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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    Proximity fused amraams

    Nope, however version 1.2 does now have a really groovy GBU-16 that is laser/IR lockable.
  2. You obviously didnt read any of the code I posted or even cared to look at the pics. Even a two year old can read the text in the pic and see "GETIN" being called. Well since you want to be a little brat about it I will no longer try to help you. Your aircraft can remain broken for all I care now. We tried to give you the help you wanted. ANYONE can download the F18 and try your test. Local or dedicated, and will see NO problems like your reporting. Â Why you are being so big headded and stubborn on this issue I will never know. Its not that hard a problem to fix. The F18 works fine. Ask any of the hundreds of players using it nightly at karrillions server if you dont want my biased opinion. I never said you doctored any pics, your being an ass putting words in my mouth. I asked you to use a debug line that was added to the F18 for just this purpose. Your making assumptions just lost you the help that was gonna make your bird fly. Sorry about your luck. Your a bugger eating moron if you think it dosent. Go ahead and remove the F18s init EH and repack the addon. GETIN STILL RUNS ON CLIENT!!!!! The only reason init kicks off messagemgr.sqs on the F18 is for server side checks later in the script. our INIT event isnt what we use to do the animation control. I really dont know how to make this more clear to you. The bottom line here is... Mine works, yours is broke. I beg anyone to please download the addon and try it out in your own test with a friend. You will not be able to reproduce any results close to what is shown in brats pic. I tried to help you bratty the best I could, giving you code that is proven to work in MP. Your evidently to stubborn to get it to work and are being to big an ass to accept help. So good day to you bratty and best of luck. Ill send you a fixed version of your aircraft after you release it.
  3. Hudson

    Proximity fused amraams

    The script is added to the plane, the only thing that is seperate about the CBU is the setup dialog. Since they can only be setup using a hpp file it has to be done the way it is. The CBU still works without the dialogs, you just cant adjust the spread of the bomblets. @extraction. CBUs arnt laser guided But I dont see it being a big problem so yeah, maybe they will be laser targetable. Im working right now on trying to get the AI to drop them without a DoFire command. Does anyone know of a user made addon out there that uses bombs, and the AI attacks with them?
  4. Hudson

    Need help with my lightsaber

    If your just needing the O2 part done, a couple textures slapped on and an animation made for the extension of the sabre then that shouldnt be to hard. Why not try looking at some of the tuts around here and figuring it out. I think you would be suprised to see just how easy it is. Yes its alot of tidious work at times but alot more fun then having someone swoop in a wahoo all the credit.
  5. Hudson

    Proximity fused amraams

    Make which weapon lock lasertargets?
  6. Hudson

    F-111 user input for next beta

    Is an ejectable cockpit a possibility?
  7. Hudson

    Proximity fused amraams

    Yes AMRAAM is a air to air missile. Advanced Medium Range Air-to-air Missile. I use maneuvrability=60.0; thrust=650; These settings are only going to get you minimal adjustments ingame. Ive tried from maneuvrability=0.005 it 200 and thrust settings and airfriction and everyother command in the book. Hmm, I really doubt that. Every AA missile Ive seen in OFP has the same problem, unless your lined up perfect behind your target, who is flying a straight line, your gonna miss most the time. Unless of course your firing at a stationary helicopter. Try making a shot like in my last pic from the side close range. I guarantee you 90 out of 100 will miss. OFP dosent allow tight turn radius on objects traveling at highspeed without some sort of setvelocity.
  8. Hudson

