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Everything posted by Gen.Houdini-C5-

  1. Squad name - The Cerberus Five (-C5-) Timezone/location - All/United States Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - PvP, COOP Website address - http://www.c5gaming.com
  2. In any video setting other than 4:3 (single head) display, the chat window does not appear on screen. If in triple head mode (Matrox THTG) @3072x768 (or any res for that matter), the chat window does not appear at all when pressing "/", although if I type and hit "enter" it will still display the message. This isn't a big deal until you're in PvP and don't know what channel you're typing to... I searched the forums for a while and didn't see this anywhere, so I'd be curious to know if others with triple head setups are having this issue.
  3. Gen.Houdini-C5-

    The most important features ARMA 2 needs to have

    I agree with the previous posters that moddability is a big deal and will make this game survive a good long time. An easier 3D model/anim import pipeline or user friendly 3d editor would go a long way to making the game more modifiable. Exposing UI (HUD) positioning/appearance to user accessible script would make the game much more modifiable as well. I also agree that we are all hoping ArmA2 has a more efficient engine, without the lag/ player position reporting issues ArmA has now. A fix to the JIP problem, perhaps just instancing a separate temp server process to allow a Join In Progress to not lag the entire server (particularly on multicore systems). Â I'm surprised that wasn't addressed in one of the patches for ArmA 1. Â I'm sure the gameplay stuff (AI and MP improvements) have already been worked on. Â This late in dev, exposing things to script for modders (while still fighting for a hacker-free environment) seems like something that might still be possible.