Hi all, this is my first post so please be patient.
I am trying to get 4 soldiers to move from the ground outside a block of flats (Building ID 148281) on the Sahrani Map, to the open flat on the forth floor. I have searched these forums and found many good leads. I have settled for the code: myhouse1 = [0,0,0] nearestObject 148281; this move (myhouse1 buildingPos 6) Â Note buildingPos 6 is the front room of the open flat on the forth floor.
Unfortunatly the soldiers will only move as far as the second floor. However if I change the MOVE to a SETPOS the soldier is placed in the correct position in the front room of the flat on the forth floor, if I change back the soldier will walk into the building and move up the stairs but go no futher than the second floor.
any ideas?