    Czech words in Visitor2

    Im finding this Free Online Translator to be some help.
  9. Test you mission again bratty and this time add this to anythings init line in the editor... agvdebugCustomAddon=true Then take a pic just like the one you did before and leave the chat messages and menu in the pic. Put an AI in the forward plane and make sure your in the rear plane at mission start. It will work as it should. The F18 was designed as a MP addon. The majority of our testing for the addon was done in MP, both DS and local. So I know the plane handles on local servers There is a possiblity that you have karrillions old RTS3Beta5c.pbo in your addons folder and that addon is messing with the flaps. That is the only problem ever reported to me about the F18s scripting in MP. The following is a pic from penny and I a couple mins ago trying similar teast as you, local server thius time, using THIS F18 (version1) I can not reproduce the errors your having, maybe your using the wrong F18?
  10. You have to be in the plane to have the GETIN event triggered. Put AI in that plane before you start the mission and it will work just fine. Its GETIN were discussing here running client side. not init. INIT isnt going to do anything for you client side in MP on local or dedicated server. We just ran a similar mission on a local server this time and I dont see how you got that pic to look that way, take another pic and leave the menu in the pic and then I can see what version F18 your running or if the event handlers are even running...
  11. I dont understand penny sometimes either but I can promise you his code works. And even better I can prove it, even though all you have to do is download the F18 and try it in MP. Its one of the few vehicles addons with scripted animations that dosent crap out in MP games. I can save you some time though and just post it all here :-). The following is the eventhandlers from the F18 hornet (This is from soon to be released 1.2 version so might differ from yours)... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> //------------------------------------------------------------------   class eventhandlers   {    init  = "if (alive (_this Select 0)) then {[_this select 0, true] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\messagemgr.sqs""}";    getin = "if (alive (_this Select 0)) then {[_this select 0, false, _this select 2] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\messagemgr.sqs""}";    getout= "[_this Select 0,true] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\canopyctrl.sqs""";    incomingMissile = "[_this select 0] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\inmissile.sqs""";    fired = "[_this Select 0, _this Select 1, _this Select 2, _this Select 3, _this Select 4] exec ""\Rad_F18\scripts\fired.sqs""";   };  }; Now as you can see both init and getin are executing messagemgr.sqs... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Code by Pennywise from Radishville           ;; ;;Email:  onepremise@nc.rr.com              ;; ;;Email2: pennywise@radishville.com           ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------;; ;;Ver.     Changes         Date     Ini.;; ;;------------------------------------------------------;; ;;1.0.0   Initial Coding      03/20/03    JAH  ;; ;;1.3.0   New Features       05/26/03    JAH  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;This script handles the aircrafts behavior in flight  ;; ;;for server, client, and AI               ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;Right now there is only support for single unit in   ;; ;;craft.                         ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~1 ;========================================================= ;Variables Passed ;========================================================= _obj      = _this Select 0 _doInit     = _this Select 1 ?((count _this)>2):_unit = _this Select 2 ;========================================================= ;Scripts - just change the path to run for another addon ;========================================================= _F18ScriptPath= "\Rad_F18\scripts\" _init     = _F18ScriptPath+"init.sqs" _wingctrl   = _F18ScriptPath+"wingctrl.sqs" _canopyctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"canopyctrl.sqs" _gearctrl   = _F18ScriptPath+"gearctrl.sqs" _hookctrl   = _F18ScriptPath+"hookctrl.sqs" _aleronctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"aleronctrl.sqs" _SBarrierSQS  = _F18ScriptPath+"breakSoundBarrier.sqs" _aiSpdAdjust  = _F18ScriptPath+"aiSpeedAdjust.sqs" _sysctrl    = _F18ScriptPath+"sysctrl.sqs" _cbumenuctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"CBUMenuctrl.sqs" _ejectAction  = _F18ScriptPath+"ejectaction.sqs" _jammerctrl  = _F18ScriptPath+"jammer.sqs" ;========================================================= ;Initialize Global Variables ;========================================================= [_obj] exec _init ?(agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Debug settings on" ?(_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Init Called" ?