I dont understand penny sometimes either but I can promise you his code works. And even better I can prove it, even though all you have to do is download the F18 and try it in MP. Its one of the few vehicles addons with scripted animations that dosent crap out in MP games. I can save you some time though and just post it all here :-). The following is the eventhandlers from the F18 hornet (This is from soon to be released 1.2 version so might differ from yours)...
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> //------------------------------------------------------------------
  class eventhandlers
   init  = "if (alive (_this Select 0)) then {[_this select 0, true] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\messagemgr.sqs""}";
   getin = "if (alive (_this Select 0)) then {[_this select 0, false, _this select 2] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\messagemgr.sqs""}";
   getout= "[_this Select 0,true] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\canopyctrl.sqs""";
   incomingMissile = "[_this select 0] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\inmissile.sqs""";
   fired = "[_this Select 0, _this Select 1, _this Select 2, _this Select 3, _this Select 4] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\fired.sqs""";
Now as you can see both init and getin are executing messagemgr.sqs...
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;Code by Pennywise from Radishville           ;;
;;Email:  onepremise@nc.rr.com              ;;
;;Email2: pennywise@radishville.com           ;;
;;Ver.     Changes         Date     Ini.;;
;;1.0.0   Initial Coding      03/20/03    JAH  ;;
;;1.3.0   New Features       05/26/03    JAH  ;;
;;This script handles the aircrafts behavior in flight  ;;
;;for server, client, and AI Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ;;
;;Right now there is only support for single unit in   ;;
;;craft. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ;;
;Variables Passed
_obj      = _this Select 0
_doInit     = _this Select 1
?((count _this)>2):_unit = _this Select 2
;Scripts - just change the path to run for another addon
_F18ScriptPath= "\Rad_F18\scripts\"
_init     = _F18ScriptPath+"init.sqs"
_wingctrl   = _F18ScriptPath+"wingctrl.sqs"
_canopyctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"canopyctrl.sqs"
_gearctrl   = _F18ScriptPath+"gearctrl.sqs"
_hookctrl   = _F18ScriptPath+"hookctrl.sqs"
_aleronctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"aleronctrl.sqs"
_SBarrierSQS Â = _F18ScriptPath+"breakSoundBarrier.sqs"
_aiSpdAdjust  = _F18ScriptPath+"aiSpeedAdjust.sqs"
_sysctrl    = _F18ScriptPath+"sysctrl.sqs"
_cbumenuctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"CBUMenuctrl.sqs"
_ejectAction  = _F18ScriptPath+"ejectaction.sqs"
_jammerctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"jammer.sqs"
;Initialize Global Variables
[_obj] exec _init
?(agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Debug settings on"
?(_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Init Called"
?(!_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "GetIn Called"
;Set Wings and Alerons upon spawn
?(_doInit):[_obj, true, true] exec _wingctrl
;Initialize Local Variables
_soundbarrier   = true
_wingCheck    = true
_scream      = true
_gearmove     = true
_StallAlarm    = true
_DAAlarmLvl0 Â Â = true
_DAAlarmLvl1 Â Â = true
_DAAlarmLvl2 Â Â = true
_DAAlarmLvl3 Â Â = true
_foldWingSpd   = 20
_sonicBmSpd    = 925
;Detect for Player(s)
_sldr_present=crew _obj
_sldr_count  = count _sldr_present
?(_sldr_count >= 1):_Soldier  = _sldr_present select 0
?(_sldr_count >= 1):[_obj,false] exec _canopyctrl; goto "InitializeComponents"
[_obj,true] exec _canopyctrl
goto "Exit"
;Initialize Components
_i = 0
?(!agvRADfoldwing):[_obj, true] exec _aleronctrl
?(agvRADfoldwing):[_obj, false] exec _aleronctrl
goto "CheckIfFlying"
;Determine if we started mission flying
_pos = GetPos _obj
_z = _pos select 2
?(speed _obj >= 50):_wingCheck=false; [_obj, false] exec _gearctrl; goto "F18SetVelocity"
?(_z >= 50):goto "CheckIfFlying"
goto "CheckUnitType"
;If flying, set the correct speed
_vel = velocity _obj
_obj setVelocity [(_vel select 0) * 0.5,(_vel select 1) * 0.5,(_vel select 2) * 0.5]
?(agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat format["Your Speed = %1",(speed _obj)]
;Show Alerons
[_obj, true] exec _aleronctrl
goto "CheckUnitType"
;Unit Detected; Determine if AI, Player, Non Local
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "CheckUnitType"
_isInObj=false; _isPlayer = false; _isLocal=false; _isDriver=false; _isGunner=false; _isCommander=false
?(_Soldier in _obj):_isInObj=true
?(Local _Soldier):_isLocal=true
?(_Soldier == player):_isPlayer=true
?((driver _obj)==_Soldier): _isDriver=true
?((gunner _obj)==_Soldier): _isGunner=true
?((commander _obj)==_Soldier): _isCommander=true
?(_isLocal and _isPlayer and _isDriver): goto "PlayerPilotInitialize"
?(_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isDriver):goto "AIPilotInitialize"
?(_isLocal and _isPlayer and _isGunner): goto "PlayerGunnerInitialize"
?(_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isGunner):goto "AIGunnerInitialize"
?(_isLocal and _isPlayer and _isCommander): goto "PlayerCmdrInitialize"
?(_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isCommander):goto "AICmdrInitialize"
?(!_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isDriver):goto "GlobalEventsInitialize"
?(!_isLocal):goto "Exit"
;AI Pilot Message Loop
_F18GearFailToken= (name (driver _obj))
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AIPilotMessageLoop"
avgRADAIPilot  = avgRADAIPilot + [_Soldier]
[_obj, _Soldier] exec _aiSpdAdjust
[_obj, true] exec _jammerctrl
_pos   = GetPos _obj
_z    = _pos select 2
_aispeed = speed _obj
?(_aispeed < _foldWingSpd and !_wingCheck):_wingCheck=true
?(_wingCheck and _aispeed >= _foldWingSpd):_wingCheck=false; [_obj, false] exec _wingctrl
?(_aispeed >= 201 and _z>= 71 and _gearmove): [_obj, false] exec _gearctrl;[_obj, false] exec _hookctrl;_gearmove=false
?(_aispeed <= 200 and _z<= 70 and !_gearmove): [_obj, true] exec _gearctrl;[_obj, true] exec _hookctrl;_gearmove=true
?(_aispeed<_sonicBmSpd and !_soundbarrier):_soundbarrier=true
?((_aispeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier) and agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AIMachSound!"
