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About GatorMarineDiaz

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Tanks, USMC, Heavy Metal (especially of the viking style), Punk, history (Cossacks, Greek Antiquity, American History, WWI, WWII, Russian History, Spanish History, South American History, Vikings), Musicals (especially anything with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers and Les Miserables), Catholicism
  1. GatorMarineDiaz

    M16A4 acog?

    the tip of the Chevron is 200m, the inner point of the chevron is 300m, the first cross is 400m, the second is 500m, etc etc, until the bottom which is 800m
  2. GatorMarineDiaz

    Is a "real" scope possible?

    The problem with that is that part of the whole reason the USMC uses ACOGs is because it is meant to be used with both eyes open like the screenshots from the beginning of the thread. For Sniper rifles the blacked out thing works OK, but specifically for the ACOG it does not. For those who don't know the ACOG is meant to be fired with both eyes open, except at extreme distance, and the view does look like the scopes in Red Orchestra.
  3. GatorMarineDiaz

    M16A4 acog?

    Negative, I am not very experienced with this kind of thing. I am just using a graphic that looks like it "glows"
  4. GatorMarineDiaz

    M16A4 acog?

    I am working on implenting this reticle, for the time being it looks OK but I still want better results so it may be some time before I reach a releasable state.
  5. GatorMarineDiaz

    M16A4 acog?

    It should look like the first one. The model is the TA31RCO, the TA31F is the civilian version and doesn't have any horizontal markings That first pic is excellent, btw http://www.botachtactical.com/trta1.html
  6. GatorMarineDiaz

    M16A4 acog?

    What he's saying is that the version of the ACOG depicted in game (that is the version in use with the USMC) is supposed to have the red chevron reticle. All Marines are issued ACOGs with their M16A4/M4 Service Rifle and ALL of these ACOGs use the red chevron. That is the ONLY model issued to Marines.
  7. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Thanks, what I meant to ask was if that OD was going to included or if it was just an intermediate version before they made the camo'd ones.
  8. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Are you going to do a plain OD paint job as well? I am pretty sure that prior to taking all of the old M1s out of service (to be sold, scrapped, or upgraded) they were all required to be repainted completely OD.
  9. GatorMarineDiaz

    Any AAV7's?