(!_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "GetIn Called" ;========================================================= ;Set Wings and Alerons upon spawn ;========================================================= ?(_doInit):[_obj, true, true] exec _wingctrl ;========================================================= ;Initialize Local Variables ;========================================================= _soundbarrier   = true _wingCheck    = true _scream      = true _gearmove     = true _StallAlarm    = true _DAAlarmLvl0   = true _DAAlarmLvl1   = true _DAAlarmLvl2   = true _DAAlarmLvl3   = true _foldWingSpd   = 20 _sonicBmSpd    = 925 ;========================================================= ;Detect for Player(s) ;========================================================= #DetectPlayer _sldr_present=crew _obj _sldr_count  = count _sldr_present ?(_sldr_count >= 1):_Soldier  = _sldr_present select 0 ?(_sldr_count >= 1):[_obj,false] exec _canopyctrl; goto "InitializeComponents" [_obj,true] exec _canopyctrl goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;Initialize Components ;========================================================= #InitializeComponents _i = 0 ?(!agvRADfoldwing):[_obj, true] exec _aleronctrl ?(agvRADfoldwing):[_obj, false] exec _aleronctrl goto "CheckIfFlying" ;========================================================= ;Determine if we started mission flying ;========================================================= #CheckIfFlying _pos = GetPos _obj _z = _pos select 2 ?(speed _obj >= 50):_wingCheck=false; [_obj, false] exec _gearctrl; goto "F18SetVelocity" ?(_z >= 50):goto "CheckIfFlying" goto "CheckUnitType" ;========================================================= ;If flying, set the correct speed ;========================================================= #F18SetVelocity _vel = velocity _obj _obj setVelocity [(_vel select 0) * 0.5,(_vel select 1) * 0.5,(_vel select 2) * 0.5] ?(agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat format["Your Speed = %1",(speed _obj)] ;========================================================= ;Show Alerons ;========================================================= [_obj, true] exec _aleronctrl goto "CheckUnitType" ;========================================================= ;Unit Detected; Determine if AI, Player, Non Local ;========================================================= #CheckUnitType ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "CheckUnitType" _isInObj=false; _isPlayer = false; _isLocal=false; _isDriver=false; _isGunner=false; _isCommander=false ?(_Soldier in _obj):_isInObj=true ?(Local _Soldier):_isLocal=true ?(_Soldier == player):_isPlayer=true ?((driver _obj)==_Soldier): _isDriver=true ?((gunner _obj)==_Soldier): _isGunner=true ?((commander _obj)==_Soldier): _isCommander=true ?(_isLocal and _isPlayer and _isDriver): goto "PlayerPilotInitialize" ?(_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isDriver):goto "AIPilotInitialize" ?(_isLocal and _isPlayer and _isGunner): goto "PlayerGunnerInitialize" ?(_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isGunner):goto "AIGunnerInitialize" ?(_isLocal and _isPlayer and _isCommander): goto "PlayerCmdrInitialize" ?(_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isCommander):goto "AICmdrInitialize" ?(!_isLocal and !_isPlayer and _isDriver):goto "GlobalEventsInitialize" ?(!_isLocal):goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;AI Pilot Message Loop ;========================================================= #AIPilotInitialize _F18GearFailToken= (name (driver _obj)) ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AIPilotMessageLoop" avgRADAIPilot  = avgRADAIPilot + [_Soldier] [_obj, _Soldier] exec _aiSpdAdjust [_obj, true] exec _jammerctrl #AIPilotMessageLoop _pos   = GetPos _obj _z    = _pos select 2 _aispeed = speed _obj ?(_aispeed < _foldWingSpd and !_wingCheck):_wingCheck=true ?(_wingCheck and _aispeed >= _foldWingSpd):_wingCheck=false; [_obj, false] exec _wingctrl ?(_aispeed >= 201 and _z>= 71 and _gearmove): [_obj, false] exec _gearctrl;[_obj, false] exec _hookctrl;_gearmove=false ?(_aispeed <= 200 and _z<= 70 and !_gearmove): [_obj, true] exec _gearctrl;[_obj, true] exec _hookctrl;_gearmove=true ?(_aispeed<_sonicBmSpd and !_soundbarrier):_soundbarrier=true ?((_aispeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier) and agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AIMachSound!" ?(_aispeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):[_obj, _SBarrierSQS] call {[_this select 0] exec (_this select 1)} ?(_aispeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):_obj say "mach"; _soundbarrier=false ~.1 ?((_Soldier in _obj) and (alive _Soldier) and (alive _obj)):goto "AIPilotMessageLoop" #AIPilotDeconstructor avgRADAIPilot  = avgRADAIPilot - [_Soldier] avgRADGearFailList  = avgRADGearFailList - [_F18GearFailToken] goto "Reset" ;========================================================= ;Player Pilot Message Loop ;========================================================= #PlayerPilotInitialize ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PlayerPilotMessageLoop" _F18GearFailToken= (name (driver _obj)) [_obj] exec _cbumenuctrl [_obj, true] exec _jammerctrl _ejectActionID = _obj Addaction ["Eject",_ejectAction] #PlayerPilotMessageLoop _pos   = GetPos _obj _z    = _pos select 2 _pspeed = speed _obj ?