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Everything posted by Hotwire

  1. AMD Athlon 1.2ghz A7M266 256 DDR RAM GF2 Ultra 64mb Soundblaster Live! 5.1 Maxtor 60gb 7200rpm Win 2000 service pack 2 Rightyho, During OPF the framerate is nice and smooth, but every 2-3 seconds it slows down for about a second, then speeds up again. This happens constantly. I've read Avon Lady's thing about a Joystick causing this, but I didn't have one connected for this to even affect it. I think it might be a memory issue with my comp. I had a look at the AMD site and they had a registry entry called 'LargePageMinimum' that apparently fixes data corruption through an AGP graphics card. I installed this and it seemed to help very slightly (or maybe I just made myself believe this) but the problem is still there. It seems to affect OPF the most. I tried Supreme Snowboarding and it seemed to run fine. Tribes 2 caused similar errors, but the slowdown occured over a fraction of a second, so it was more of a stutter every so often than and complete slowdown every 2 seconds. The gameplay was fine when I ran Win ME so it has to be a Win 2000 thing. Please can anyone help, its driving me mad!
  2. Hotwire

    1.90 bug list

    About the RedHammer 1.90 update problem: It says on the official info: Required: ORIGINAL VERSION OF OPERATION FLASHPOINT: CWC with Gold Upgrade (or Gold Version) and OPERATION FLASHPOINT: RESISTANCE. Patch 1.90 installed. They tell you to install the 1.90 patch BEFORE the RedHammer update! Don't you think that they should amend this as from what I have heard, you need to install the RedHammer patch BEFORE the 1.90 patch. I have tried this and had problems: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=24229 The thread was locked so I cannot add this to my message so I am sorry if this has been mentioned in this thread but I have not got the time to look through 6 pages
  3. I have installed the 1.90 update, the CWC update but when I try and install the RedHammer update I receive: 'Error found in file CAMPAIGNS/redhammer.pbo (00000000!=000000001)' I did have all the required programs installed: CWC, Gold Upgrade and Resistance, up to 1.85. Is it because I have already installed the RedHammer compatability patch for when 1.85 came out and I do not need the one for 1.90?
  4. Hotwire

    Games stuttering in w2k?

    My games used to stutter in W2k every couple of seconds until I disabled my scanner (which is connected by parallel), now the games run fine. If you are having this problem and you have any extra peripherals plugged in try disabling them in the device manager and see if it helps. my original thread: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....3;t=807
  5. Hotwire

    Games stuttering in w2k?

    lol, yep
  6. Hotwire

    Mouse wheel fails to function (logitech mice)

    DestroyerX: I think the command is different in Win2K but I can't remember what to type in the run menu If anyone can help...
  7. Hotwire

    Mouse wheel fails to function (logitech mice)

    It is a well documented problem that Logitech are crap when it comes to sorting out this o so simple problem. Using the Logitech software with games renders the mouse wheel almost unusable as it seems to skip weapons when trying to select them with said wheel. In Half-Life and Tribes 2 I have this problem. Although with OFP it is fine in the action menu, I don't know why. If you have this problem then the only way I know to fix it is to hit ctrl-alt-del in windows and close down 'EM_EXEC.exe'. This is a work-around method and is really annoying as most of the time I forget to do this before starting a game. You could just not install the Logitech software, but then you won't have access to the thumb button On Logitech's site there is an apparent registry entry fix but this does not work for me as I have Win2K. I don't know whether it works on any other OS.
  8. Hey thanks that solved half my problem. The weapon has the magazine loaded. But I still need to press the weapon change key before I can fire it. Any ideas?
  9. I spawn a civilian with a Beretta but the gun is empty. So I spawn the civilian with a Beretta magazine but the magazine is not preloaded into the gun. After 'acquiring' his weapon, pressing the reload button has no effect until I press the weapon change key (the one to swap between firing modes and hand grenades). After I have pressed this key I can then reload the gun. Is this a bug? How to you force the gun to have ammo already inside it?
  10. If you BIS guys read this I'm sure you've heard it plenty of times, but the createUnit command really needs sorting out. 1. cannot give the units a name in the script (not including the init field option) 2. need an existing group to spawn In the editor it is the most basic thing to create a unit without a group, so why not using scripts which should technically be more powerful??
  11. Hotwire

