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About B00Ts-SA

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    Private First Class

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  1. B00Ts-SA

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hi Spunfin (or anyone else) Can you tell me the difference between : Al Spawn Script Pack by Spunfin and AIRS - Al Respawn System (Beta) by Spunfin. Thanks
  2. B00Ts-SA

    Heros Survive

    Well done and no issue so far. Will be testing more thank you for doing this :) !!!
  3. Thank you for been so quick. Will test and keep you updated :)
  4. Getting the same as Mojo_Dog. Thank you for the the script :)
  5. B00Ts-SA

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hello guys first up awesome mod. :218: Would any of you kindly help me step for step on how to have zombies spawn as the player moves around the map. I understand some of how do it and then i get confused, not really a scripting person but can copy and paste and get things working sometimes :) So these are the things I need help with please: random spawn of zombi's as a player moves random spawn amount - intensity random types of zombi (I know the mix zombi module - I am not sure if this is the way to go) I don't mind it being a script Thank you if anyone can help.
  6. Thank you I have the latest version - I used the google drive link and it was the same. Thanks so much for the frame I now get what you mean by using a framework instead of the editor. Very awesome and I've never done scripting before but starting to understand it better, thanks to you. :)
  7. Zenophon's ArmA 3 Co-op Mission Making Framework This is what you might be looking for. :)
  8. Thank you for doing this framework, it's helping me learn my way around scripting but still way to go. :) All good with Altis Patrol Tutorial until this line of code which is in the second part of the tutorial. _civilianVehicleTypes = ["C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Quadbike_01_F", "C_SUV_01_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F"]; _altistownMarkers = call Zen_ConfigGetTowns; This line there is no file (call Zen_ConfigGetTowns) not sure which other file to call. Thank you for this framework :)
  9. B00Ts-SA

    .h file

    Thanks guys for the info sorry took so long to say thanks been away. This will really help me.
  10. Hi guys Been looking at description.ext file starting to understand it a little. Then I came across .h file and searched how to use it but not much about the .h file or how and why you would need it.
  11. Yes that could be true but there is a lot that could be updated and improved and added, there is also sqs scripting which could be improved or also updated. When last did you go through Mr Murray's guide ? Anyway it was just a thought if someone took his work and used it. The guide was done in 2009 a lot has happened since then.
  12. I hope I have put this in correct section if made a mistake please help and correct it. Hi guys To help all the newbie scripter's I have had this idea for some time if some one would take the brilliant Armed Assault Editing Guide byMr-Murray and updated to Arma 3 scripting that would be so fantastic. As a learner I would gladly pay through steam if had to for such a excellent editing guide. Just a thought there should also be MAKE ARMA NOT WAR contest for such a editing guide. I would really approach Mr. Murray and ask for permission to update his excellent guide, and what ever deal is done we will all be winners.:)
  13. :jump_clap: Fight9 thank you so much for 3 days I tried every combination on that code and many others and you solved it. thank you all again :)
  14. Hi Thanks for replying, The code I use in the initialization field of the Civilians units when using the editor and it works is :) null = [this] execVM "shaun.sqf"; Then I spawned Civilian units with this code in script also works :) _mygroup = [getmarkerpos "mygroupstart", civilian,["C_man_w_worker_F","C_man_w_worker_F"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Then I tried all these codes to get the spawned Civilians units to exec with the above code "shaun.sqf" but not one worked :( { null = [this] execVM "shaun.sqf"} foreach units _mygroup; then this if (side _x == civilian) then { null = [this] execVM "shaun.sqf" _x; }; } forEach allUnits; and many other different ways :( .This last code I must of tried every way I could Thank you guys for trying to help
  15. What a battle been trying for 3 days to try get this to work. This is a simple zombie AI script by BlueBar thanks to him. To get it to work you spawn as many civilians units as you want then in the initialization field you add null = [this] execVM "shaun.sqf"; so far so good it works no issue. Well here is my problem if I want to do it by script to spawn units that's the easy part, now the spawned units I cant get to execVM "shaun.sqf" script. I must of tried hundreds of ways to try get this to work by script. I am still new at scripting, also been searching to try help myself. Thanks in advance