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About Gonzonaut

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. In your main DAC directory, inside your mission directory, there should be a file called DAC_Config_Creator. Open this and have a look just under the DAC Settings heading, there will be a variable called: DAC_STRPlayers = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5" ... The unedited version of DAC uses "s1" through "s16" as the player names. So, you must either name all of your players in the editor with these names, or add your own, for example: DAC_STRPlayers = ["Player1", "Player2", "Player3, "Fred", "Bill", ... Extra names in the string won't matter if they haven't been used in the editor. They will be ignored. Hopefully this solves your problem. Â
  2. I have another question about the DAC, this one involving respawn camps. I have a zone with three camps that I have placed in particular locations by logic waypoints. They are each given 3 respawns. Is there a way that I can reduce a certain camp's respawns to zero? Such as Blufor activates a trigger, and camp 3's respawns are reduced to 0.
  3. Gonzonaut

    CreateTrigger Weirdness

    Ah, that makes sense for why it was blowing me up instead of the trigger center up. I'll muck around with naming the trigger and getposing its loc. Thanks for enlightening me, Kronzky. Â
  4. Heyas, I'm having some strangeness with a created trigger. I can create the trigger on the location of my chosen object just fine, and am able to customise the size, etc. This created trigger then activates another script when tripped. At the moment I am having trouble with the line: "M_Sidewinder_AA" createVehicle getpos this Everything works well, the explosion occurs when I cross the trigger, but instead of the explosion occuring at the centre of the trigger point, the explosion occurs under the players feet. I had expected that the 'getpos this' would refer to the trigger, and not the player. Hopefully one of you guru's could enlighten me on what may be happening.
  5. Genius! Thankyou. With the correct syntax known I was able to figure out that instead of putting it incorrectly in the _Init_Vehicle section, I should have put it in the Event Create sections of both _Init_Unit_V, and _Init_Unit_T, as shown below: _Init_Unit_V = [ ["_vehc lock true"] ... _Init_Unit_T = [ ["_vehc lock true"] ... Thanks for the solution Silola, I'm a happy man. Â Awesome work on the DAC also. I'm fairly new to mission making, and the DAC is an excellent resource.
  6. I've been using DAC for a couple of weeks now, and it's working out fairly well. I am struggling with one aspect of it, however, and that is setting the DAC spawned vehicles to "Locked" so that players cannot use them. In the DAC_Config_Events, I am editing case 1, in the _Init_Vehicle section. I have tried many various permutations of the examples below, and have no success so far. All the DAC spawned vehicles remain unlocked. I have also made sure that the event case has been called in the trigger activation, eg. ["Z1",[1,0,1, etc. ["[_vehc] setVehicleLock "Locked""] ["[_vehc] lock true"] ["{_x lock 1} foreach units_vehc"] Any help with this problem is appreciated, as it's doing my head in.
  7. Hey Kronzky, Thanks for the hint and explanation. I'll give your suggestion a try, as it certainly makes sense for the problem I am seeing. Nice work on the UPS also. Very handy and helpful tool. Much appreciated.
  8. From my understanding of the DAC Readme.pdf (Page 24), it sounds like you've identified the infantry leader (the third unit in the string) as a medic unit. From the unchanged DAC_Config_Units the _Unit_Pool_S = will have: "SoldierECrew","SoldierEPilot","SquadLeaderE","Soldiere b",etc SoldierECrew is the unit used to crew tracked vehicles, SoldierEPilot is used to crew helicopters, and SquadLeaderE is the squad leader of an infantry unit. Make sure the third unit name is the squad leader's name, instead of the medic, and that should fix your problem, hopefully. From my understanding the unit that you choose for this third position will be the unit used for all squad leaders using DAC. Someone mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread the possibility of adding a random logic inside that third position, but did not elaborate how to do so for the new mission maker, like me. Hope it works.
  9. Heya, I am having difficulty with Kronzky's Urban Patrol Script, specifically with the KRON_Cleared_[AreaName] trigger firing at the start of the mission, before any enemies have been eliminated from that area. I am using ACE mod with this, and no other mods. I have a marker area called Sector_A1, of size 200x200, and I have a group of 4 infantry, with the leaders init being: nul=[this,"Sector_A1","Randomdn","Min:",1,"Max:",4,"Empty:",3,"Delete:",600] execVM "ups.sqf" I also have a Trigger with the condition of: KRON_Cleared_Sector_A1 The problem I am having is that the Trigger will sometimes fire at the start of the mission preview, thus completing the objective of clearing the area, when no shots have been fired, and no units killed in that area. Sometimes the trigger doesn't fire at the start, and all works until I clear the area as expected. It's almost 50-50. I can't seem to pin down the problem. I have tried the following in an attempt to solve this: 1. Added extra single infantry, not using UPS, into the Sector_A1 area. 2. Increasing and decreasing the "Empty:" amount. 3. Searching the internet for a solution. Any help with this problem would be appreciated.
  10. Gonzonaut

    Mercs and Civilians

    Thanks for the quick reply. That's exactly what I needed to know. I'm loving the Black Ops skins. Now I just have to figure out how to get a helo fly in and hover 1 metre above a building consistently. Â
  11. Gonzonaut

    Mercs and Civilians

    Heya Schnapsdrosel, I am very impressed with the quality and variety of your work for this mod. I am currently working on a mercenary single player mission, and needed to know if there are any double-ups in the downloads for your work. Ie. I have downloaded the Civilian 1.0 pack (which I understand has the latest civilian versions due to lag reduction, etc), the Mercenary Desert pack, and the Mercs & Civilians pack. Do the civilian models in the Mercs & Civilians pack overwrite those civilian models in the Civilian 1.0 pack? Are they the same civilian models used? Your work in progress on those vests looks very nice as well. Thanks for the effort you have put in.