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Homer Simpson

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About Homer Simpson

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Homer Simpson

    Please fix the AI

    This appears to be more a default behaviour problem rather than AI line of sight. I tried a couple of the tests posted and it appears the default behaviour in the editor is only fire when under threat. putting this setbehaviour "Combat" in either opfor or blufor's init fixes the tests and makes them engage almost instantly with varying outcomes. Opfor dead Bluefor dead or both dead obviously which ever one has the combat mode on will have the advantage as the one without only reacts as soon as the opposition starts to point a weapon his way. If both are in Combat mode from the start it's 50/50 chance if land is level or genrally 20/80 in LOS4 test as blufor has a slight advantage of a bump in the road giving him an ever so slight piece of cover when prone. Except the running test (los8) as the Blufor just doesn't stand a chance as the Opfor is ready and waiting (although poor lirttle blufor did win once out of 10 tries I ran), making him move in carefully "Stealth" he win's 9 out of 10 times.
  2. Homer Simpson

    ArmA Combat Photography Tutorial (Basic)

    Yep no problem at all..
  3. Homer Simpson

    ArmA Combat Photography Tutorial (Basic)

    Here's a quick tip for getting action shots.. (and to remove the border in Camera.sqs) if you set a trigger up tied to "Radio Alpha" or any activation you wish.. you can prep a shot buy F1 and presing 0 twice so you're ready to tap 1 when you want to set the camrera for shooting (I.E straight after you fire a rocket press 1). I put this in the activation line of the trigger.. player exec "camera.sqs"; showCinemaBorder false; setAccTime 0.003 this way you can take some nice action shots and move the camera in place during real slowmo action. like this.. Firing.. And this is gunna hurt!!
  4. Homer Simpson

    ArmA Photography

    All I need now is a General Lee Mod..
  5. Homer Simpson

    ArmA Photography

    This is what it currently looks like.. it's a partical effect so no doubt you can edit a config somewhere and make as much spray as you like. what I do love is the way the sea reacts to the weather conditions.
  6. Homer Simpson

    ArmA Photography

  7. Homer Simpson

    Armed Assault videos

    At your request.. http://www.digitalphotos.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ARMA/targetscreen.avi (right click "saveas" easiest way.. ) I wouldn't call it completely useless, but it's tricky enough to fly choppers normally at the moment in this game, so when trying to fly whilst zoomed in they feel even more twitchy. If only it could be panned/tilted with mouse or thumbstick it'd be great rather than having to move the whole chopper.
  8. Homer Simpson

    ArmA Photography

  9. Homer Simpson

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    Thats also what impressed me the most with AA over OFP and my VBS1, the number of units on screen at once the engine can now handle is amazing. http://www.digitalphotos.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ARMA/ArmaTest.avi
  10. Homer Simpson


  11. Homer Simpson

    To BIS... Radeon users would like...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Desloc on 11:07 pm on Dec. 5, 2001 It's funny how so many Nvidia users get their knickers in a knot over ATI's tech. Â <span id='postcolor'> If I'd spent nearly twice the price for a slower card I'd be pissed too! After seeing the difference TruForm gives I'd love to see it applied to OFP characters