?(_aispeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):[_obj, _SBarrierSQS] call {[_this select 0] exec (_this select 1)}
?(_aispeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):_obj say "mach"; _soundbarrier=false
?((_Soldier in _obj) and (alive _Soldier) and (alive _obj)):goto "AIPilotMessageLoop"
avgRADAIPilot  = avgRADAIPilot - [_Soldier]
avgRADGearFailList  = avgRADGearFailList - [_F18GearFailToken]
goto "Reset"
;Player Pilot Message Loop
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PlayerPilotMessageLoop"
_F18GearFailToken= (name (driver _obj))
[_obj] exec _cbumenuctrl
[_obj, true] exec _jammerctrl
_ejectActionID = _obj Addaction ["Eject",_ejectAction]
_pos   = GetPos _obj
_z    = _pos select 2
_pspeed = speed _obj
?(_pspeed < _foldWingSpd and !_wingCheck):_wingCheck=true
?(_wingCheck and _pspeed >= _foldWingSpd):_wingCheck=false; [_obj, false] exec _wingctrl
?(_pspeed>=125 and !_StallAlarm):_StallAlarm=true
?((_z >= 50) and (_pspeed < 125) and _StallAlarm):[_obj,0] exec _sysctrl;_StallAlarm=false
?(_pspeed<_sonicBmSpd and !_soundbarrier):_soundbarrier=true
?((_pspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier) and agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PMachSound!"
?(_pspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):[_obj, _SBarrierSQS] call {[_this select 0] exec (_this select 1)}
?(_pspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):_obj say "mach"; _soundbarrier=false
?((getDammage _obj>.10) and _DAAlarmLvl0):[_obj,2] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl0=false
?((getDammage _obj>.40) and _DAAlarmLvl1):[_obj,3] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl1=false
?((getDammage _obj>.60) and _DAAlarmLvl2):[_obj,4] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl2=false
?((getDammage _obj>.75) and _DAAlarmLvl3):[_obj,5] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl3=false
?((getDammage _obj> .80) and _scream):[_obj,6] exec _sysctrl; _scream=false
?((_Soldier in _obj) and (alive _Soldier) and (alive _obj)):goto "PlayerPilotMessageLoop"
_obj removeAction _ejectActionID
avgRADGearFailList = avgRADGearFailList - [_F18GearFailToken]
goto "Reset"
;Player Gunner Message Loop
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PlayerGunnerMessageLoop"
goto "Exit"
;AI Gunner Message Loop
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AIGunnerMessageLoop"
avgRADAIGunner  = avgRADAIGunner - [_Soldier]
goto "Exit"
;Player Commander Message Loop
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PlayerCmdrMessageLoop"
goto "Exit"
;AI Commander Message Loop
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AICmdrMessageLoop"
avgRADAICommander  = avgRADAICommander - [_Soldier]
goto "Exit"
;Global Message Loop
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "GlobalEventsInitialize"
_gspeed = speed _obj
?(_gspeed<_sonicBmSpd and !_soundbarrier):_soundbarrier=true
?((_gspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier) and agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "GMachSound!"
?(_gspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):[_obj, _SBarrierSQS] call {[_this select 0] exec (_this select 1)}
?(_gspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):_obj say "mach"; _soundbarrier=false
[_obj, true, true] exec _aleronctrl
?((_Soldier in _obj) and (alive _Soldier) and (alive _obj)):goto "GlobalEvents"
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "Exit Global Sound"
goto "Exit"
;When the plane respawns or player exits, open the canopy
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "Reset"
[_obj,true] exec _canopyctrl
goto "DetectPlayer"
?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "Exit Manager"
and a screenshot of the...
?(agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Debug settings on"
?(_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Init Called"
?(!_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "GetIn Called"
Working on my machine (playing on pennys dedicated server)...
As you can see "Getin" was executed (Note canopy closed at mission start). If you need more help, maybe show penny exactly what your trying to do (code) and he can figure it out. I really want you to fix your plane, really excited about it. Even more so after seeing the newest screens with those beautiful textures   Anyhoo. Its a problem Im sure can be fixed. I havnt seen a global variable that penny cant lick yet!