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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Ghost

    C130 j

    I am not a big fan of the horrible on ground taxi turning. I have seen them in action and they can do some pretty tight turns and it would also be nice to have the option to switch throttles via action menu to reverse for backing up.
  2. Ghost


    Just so you know if the units being moved to the cargo of the helicopter are players there may be times where 2 units move to the same slot and that causes issues. If mission is solo dont worry about it but for online compatibility it might be best to use unitname moveincargo [helo,1] 1 being the 2nd cago slot and of course 0 is the 1st. do that in every units init line changing the cargo slot number (cargoindex)http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInCargo
  3. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    Just so you know the mission should work just fine in the ...ArmA2 directory under where ever you installed it\Missions folder and then ran from singleplayer scenarios. And thank you Armaholic for updating the download page. Check first post.
  4. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    Turin, thank you for the heads up about the tower. Looks like I used the wrong ID. I should have zoomed in closer. Updated mission link in first post, hopefully this time I got everything.
  5. Ghost

    no flying missions!

    Could always make one, quite easy to whip up a basic ground attack mission
  6. Well now you know and knowing is half the battle........:D
  7. Well i am not the best at scripting but you would need to put that command line in a trigger activated by anyboy for instance and then the script would have something like _car = _this select 0 _veh = createVehicle [_car, position player, [], 0] something like that you have to tweak it. Wiki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle_array again this is off the top of my head but that should get you started. Also search ofpec.com
  8. quite the game and under my documents/arma2/missions you should have a folder that has the name of your test mission. delete it too and you should have no trace of it.
  9. Nieldo, Description.ext goes into your mission folder which is found under my documents/arma2/missions. as for the sp missions and campaigns that come with the game they are in pbo's in the addons folder in the game directory. to put your mission available for sp or mp use just save mission, and choose sp or mp from the drop down list.
  10. Myke, Great addon transfer into ArmA 2. It seems to work very well except the plane does not seem to sit on the struts properly and move around. It has a great turning radius but i get the feeling it is light on the wheels as if it is riding on the lower tank.
  11. If you press reload on the M24 or M40A3 you will see the bolt moves. Just not between shots and the hand does not follow the bolt. But the anims are there just need some cfg tweaking.
  12. Ghost

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    Search is your friend, thread dedicated to Buying http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73546
  13. Did you check out the wiki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction Or ofpec? http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=32522.0
  14. Exported SP or MP missions are saved .pbo files in the ArmA 2 main directory, usually under C:/program files/bohemia interactive/arma 2. Inside the directory there will be a Missions folder and MP Missions folder. Inside those you will find the pbos you extracted.
  15. Ghost

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    Google Translate is your friend http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en#
  16. No, it requires the new engine which allows for upper body animations to be separate from lower body. When ArmA 2 comes to your region I suggest getting it. It is a lot of fun and is only getting better.
  17. It is far better than before. looks like normal terrain, just no trees or grass
  18. Ghost

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    Wow, You all need to calm down. Patience.
  19. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    I have released V2 of my Insurgent Airfield mission. Many tweaks and fixes. Check first post download link for a list of changes.
  20. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    Moosenoodles, As for the helicopter taking off before your squad has disembarked I can say this has happened to me too. I have looked at different simplistic solutions without having to make a big fancy script. From multiple tests it seems if you let the helicopter kick you out then do All getout everything should be fine. Before you do that back away a few steps and look at the helicopter to make sure it isnt taking off. What ways have you been getting out commanding your squad to getout? before the chopper touches down itself or after like i mentioned? As for no confrontation it all depends on after landing how much time you spend getting extra weapons/ammo and what path you take. The Enemy are on patrol and you may not catch them. Its somewhat random too with what units are in mission each time. Hope all that helps. Gonna do a few more tweeks and then release V2 soon. After that I will start with the next mission ETA "Unknown". By the way have you completed the mission? Have you tried going for second objective instead of taking out com Tower?
  21. KJam, Also you can use this command in each group leaders init _group1 setGroupId ["Assault Squad"] http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setGroupId
  22. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    For all who have played version 1 and those that played version 2 is it good for final release or were any other issues found?
  23. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    At the LZ there should be some weapons crates. One of them have satchels. I dont remember off hand how many it will take but 2-3 should be more than enough. You just place them at the base of the tower. I hope that helps.
  24. Binkster, I take it that is a script you wrote that is launched in a trigger or init.sqf? to make the script more generic for any unit just use an array. _unit = _this select 0; _flare_muzzle = _this select 1; _flare = _this select 2; _posUnit = getPos _unit; //HeliHEmpty is on Arma2 _invisibleTarget = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle _posUnit ; _invisibleTarget setPos [(_posUnit select 0)+20,_posUnit select 1+20,20]; _unit doTarget _invisibleTarget; sleep 1; _unit selectWeapon _flare_muzzle; _unit fire [_flare_muzzle, _flare_muzzle, _flare]; then the init would be wep = [unitname,"muzzle of weapon","flare mag"] execVM "Myflarescript.sqf" Untested but should work. This way you define the variables in the array and the script could even be used for other weapons, again untest but should be setup for that. For the "muzzle of weapon" and "Flare mag" make sure you have the "". If you need an example mission I could whip one up.