    Looking good, if the mod makers have any questions about AAVs at all I'm an Amtrac marine and can tell you just about anything you'd want to know about an AAVP7a1. A couple suggestions: the center return roller should be raised just a bit, there should be a horn above the port aft brake light (looks like a small black circular item if woodland camo), and the top of the the ramp should be less tall and should form like a little lip. If you want to make the gear more realistic you should cross a tow cable diagonally from either fore mooring cleat to the opposite for towing eye as most AAV units use this as a safeyy precaution to help be able to tow a damaged trac out of danger quickly. It is something that unit SOP usually decides. You could also add a hmmv tire to be strapped to the front or have one the the tow ropes draped accross the front with both ends strapped to the fore mooring cleats. This would also be something decided by unit SOP as it helps protect the vehicle from damage when impacting and also helps keeping telephone cables and power lines from smacking the driver in the face while driving. Last, remember that the commander in an AAV sits in the gunner's position. The three crew positions would be driver, crew chief (commander/gunner), and rear crewman (sits in the troop compartment/dungeon). excellent work and I hope you get to release soon
  10. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    I never said anything about a T-80, tbh it would be much more realistic for the SLA to have T-80Us than T-90s. If the mod makers want to make a T-90 I'm all for it, I just think it's a bit greedy for the us to start asking for a T-90 before they've even gotten a chance to finish the M1A1 and other Abrams variants that this pack is focused on. Â
  11. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    The T-90 is fine for what it's meant to do, and it would probably be very well suited for the urban tank VS infantry environment they've dealt with in Chechnya. Unfortunately for Russia, with her lack of military funding, there are only about 300 total in their army. I am not sure about this, but last I heard they were having trouble keeping up with India's purchase and producing enough at a time, which if thats' the case I doubt they would be too keen on exporting a handful to a tiny communist island nation. What I think would be most appropriate would be an SLA upgraded T-72, maybe very similar to a T-90, PT-91, or M-95. Any thoughts? to Gedis: It was never meant to a be a who's d*ck is bigger, I only meant to give examples of why I thought what I did, thank you for understanding and I am glad this was resolved in a civil manner
  12. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    On Topic: There were M1A1s that were damaged by 115mm, 100mm, and even one damaged by a 73mm, these were all cosmetic damage (with the exception of 1 or 2, if my memory serves me right, that hit either the engine or roadwheels) to the external stowage rack and gear that was stowed on the outside of the vehicle, as well as a gunner's sight and other very lucky hits that broke some small fragile external equipment. I agree that modern 125mm ammo can probably damage an M1A1 with a shot to the side, but I don't think the SLA would have modern ammo. Also if you consider that M1A1s have shot other M1A1s in the side of turret, and that Mavericks, hellfires, and TOWs have also hit M1A1s with little effect (some have also devasted M1A1s, so I'm not saying this means it's invincible) I think it would be fare to say 2-3 hits to the side of the Turret and 1-2 to the side of hull would be pretty accurate. When I was using NWD's FCS mod I believe that's basically how he had the more modern 125mm rounds balanced anyways, so maybe Mateck could just add in more modern 125mm rounds as an alternate loadout? Keep in mind, I haven't gone over the official documentation of damaged M1s in a while, so the exact amounts hit by what are a bit rusty, but there is a list on Wiki from the first Gulf War that is a copy of the official one. I suggest people look it over as it is very informative. To Gedis: "LOL, someone got pwnd" in reference to Iraqi T-72s being destroyed. And the rest of your previous statement was done in a very offensive manner to myself, and though I don't know wether or not anyone else was offended at the things you said, this is not the place to be discussing the politics of war. I'm sorry if I come off as pretentious or a "fanboy" or w/e, but believe me when I say I know what I'm talking about and I am not some dumb fanboy. Maybe I misunderstood you, if I did I am truly sorry, I promise I will try not to jump to a conclusion like that if you promise to watch how you word things From the very beginning I have stated that the reason it is as it is ingame is because the model of T-72 ingame is an older model and if Iraq couldn't get their hands on modern ammunition you can assume the SLA probably can't as well. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that these T-72s would get massacred. Please try to understand that I am not saying anything about modern Russian and eastern equipment and that I am not trying to debate this, I only intend to explain why, in my opinion, this mod is perfectly balanced based on the tanks and nations in question. All this discussion of "modern blah blah can prob do yadda yadda yadda to an Abrams" is completely irrelevant as this is not a modern T-72. The evidence shows that old T-72s are quite innnefective against modern M1A1s, as it is in this mod. I have said nothing about modern ones, and until they mod in a modern one, everyone should cease to do so. I have shown evidence for my arguments and if you want to discuss this by PM I will be more than happy to, but I refuse to continue to argue this point because this has gone completely off topic and it is a disrespect to Mateck, T_bone, and NWD, who have each put their work into this mod and have done an amazing job thus far. It seems to me that the people arguing for the T-72 so viciously haven't tried this mod out as it virtually completely changes the idea of straight hitpoint based tank combat (if you have been playing around with this mod, I probably don't mean you, and if I do mean you and you have tried this mod, I am sorry I have incorrectly accused of something). If you aren't aware, it makes it so the front of the tanks (both T-72 and Abrams) is much more armored than the sides which is more armored than the rear. By this mod's setup a T-72 can kill an Abrams with a well-aimed shot to the rear with 1 good shot, a few to the side, and many to the front. An Abrams can kill a T-72 with 1 to 2 good shots to the front or side of a T-72, and 1 to the rear. If anyone thinks that is unrealistic, knowing that it is an old T-72 with old ammo fighting a new M1A1 with new ammo, you should feel completely free to do so, but discussing why the US shouldn't use DU, arguing about T-90s and modern Russian equipment, and all of this discussion of RPGs being able to "kick an Abrams a**" is all irrellevant. Sorry for the rant, but seriously, that's enough, if you have something to say to me that you want to debate or argue about, PM me, because I will not continue to argue over all of this on any ADDONS & MODS thread Semper Fidelis
  13. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Look, no one is saying a 125mm could never penetrate an Abrams at any range, but what IS being said is that like the way it's modeled here, a 125 isn't going to destroye an Abrams in one shot to the front and probably not with one shot to the flank either. Test it ingame and you will see that a shot to the engine will take it out just fine, just like it would IRL. To Gedis: I would appreciate it also if you didn't make jokes and laugh about people dieing, a lot of people here have been to war and a lot of people here know people who have given their lives.
  14. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    "three M1A2s vs . . ." Thanks for that correction I couldn't remember the setup, only that the end result was 7 destroyed T72s and no US losses.
  15. GatorMarineDiaz

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    The new green texture looks really great. Those sources that say a 2A46 can penetrate Abrams armor are speculation, and because Abrams have been hit by 125mm rounds everywhere from 2000m to 50m, and on the front and sides, if you look at the results you will see that NO Abrams has ever been fully penetrated a 125mm. The fact that 7 Abrams against 7 T-72s faced off at 50m with all T-72s destroyed and no Abrams damaged speaks loudly. I feel like some people are arguing here without fully understanding how Mateck's mod has changed the armor stats. Yes the tank is still based on hitpoints, but it simulates the less armor on the sides and rear, so even if you test it out in game you won't find the Abrams weakness unless you're attacking the rear from various angles. This (and NWDs) is the only mod I have played that has simulated the Abrams REAL weakness as well as it's REAL strength. Regardless, I'm not posting anymore on this subject, as people won't change peoples minds when arguing over favorites. I, and other people here, have posted factual information and real world combat examples and compared them to how they are modeled ingame (quite accurately), others have deemed it unfair because of circumstance or blown it off as propaganda. I propose everyone drop this debate and stick to Mateck's addon, he will do with the stats what he pleases And back to the color, the new green looks really great, as does the mud. I thought the old green looked a bit off, but this looks about spot on. Remember to add Panels to the front of the turret too.