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Everything posted by Grootaballa

  1. Grootaballa

    Multiplayer Crashing

    Can anyone tell me how to fix this. I crash everytime I play multiplayer. Might be when I first connect or 10 to 20 min into game but I will crash. Really Really suks All drivers are updated to the latest version. The game is a downloaded version from morphicon. My specs amd64 3500 1g ram 6800gt 256
  2. Grootaballa

    Multiplayer Crashing

    Thanks that seems to have worked. I deleted the sound driver/codec and installed NVIDIA drivers reinstalled the openal file and works good now.
  3. Grootaballa

    Multiplayer Crashing

    Thank you , that has fixed my kernal32 errors, but now I am crashing with this error. Well atleast I am getting somewhere. Done some more testing it only will crash when there are other players on the server. I can play multiplayer for hours when no one else is on the server but that gets kinda boring. I do get alot of cannot load texture errors with other players which is there custom faces. Maybe that is a problem, i have no idea. Any more suggestions gratefully excepted.
  4. So whats your suggestion to fix it, coz its kinda frustrating CTD every time in multiplayer
  5. Can someone tell me where to find the Arma rpt file.
  6. Grootaballa

    Start up 3d error

    thanks for that. that fixed the problem
  7. Grootaballa

    Start up 3d error

    Has anyone else had this error and does anyone know how to fix it. started doing it after doing a system restore because of a video driver problem after updating it Error No entry 'C:\Documents and settings\Arma\Arma.cfg.3D_Performance'. System AMD 64 3500 1g ram 6800gt 256m