(_pspeed < _foldWingSpd and !_wingCheck):_wingCheck=true ?(_wingCheck and _pspeed >= _foldWingSpd):_wingCheck=false; [_obj, false] exec _wingctrl ?(_pspeed>=125 and !_StallAlarm):_StallAlarm=true ?((_z >= 50) and (_pspeed < 125) and _StallAlarm):[_obj,0] exec _sysctrl;_StallAlarm=false ?(_pspeed<_sonicBmSpd and !_soundbarrier):_soundbarrier=true ?((_pspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier) and agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PMachSound!" ?(_pspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):[_obj, _SBarrierSQS] call {[_this select 0] exec (_this select 1)} ?(_pspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):_obj say "mach"; _soundbarrier=false ?((getDammage _obj>.10) and _DAAlarmLvl0):[_obj,2] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl0=false ?((getDammage _obj>.40) and _DAAlarmLvl1):[_obj,3] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl1=false ?((getDammage _obj>.60) and _DAAlarmLvl2):[_obj,4] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl2=false ?((getDammage _obj>.75) and _DAAlarmLvl3):[_obj,5] exec _sysctrl; _DAAlarmLvl3=false ?((getDammage _obj> .80) and _scream):[_obj,6] exec _sysctrl; _scream=false ~.1 ?((_Soldier in _obj) and (alive _Soldier) and (alive _obj)):goto "PlayerPilotMessageLoop" #PlayerPilotDeconstructor _obj removeAction _ejectActionID avgRADGearFailList = avgRADGearFailList - [_F18GearFailToken] goto "Reset" ;========================================================= ;Player Gunner Message Loop ;========================================================= #PlayerGunnerInitialize ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PlayerGunnerMessageLoop" goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;AI Gunner Message Loop ;========================================================= #AIGunnerInitialize ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AIGunnerMessageLoop" avgRADAIGunner  = avgRADAIGunner - [_Soldier] goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;Player Commander Message Loop ;========================================================= #PlayerCmdrInitialize ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "PlayerCmdrMessageLoop" goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;AI Commander Message Loop ;========================================================= #AICmdrInitialize ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "AICmdrMessageLoop" avgRADAICommander  = avgRADAICommander - [_Soldier] goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;Global Message Loop ;========================================================= #GlobalEventsInitialize ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "GlobalEventsInitialize" #GlobalEvents _gspeed = speed _obj ?(_gspeed<_sonicBmSpd and !_soundbarrier):_soundbarrier=true ?((_gspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier) and agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "GMachSound!" ?(_gspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):[_obj, _SBarrierSQS] call {[_this select 0] exec (_this select 1)} ?(_gspeed>=_sonicBmSpd and _soundbarrier):_obj say "mach"; _soundbarrier=false [_obj, true, true] exec _aleronctrl ~.1 ?((_Soldier in _obj) and (alive _Soldier) and (alive _obj)):goto "GlobalEvents" ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "Exit Global Sound" goto "Exit" ;========================================================= ;When the plane respawns or player exits, open the canopy ;========================================================= #Reset ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "Reset" [_obj,true] exec _canopyctrl goto "DetectPlayer" #Exit ?(agvRADdebugAddon):_Soldier globalChat "Exit Manager" exit and a screenshot of the... ?(agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Debug settings on" ?(_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "Init Called" ?(!_doInit and agvRADdebugAddon):player globalChat "GetIn Called" Working on my machine (playing on pennys dedicated server)... As you can see "Getin" was executed (Note canopy closed at mission start). If you need more help, maybe show penny exactly what your trying to do (code) and he can figure it out. I really want you to fix your plane, really excited about it. Even more so after seeing the newest screens with those beautiful textures   Anyhoo. Its a problem Im sure can be fixed. I havnt seen a global variable that penny cant lick yet!
  12. Your trying to set fuel to a soldier? A default soldier? Thas not going to work no matter what you try. The soldier class isnt coded to hold fuel. Why are you not trying something like disableUserInput or DisableAI? I dont understand what your trying to do here but thinking that your problem has anything to do with client/server side issues is crazy.
  13. Hudson

