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Gordon Frohman

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About Gordon Frohman

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Gordon Frohman

    UH-1N in Police Version

    If the setobjecttexture's are fixed then when might there be a release date? I've been waiting for this helo for a very long time By the way, if you need any photos for last minute tweakings of the helicopter, let me know, I've got loads of photos of UH-1's
  2. Gordon Frohman

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Uhh, Your NOT supposed to destroy the ammo truck in that mission, your supposed to "Borrow" it from the russians
  3. Gordon Frohman

    Searchin civilian addon

    I hate to bump a VERY old topic like this, but I am search of The same addon "Civillian Clothing by STT" But Ofpec dosent have the addon anymore, I am at the end of my rope and this was my last resort to finding this addon, if anyone has it, please give a link or upload to rapidshare and share it please Thanks in advance Gordon
  4. Gordon Frohman

    COP Cars near finish

    So, No Fire Chief's Car? and Can you give some photos? P.S. When will you be returning to THE STATES?
  5. Gordon Frohman

    COP Cars near finish

    Possibly... Try 800*600 or 1152*864 By the way, are you back from Japan yet? --Sean
  6. Gordon Frohman

    COP Cars near finish

    By the way Delta, Aren't you doing the Fire Chief's Car too?, Cause All you gotta do is change the Whelen 9M's to the Whelen 9M NFPA Edition (All Red lightbars with white flood lights I.E. The same lightbar, just the blue light squares are red) and the Car is painted red with RCFD Markings
  7. Gordon Frohman

    Nogovan Light Infantry 2.0 Release

    Will there be a Vehicle Pack? Is that confirmed?
  8. Gordon Frohman


    I think if your on the team then you should know if I'm on the team, and Yes I am on the Team, go look on the forums for my sig :P
  9. Gordon Frohman


    Actually, You could just modify the Delta Units, Just repaint the vests to '91 European Camoflauge, Repaint or Remodel a new Helmet to make it be desert camoflauge, Remove US Flag from Vest, Put it on arm and affix Ranger Tab, 75th Ranger RGT or 10th Mountain Div Patches to shoulder of units and Bladow! Rangers! (Thats just a suggestion I'm not saying do it, But in all fairness and seriousness, We should make our own Ranger Units too)
  10. Gordon Frohman


    Then you don't call FFUR a mod, eh? The point of a mod, is to modify the game. I wouldn't care if they just used HYK units, CBT vehicals, LSR Delta's and other addons not made by them, as long as they asked permission, cut the rest of the stuff that came with it and modified them to suit BHD more (IE just different loadout even). No... FFUR IS a Mod, For Three reasons #1: It modifies the inter workings of the game (IE Physics, Recoil, and adds some things in like swimming abilities, able to start in a raft on water) #2: It modifies the Original BIS Units into other units (Plus ontop of that Thunder does modify the units that are put into FFUR, so Technically they aren't someone else, they are his creations because he modified them to a way he sees fit for FFUR) and Reson #3: The whole of FFUR is basically OFP Modified and on Steriods   Thats my two pennies on that...
  11. Gordon Frohman


    The, Whats the point of calling it a mod, Its just an Addons pack, Because if were gonna use other peoples units then whats the point of even working on this thing at all? We should just go back to square one Use BAS Helos, CBT's Humvees and Call it a day. Thats my point of view on that...
  12. Gordon Frohman


    Uh, well actually We shouldnt use any of those GUI's because they include units that arent from the BHD Mod, So I think that if they were remade with a BHD Soldier then it would be fine by me...
  13. Gordon Frohman

    Project Alien

    Face Huggers? Maybe even Slide in a Headcrab from Half Life 2 ....
  14. Gordon Frohman

    UNICON warfare for ofp.

  15. Gordon Frohman

    Itwea's Lightsaber released

    They tend to get a bit Slash Happy with Civvies and other friendly people after fight off the bad guys though.... Â Watch your Backs.... Tread softly and Carry one Heck of a Big and Powerful Gun, It takes more than a few Bullets to take one of those bastards down