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Everything posted by Gloops

  1. Gloops

    I enjoy ArmA!

    I agree. Tis fun. Now I've got the enemy AI sorted - skill level way up, accuracy way down, it's a lot more fun! They still shoot me from 500 m away, but only with the second or third shot, and not always in the head. I love the way they retreat to cover and then regroup to flank you - which is quite a technical achievement for a game as open and variable as this. Compare with the Battlefield series retarded AI. And what other game can you just drive down to the beach and watch the sunset?
  2. Gloops

    Church Windows

    It would be nice if glass was breakable. There's a few warehouses you can go in with windows you can see through... only you can't, cos' the window cleaner hasn't been round since about 1850. The trouble is you can't knock/shoot the grubby glass out for a better view. But I agree it's low down the list of priorities.
  3. It would be nice if there was RTFA in the formation menu. For example, Â last night I was playing one of the campain missions in which you're part of a SF team taking a village with nowt but supressed weapons in broad daylight (but we won't go there). Things quickly became chaotic as I tried to individually order my section to watch multiple directions (which they stop doing as soon as you move). If there was a quick command into a hasty 180 or 360 cover formation it would make life a lot easier... and longer!
  4. Gloops

    Stuck on Delivery Boy Mission.

    I tried this mission a couple of times with the same outcome. I kill all the OPFOR attacking in the initial battle, then drive for ages through the fog. Finally I arrive at the camp and the reinforcements I'm supposed to pick up just run off. (The first time I played a couple of them got run over by another truck that followed me in). So I drive all the way back again with an empty truck (I pass a couple of the guys I'm supposed to pick up running up the road, they still won't accept a lift) and when I arrive back at base the mission ends. Pretty funny.
  5. Gloops

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    I hate to be negative with my first post, but hang on! Game designers generally pay beta testers, not the other way around! Why should anyone be "grateful" for an unfinished product? If I pay hard earned money for something I expect it to work as advertised. What BIS has is a free Europe wide community of beta testers for the US market (I assume that's their main target audience, as the friendlies are US troops, not a fictional faction like the OPFOR). Don't get me wrong, I love the free-roaming concept of the game, it's "realism" (in as much as any game can be real), and it's nice looking at high settings (if only), but at the moment it lacks polish and optimization. This has the potential to be a really great game and even though I've just started it ('Blood Sweat and Tears' was a baptism of fire for sure) it's very enjoyable, in a masochistic sort of way! My immersion is being disrupted a little by wildly fluctuating framerates, triggers that don't trigger (it's hard to know if I'm doing something wrong or it's a bug), and an AI that can spot me sniping from 1000 yards away in cover when they're in the middle of a battle! Damn they're good! PS: Is it really necessary for butterflies and bees to cast shadows?! It looks really nice as a red admiral flutters in to land, but it must be using some juice. Insects could be 2d sprites without anybody worrying too much I'm sure! Or they could just disappear at lower settings.