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Posts posted by Gen.Houdini-C5-

  1. In any video setting other than 4:3 (single head) display, the chat window does not appear on screen. If in triple head mode (Matrox THTG) @3072x768 (or any res for that matter), the chat window does not appear at all when pressing "/", although if I type and hit "enter" it will still display the message. This isn't a big deal until you're in PvP and don't know what channel you're typing to...

    I searched the forums for a while and didn't see this anywhere, so I'd be curious to know if others with triple head setups are having this issue.

  2. I agree with the previous posters that moddability is a big deal and will make this game survive a good long time. An easier 3D model/anim import pipeline or user friendly 3d editor would go a long way to making the game more modifiable.

    Exposing UI (HUD) positioning/appearance to user accessible script would make the game much more modifiable as well.

    I also agree that we are all hoping ArmA2 has a more efficient engine, without the lag/ player position reporting issues ArmA has now.

    A fix to the JIP problem, perhaps just instancing a separate temp server process to allow a Join In Progress to not lag the entire server (particularly on multicore systems).  I'm surprised that wasn't addressed in one of the patches for ArmA 1.

     I'm sure the gameplay stuff (AI and MP improvements) have already been worked on.  This late in dev, exposing things to script for modders (while still fighting for a hacker-free environment) seems like something that might still be possible.
