a firefight with my guys. Maybe the US troops were more concered about my bullets I don't know. And as for my guys? Maybe they just letting me do all the work and wanting to be close to my targets to see them get shot up close.
  21. Hardliner

    Bush presses for economic sanctions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (scout @ April 18 2002,18:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Germany didnt have the assests to maintain a beachhead in britain. Sealion was an illusion. by the way, as i said somewhere before. if the USA wouldnt enter the war whole wurope would be red now. germany wouldnt win the USSR any way.<span id='postcolor'> Wining in USSR was possible. Hitler maintained over 70% or 75% of his force there I believe. Its foolish mistakes like losing the 6th army in Stalingrad in 1943, diverting his panzers north and south instead of sending them right into Moscow in 1941 while RED defences were weak and other little errors like demanding too much from the German people. And then blaming them because they can't keep up with his wishes. Losing troops in North Africa was a mistake too that cost them. Just commanding them to "hold and fight to the death" such leadership was bound to cause it to lose the war. I'm sure someone who knows more about this will correct me about it but some people believed that Britain had hardly an army there and that Churchill was sending British troops to Africa instead of keeping them on home soil (some time after Battle of Britain actually) The problem was of course the RAF. But the war in the East was not simply a one sided fight were USSR was destinded to win. USSR was almost on the verge of collaps. Perhaps if Hitler had invaded a few months early they would have been better off before the winter came. And I saw in a few documentries that after Germany was defeated USSR had troops and hardware that was ready to attack into western Europe. Also paratroops and more forces in the far East near Alaska and that Soviet generals were urging Stalin to attack the Americans immediatly. This might not sound right but I have seen it in documentries. So sorry about all this. What was the topic suppost to be? on Bush or something? Â
  22. Hardliner

    Bush presses for economic sanctions

    Ok Albert Schweizer I understand, I know Hitler declared war on America but wouldn't that be because of the alliance with Japan? Hitler made alot of foolish mistakes that cost them, Also in the Battle of Britain some believed that if Germany had kept on bombing the airfields instead of foolishly going after London the RAF would have been smashed anyway, allowing operation Sealion to go ahead. Ok slightly offtopic here.. I just have an interest in ww2 and know more about that than current things.
  23. Hardliner

    Bush presses for economic sanctions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ April 18 2002,00:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">They didn't try to stop Hitler until the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor (spare me the lecture where America sent supplies to Britain. Â They weren't giving the British anything, merely "lending" it)<span id='postcolor'> Yeah if Japan didn't attack USA Hitler might have or most likey would have won. If Japan atttacked USSR instead the Axis would have won it. USA was like Stalin in 1939, wanted to avoid war. It didn't work out for either of them. Yeah your right about them "lending it" thats why it was called "Lend Lease" also sent to USSR.
  24. Hardliner

    Bush presses for economic sanctions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RedRogue @ April 17 2002,19:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ April 17 2002,17:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Even as an American citizen, I also agree that George Bush is by far one of the dumbest presidents ever. The guy can't even keep a straight face for Christ's sake.  I mean you look at Kennedy, Nixon, or even Clinton, and you knew you wouldn't wanna fuck with them.  But Bush is like a little Texas hillbilly redneck with a shotgun in his mouth, speaking with a foul slacked jaw yokel accent, guarding his cows in a ranch.  And this is the guy the much praised (?) American public voted for.  I think he should leave such important matters to those who have been propertly educated.<span id='postcolor'> So being a hillbilly is a bad thing? And putting redneck and hillbilly in the same sentence shows your understanding of culture, as they are slangs for two quite different groups of people. If you would attempt to read American history you would note alot of notable people have orginated from the area of "speaking with a foul slacked jaw yokel accent". And to Hardliner; Much like true communsim, true democracy does not exist. Its  called humanity- greed, vanity, and our thirst for power will forever prevent this.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah I guess there is no such thing as one given idoligy. I don't believe in following any of them regardless of the picture in my signature. It just looks good thats all.
  25. Hardliner

    Building on airport on war graves

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ April 17 2002,15:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here in Germany you have to buy your graves and you have to pay for the time your body lies there.<span id='postcolor'> I wouldn't even buy myself a grave. Whats the point in wasting money that you could use while your alive? I see little use for money anyway but why buy a grave for when your dead? When I'm dead thats it! There won't be anyone around to be sad for me and I don't exspect it from anyone.