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Everything posted by Grizzle

  1. Grizzle

    CPU Optimizations

    Do you mean it is locked by the motherboard so you can't change it? Is this a home built rig or retail machine (Dell etc.?)
  2. Grizzle

    Question related to manually patching to 1.05

    I would imagine at some point you will be instructed to let Steam perform an update once they release the steam version of 1.05 patch. Marek from BI mentioned in another thread that the Steam patch will be about 5gb. I'm sure they will account for the possibility that Steam users have already patched and will have the updater react accordingly.
  3. I personally don't like the idea. Give me the files via HTTP/FTP and let me do the rest.
  4. Grizzle

    ETA for Steam 1.05?

    Excellent! Thanks for the update Marek! To the OP - See!? How many company CEO's will post on a forum to give you the info you needed?
  5. Grizzle

    ETA for Steam 1.05?

    Steam patches are typically a little behind standard retail patches, but no one from BIS has said they abandoned the Steam auto updates. They just haven't put out the patch yet. If you don't want to apply it manually then wait.
  6. Grizzle

    VFAI - AI Extension - ARMA II

    No you don't... http://www.7-zip.org/
  7. Grizzle


    Well, what this means is that you can't (well sorta) change the uniforms in the SP campaign as the campaign was designed using the units supplied by the game. If you want to play the campaigns that come with the game using the new uniforms you would have to extract the campaign files and change the units in the editor yourself... so yeah in that sense I personally wouldn't bother. Now you can use the editor to create your own mission and there you will be able to select the new units (uniforms) to play with. Mission creation isn't difficult so I suggest you give that a shot! The uniform pack you DL'd is an 'addon' versus 'replacement' the difference should be obvious from the terms used. If the uniform pack you DL'd was a 'replacement' pack then it would modify the default units in the game so you could play the SP campaign as UK soldiers.
  8. Grizzle

    CPU Optimizations

    Do a google search for "overclocking 5600+" and/or "overclocking [insert motherboard here]" and you'll usually find a step by step guide from someone who has overclocked your particular combination.
  9. Grizzle

    CPU Optimizations

    Aside from a new processor and potentially new motherboard and ram to go along with it, the only thing you can try is overclocking. I'm running a Q6600 @3.2ghz (up from 2.4) and it makes a huge difference for me regarding ARMA2 performance.
  10. I haven't noticed this with or without VFTCAS. In fact I find I don't need VFTCAS anymore as they helis seem to fly much, much better now.
  11. Download that and CAA1/OAC and it works fine in ARMA2.
  12. Grizzle

    Bis attention: 1.05 list of problems!

    Can you spoiler that last part please? I (and I'm sure others) haven't played EW yet...
  13. Grizzle

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    Sadly, I lost 1000 points in ARMAMark :confused: It further boggles my mind because I had been using the beta patches up to this point and had run ARMAMark just after the latest beta and it was fine. I'll try a few things to see if it improves, but before I vote I want to chase this issue down.
  14. Grizzle

    1.05 released

    The Steam patch isn't out yet, BUT you can use this patch if you turn off automatic updates for ARMA2 in Steam. Check the steam forum and read DWarden's post.
  15. 1.04 is inclusive of previous patches. Once you have 1.04 installed visit the BETA pages and download the latest BETA as well.
  16. Grizzle

    How to climb Giant Communications Tower ?

    Funny thing about tall structures in video games. Put one in the game and pretty much every single player will want to get to the top of it. BIS had to know this when they made it and I really don't think they intend on allowing it because it's more fun to read threads like this.
  17. No joke - BIS needs a patch for their file server...
  18. That poll is out of whack in terms of percentages.
  19. Grizzle

    So I bought ArmA2

    Check out the user mission section and download Cipher. This mission won't end if one or more of your teammates dies, and if you die you have the option to 'team switch' and finish as a different member of your team. Whether or not a mission ends if one team member dies or whatever is dependent upon the mission designer. In the case of the Arma2 supplied campaign missions, you have to play them like they were built (ending when a team member dies) or learn how to edit missions and make/change them yourself.
  20. Grizzle

    Keeping units on "No Fire"

    I'd rather they open fire when under threat than get shot because I told them not to fire.
  21. How to change the new splash screen (Welcome to the shit) back to vanilla ARMA? I really don't want to have to stare at that everytime I play.
  22. Agreed. I don't think anyone is implying the mod isn't worth having or that it should reinvent the AI pilot behaviour!