    Another request to fix createunit

    hey cheers hoz, worked like a dream
  12. Hotwire

    A guided tour of nogova

    lol to everyone Ive noticed the bandwidth has exceeded on that page, jesus h christ! And skulls you are right, why didnt I put her next to me. that wouldve been a happy ending I think I might do a sequel. I'll put more effort into the script next time.
  13. Hotwire

    A guided tour of nogova

    Heh, thanks Kep. I say, make up your own ending
  14. Hotwire

    A guided tour of nogova

    rofl no marriage but... I was going to have this big car chase and a shoot out at the end and tanks and planes and stuff... but I couldn't be arsed!
  15. I've recently bought Resistance and I am pleased in the way that it has progressed from the original game. Unfortunately the developers have taken it upon themselves to upgrade the graphics to a point where the recommended specs are far beyond that of the original. In OFP I could run at 1024x768x32, with maximum detail and with smooth performance, albeit with slight stutters every now and then. In Resistance with the exact same graphics options (I toned down the detail levels to match that of the original game) the performance is a lot worse. I notice that the game stutters badly, especially when flying over the landscape in a helicopter as the computer tries to draw every tree. Even with all the detail turned down to minimum, performance is still much worse than in OFP. It is pretty smooth when running around on foot with little action, but when entering a town with enemies shooting at you the fps drops a lot. It seems as if certain graphics have been upgraded and cannot be returned to their original quality. I am running the game on a 1.2ghz Athlon, 256 DDR ram, GF2 Ultra 64mb. I have a friend who runs Resistance on a 1.9ghz, 1024 DDR ram, GF3 Ti and the game runs fine on his at 1280x1024x32. Are these specs really what is required to run Resistance at a decent frame rate, seems pretty stupid to me...
  16. Hotwire

    runs smooth but slows down every 2 seconds

    AvonLady, I did try the DirectX tweak that tells you to move the DirectDraw slider all the way to the left,but it didn't work. I also have DirecX 8a. All my drivers are the latest version (as far as I know, I updated evrything fairly recently.) SBlive drivers are from the original CD that came with the comp though. I'll try updating them and see what happens.
  17. Hotwire

    runs smooth but slows down every 2 seconds

    Thanks for all your input. I DEFINATELY have the A7M266 and it DEFINATELY has the Via southbridge that ObiJuan describes. Last night I reduced my sound playback accelerater to the second lowest notch and that seemed to fix the stuttering problem. But now I can't use any EAX or 5.1 speaker settings so it's not really a permanent solution. This is definately a Win 2000 + Soundblaster Live! thing as Win ME was fine. I don't think the USB mouse is the problem as I seem to have isolated the cause to the sound drivers. On a seperate thing: My 3D games will also lock up the computer after an hour or so of play. I've had no end of problems with this since buying the computer in Feb 2001. I turned off AGP 4x and that fixed the problem, but now I get a lot of video tearing and I also have the problem of knowing that my comp isn't running as fast as it should. Is AGP 4x going to increase performance or shall I just turn it off? please take a look at my other thread for a more detailed description: http://ns1.absolutemm.com/outrageous_forums/showthread.php?threadid=483 I posted on the graphics card site as I thought that might be the problem, but now I'm not so sure.
  18. Hotwire

    runs smooth but slows down every 2 seconds

    hehe ok, maybe I'll stick up the res
  19. Hotwire

    runs smooth but slows down every 2 seconds

    Hi. A7M266 does use the via chipset. At least mine does anyway I have a 17" monitor and I run my desktop at 1280 x 960 (i think that's right, I'm at uni at the mo). I get a refresh rate of 70hz, but if I want to stick it up to 1280 x 1024 then refresh drops to 60hz. That's as high as I can go because of my monitor I run the game in 1024 x 768 at 32bit. I can go higher, I just don't really see much point as it doesn't seem to make the game any better. I'll have a go at the virtual memory when I get back. What do you recommened for 256 RAM? Thanks.
  20. Hotwire

    runs smooth but slows down every 2 seconds

    oh yeah, I have Upgrade 3 as well.