    Visitor released

    Thanks Kegs!
  14. Hudson

    Visitor released

    Thanks Kegs!
  15. Hudson

    Visitor released

    Ok someone please point me to the "Open the wrpFile I allready spent 6 months making" button.... I didnt waste all that all that time did I, we can open projects we started in wrpEdit right?
  16. Hudson

    Visitor released

    Ok someone please point me to the "Open the wrpFile I allready spent 6 months making" button.... I didnt waste all that all that time did I, we can open projects we started in wrpEdit right?
  17. Hudson

    Dkm rah-66 v.1.12

    If you have the weapon bay open the landing gear cant be lowered. Maybe thats whats wrong?
  18. Hudson

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    Thats because its a resistance pbo and you need to do a little hex editing before dePboing the addon.
  19. Hudson

    Want to reskin the suzuki

    If you use ICQ, MSN or AOL get ahold of me. There are a few reasons why O2 might not run. Good thing is they are easily fixed. Its just a tricky beast to install and setup the first time. Im pretty sure I can get it to run for you. There are shortcuts to my IM services down there under this post if you would like to try...
  20. Hudson

    Want to reskin the suzuki

    You should learn the very frustrating art of texturing in O2 then. You will get a hemroid for sure but in the end you can sit back and say "Yeah, I did that". If you redo the texturing in o2 you can use whatever size textures or however many you want. Keep in mind proper OFP image sizes (sides = 64,128,256,1024,2048,4096 only) and the more textures you use or bigger they are the more memory is going to be needed by a player to use the addon. Look in the o2 documentry forum I think for brsseb's addon tutorials, or click HERE. He has some good tuts on how to do addons. Lesson one "Making your first addon" covers basic texturing. Its all you should need to do that bike.
  21. Hudson

    Want to reskin the suzuki

    Grrr, you will need to change the texture prefixs in oxygen :-( Sorry. If you dont know how to do this then send me an email a hudson@radishville.com and Ill write you some directions on how to rename the prefixs. Or I could just whip them out in o2 for you if you dont have alot of textures to deal with....
  22. Hudson

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    I was messing around with the AI problem earlier. I was able to correct the -20 meters problem but the AI still just does donuts on the runway. Will look at it more later. The -20 display was because of some named selections floating way to low in the memory LOD. I believe they were the named selections for a cannon or MG.
  23. Hudson

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    Its not my addon to release sorry.
  24. Hudson

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    If the addon is properly made the AI wont have any problems taking off. There are plenty of addons out there that work correctly with AI. and sash, the C130 in the pics I posted will pick up the nose wheel at 120Kmph and is off the ground by 170Kmph if you pull the stick back from engine start. The release version uses 1000 meters for takeoff. My version only needs 490 meters. Big difference.
  25. Hudson

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    I had a feeling I wanst using it right...