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About Granvik

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  1. SPOILER (Bitter Chill): Get the docs (shoot+search the saboteur soldier outside the house/in the road) Blow up the house with a bomb. Now return to the ruined Manhattan base. From there you can try to appreach the USMC in south some 10km away, but circle of death kills you about 1,5km before that. Is it fair, dunno, anyway this way authors made sure you understand this is not the way to go. These NAPA guys suggest you can A) goto priest in Gorga (he's left from there due russians) or B) Novy Sobor to meet the war dudes Martin or Michael (they are not there I guess, town in full or ruskies). War is ugly, frustrating, surprizing and so on, what can you do? In this point you propably feel all these feelings big time, WOW, what a game. Hey wait, is this a bad thing. This is maybe something these guys would really feel out there. Plus, that was really stupid boyscout stuff from you with reporting that priests weapon cache > maybe NAPA guys rightfully so just wanted to fuck with you with these two bogus straws (A and B). Think of it, it's was a really awfull thing what you brought to these people. As NAPA guys told you SAMS will down the chopper mid return flight. Nevertheless, call the chopper with radio. Before it's shot down, it goes quite a long way and - most importantly - your struggle will continue. As it often is, once you know the solution to this mission, it'll take 1/10 of the time to complete the mission. Enjoy Arma, I do, with it's rugged ways.
  2. Granvik

    1.05 patch install errors...sigh

    Three months been trying....it still gives: Then I applied Arma_Euro104Update105.zip patch with following log: Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data. European DVD Version Verifying ArmA: Armed Assault, version 1.04... Error found in file AddOns\voice.pbo (9b13ca6f!=b3021fdb) Error found in file AddOns\wheeled.pbo (aa77d69f!=742837fd) Error found in file Campaigns\ca.pbo (ab31ad90!=f32de6a1) ArmA: Armed Assault: Updating version 1.04 to version 1.05... Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\WHEELED.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Update 1.04-1.05\CAMPAIGNS\CA.PBO.UPD.#EURO cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 ArmA: Armed Assault patch 1.05 has been applied successfully. Successfully, yeah. Seems quite hopeless.
  3. Granvik

    Patching the game problem

    I've done it all 10000 x times, spend 3 weeks. This kind of crap keep appearing when patching, both 1.05 and 1.08: Error found in file AddOns\voice.pbo (9b13ca6f!=06f60065) Don't worry, i've done it all. I've checked it all. Nothing works. I'll grab my ak-47...