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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Ghost

    Steek revive/respawn

    have you tried finding out how much damage they take when the clay is destroyed? put in radio trigger and check after you shoot clay. hint format ["Clay Post Damage %1", damage clay1];
  2. Ghost

    Parachute classname

  3. not without running a loop checking when he is prone and setting him back up
  4. Global variables are global to the computer running the script. If the server runs it then only the server knows about the variable unless publicvariable is used.
  5. Ghost

    Delete vehicle

    probably because I forgot a couple things, had it setup to delete any vehicle the player was in than I read over your post again and saw you wanted a specific vehicle so did a half ass edit. Sorry This works now if (typeOf(vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F") then { deletevehicle (vehicle player); };
  6. Ghost

    Delete vehicle

    put this in your script if (typeOf(vehicle player) == "C_Offroad_01_F") then { deletevehicle (vehicle player); };
  7. Ghost

    Delete vehicle

    please post your entire script then maybe we can help more
  8. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    I have a Test version of my mission for Altis. I have tested most of the features and just need to test a few others before I do a mass release. This should work just fine on the latest 1.02 hotfix. IF nothing changes then it will be the official release. Thank you for your patience. Updated File 20131026 @1655Z
  9. what you do is in the initplayerlocal.sqf file launch the scripts, not in the init of the unit. null = [player] execVM "teamleader.sqf"; player addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'teamleader.sqf'"];
  10. Ghost

    Ghost Missions

    I am having a lot of performance issues with the port to Altis. I need to try and found out what is going on before I can release an update. I do have an updated version for Stratis but still need to test it as well. Thank you for your patience.
  11. Ghost

    Try catch help

    off hand i do not remember the order of init on mission start but i think the init.sqf is first.
  12. Ghost

    Try catch help

    _marvar = []; maybe post what you have right now?
  13. Sorry I misread. Are you just adding more more of the same rockets to the ones that exist?
  14. Ghost

    Try catch help

    make sure highroller is an array. also isnil checks a string or code, so isnil "highroller" would be the proper format
  15. try these out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeaponCargoGlobal https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazineCargoGlobal
  16. It seems those modules do not support mp fully at this time. might want to consider http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100731-Taskmaster-2 with the arma 3 edits on the last couple pages.
  17. Ghost

    setCaptive Script Help?

    Is your script ran locally on every player? The command setcaptive requires the arguments to be local to the unit. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive
  18. The BIS_fnc_endMission has a local effect meaning it runs on whoever is calling it. So to have all players end you could setup a trigger in the editor with a countdown condition and in the onactivation box put the BIS_fnc_endMission code. Another way would be to broadcast a variable set to true via publicvariable command and have a trigger wait for that variable to be true
  19. Ghost

    AI Parachute script

    the parachute should automatically fold and disappear when the unit is on the ground. It might take a moment though
  20. have in the init.sqf a section that waits for player to be local then remove gear afterwards // Wait until player is initialized if !(isDedicated) then { waitUntil {! isNull player && isPlayer player}; removeallweapons player; };
  21. set your completion radius to something other than 0, maybe 15?
  22. Ghost


    these are the only tools we have until the ones for ArmA 3 come out https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Official_Tools
  23. Ghost

    M4A1 Assault Rifle

    MX series rifles. Optics are universal among all weapons
  24. It means that variable is undefined. if you specified a marker color I would treat it as a nuisance fault. This has been talked about multiple times in regards to undefined variable error