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Holy Smoke

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Everything posted by Holy Smoke

  1. Holy Smoke

    Battlefields mission

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bucko on 8:02 pm on Nov. 16, 2001 But did you finish the mission??? I was left with four AI's and leader AI just standing there after several waves of attacks then nothing. Â Think we got two or three all clears. <span id='postcolor'> Yes I finished the mission. And got those two or three all clears myself. I guess the winning conditions for this one are a "East not present" trigger, so once there're no more enemy troops look for any remaining vehicles, such a red cross BMP or a dissabled T72. Usually, if you pick up a LAW or RPG, your leader will assign you a target. But you can try going to hunt them on your own (they maybe hidding on the forest).
  2. Holy Smoke

    Battlefields mission

    Let your squad do the assault on enemy trenches on their own. Then look out for a dead officer and pick the binocular. At this point don't advance much, stay back and look for a sniper and his supporter on the western forest (the one to your left). You'll find him over the northern edge, close to an ammo box. Kill both of them and rush to grab the Dragunov (get ready to kick ass ) Now you should have a great view of the battlefield. Just analyze the situation and choose a good place to snipe the the incoming russian forces (basically Spetz Natz troopers). Look out, they use to advance through the eastern forest. If you find all enenies are done but mission does not end, just got a LAW and destroy any remainig enemy vehicles. That worked for me, Regards.
  3. Holy Smoke

    New "Throw Gun" ability

    "Weapon Throw" works. If you're a civilian and carry some satchels, you can place them with the "weapon throw" command. I mean, you activate the command and then place the charges with the left mouse button.
  4. Holy Smoke

    Can I Sync. two triggers?

    Rastavovich, Thanks, that's the way to do it. I think they do it the same way to stop the alarm. Just look at the wizard's mission, there you'll find a trigger set to stop the alarm after 30-45 s. dbaulch, the mission wizard is a new 1.20v addon. Seems it makes it easier for MP editing. Go to mission editing without clicking on any island. Just look on the lower left corner, you should find a "mission wizard" button. lol I already spent some days wondering what the #### was that wizard everybody was talkin' bout! Regards.
  5. I'm editing a base-alarm trigger and, at last, I've figured out how it works. Now, just for some ambient, I would like to place a trigger after the alarm one with people yelling: Triboga!Triboga! about 3 seconds, or so, after the sound of the siren. The siren sounds after 10-15 min. you kill a soldier in an outpost... So, how do I mange to sync. the "trigoba" trigger with the "siren" one? Thanks for reading, Regards.
  6. Holy Smoke

    activate triggers

    Just guessing, but you should edit a "switch" trigger with "west present" condition. Then, on the condition change the "true" value with "your player's name" as condition to be satisfied. Thus, west may be present but if you're not there a triggering condition is still missing. If you alone step, both conditions (you and west) are positive I don't know how to spell this script line, though. Sorry. Regards.
  7. Holy Smoke

    Can I Sync. two triggers?

    Thanks for your help m8. But I'm afraid this won't work. I mean, the siren sound has countdown settings as follows: min:600 s max:900 s med:800 s the problem is the "Triboga trigger" countdown, this has to be triggered 2 or 3 seconds after the alarm plays, and there's no way to predict when this is going to happen with such countdown settings. If I set the same triggering conditions for both triggers, "Trigoba" is going to be launched very early. Studying the level that comes with the mission wizard I notice how they're doing to switch off the Alarm (yeah, once started, it plays forever unless you switch it off), so I guess this will work for the one I need. Seems you need a trigger with the switching on condition specifying another trigger has been launched. Anyway, thanks for repliying. And by the way, does anybody know if there's any difference betwen both countdown and time-out settings. Whatever I put, I always get a countdown!Definitely, we need those editing docs to be realeased. Regards.
  8. Holy Smoke

    Predestoyed Units

    Actually, when you set "setdammage 1" to a unit, it is alive when you start the mission. Then, once started the unit suddenly dies. Regards