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Everything posted by G3pard

  1. hello everybody, after 3 hours of searching and googling i still haven´t found an answear fo my problem. therefore, i hope you don´t mind me asking this noob question. the problem is about variables: i´m trying to let one trigger influence the other. so in the first trigger, i set: (where x1 is my variable) condition: this on aktivation: [other stuff]; x1 = true and in the "target" trigger: condition: x1 = true on aktivation: [other stuff] but for some reason, the second trigger never executes. what am i doing wrong?
  2. i guess i´ll get a warning for starting 3 treads in one day, and i promise i´ll keep my mouth shut until i´ve finished and posted my first mission so my question is, how can i influence waypoints with triggers? for example, the the next waypoint wil not show up until a variable is true, or all enemys in an area, not just one i put the "destroy" waypoint on, are dead? i was hoping to do it with, for example, condition: not alive et1 (where et1 is the enemy tank) or condition: x1 but that doesn´t work. looking forward to any response aslong it´s not "STFU" Â
  3. G3pard

    Last Question for today

    i tried that, but the waypoint still gets active although the unit is still alive  anyway, thx for helping me with the syntax. is there any manual where i can look it up?
  4. next question i´d love to have answeared, the allready postet answears seem to hide from me How can i put a "break" in, for example, a waypoint? or a trigger? so for example, papa bear says something (x1 = true) and then a unit (condition: x1) responds NOT immediately? any help would be apreciated
  5. G3pard

    A break?

    thanks, works pferfektly, i´m starting to like this community
  6. G3pard

    WOW huge performance boost!!!

    put it close to mft, and if you got windows and arma on the same HD, don´t forget to put both of them to the outter rings
  7. G3pard

    Destroy the tank

    lol @ karl my way: run on 4x to the right side of the entrance, follow the wall untill you find a hole, crouch to the bmp and tanks, place one sattle charge, enter the tank as a driver, have some fun with the base (did you knov that you can destroay everything, even the big builings?) then drive outside the base, blow the sattle charge, drive to the mission - end - point get out and blow the tank with the remaining sattle charge, voila, mission done in 10 min with great fun
  8. G3pard

    OFP Vs Arma SP Campaign

    I ment the 'Have you filled your shorts Kowzloski' (when you land on everon with a chopper) 'Like i said, you are a nutcase kowzloski', when you are in the back of a truck and kowzloski starts talking about his love for the m16 ('the m16a2 blabla, perfectly balanced and only weighs 5 pounds, how can you not love it?' Not the special forces guy And hey, the fact that i still remember (part of) those conversations show how much they ment (to me) for the atmosphere. that say´s it all, the OFP campain was made with love. the arma one looks like wuickly drewn together by an amateur
  9. G3pard

    Lighting bug

    same here. everything is totally dark when i´m on foot, unless i look straight to the floor
  10. G3pard

    Commander Mission #9

    i´m having that problem aswell, but for me it´s the second objektive! i killed everything there, drove around half of the map to make sure there are no enemys left, but still, it wont´trigger the map end. what am i supposed to do? atack somewhere else not mentioned in the briefing? just keep on driving around in my tank for ever? any help would be really apreciated (even if it´s a cheat to end this damn mission )
  11. G3pard

    OFP Vs Arma SP Campaign

    you said it all
  12. G3pard

    Big Lod problems!

  13. G3pard

    Weird Graphic Errors

    i really hope we´ll get an offical statement soon, bugs - ok, but the game is UN - PLAY - ABLE!!
  14. G3pard

    Weird Graphic Errors

    does NOT work for me
  15. G3pard

    ArmA review

    text by a mate of me, got to agree completely
  16. G3pard

    Weird Graphic Errors

    same thing here, got an ati x800xt