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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Again whats the situation? You might get the result you want by using attachto command. Norrin has a post with examples.
  2. what are you trying to do? only thing I know is to disable user input http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableUserInput
  3. make a trigger detected by blufor present and change type to a switch. now sync that trigger to enemy waypoint prior to the waypoint attacking your base. So create an enemy group and create at least 2 waypoints. One where you want them to hold and the other at your base. Sync trigger to first waypoint.
  4. in your trigger for completion of task 1 have player setCurrentTask tskObj2;
  5. Please try search more. Put this in the init line of the unit this setunitpos "DOWN";
  6. create a notepad file in your mission directory under mydocuments\arma2\missions call it whatever you like ie aiknows.sqf. note that you will have to change the file type so delete the .txt and name it exactly how I put it. inside file you could do something like. _eman = _this select 0; _pman = _this select 1; While {true} do { _eknow = _eman knowsAbout _pman; hintsilent format ["%1", _eknow]; sleep 1; }; to run put in the init.sqf or init line of a unit as follows aiknows = [aiunitname, playername(or just put player)] execvm "aiknows.sqf"; name the ai unit you want the script to detect and the player and all should be good.
  7. As long as I can turn my lazer on and off
  8. If you post your mission from legitimate site ill take a look at it if you like. **UPDATE** make sure you create a file called briefing.html <--- just like the old way and inside put <html> <body> <!----------------------------------------------------> <!-- Debriefing --> <!----------------------------------------------------> <!-- End #1 --> <h2><a name="debriefing:end1"></a><br> <!-- [TITLE_1] --> Mission Success <!-- [END] --> </h2><br><p> <!-- [TEXT_1] --> TEXT FOR END ! <!-- [END] --> </p><br><hr> <!-- End #2 --> <h2><a name="debriefing:end2"></a><br> <!-- [TITLE_1] --> MISSION FAIL <!-- [END] --> </h2><br><p> <!-- [TEXT_1] --> TEXT FOR END 2 <!-- [END] --> </p><br><hr> </body> </html> You can add more endings but that is all this file is used for now. Though it is needed to show map/briefing when holding shift and previewing a mission in editor and such.
  9. It does work, I use it all the time. As for exporting, In your editor go SAVE then click the drop down menu EXPORT TO SINGLE MISSIONS. That is the easiest and best way to export. Do the same to export to mp only choose multiplayer missions. Then go to scenarios or lan and create new to run either sp or mp mission. If none of that works you messed something up pretty good and need external eyes to look at it.
  10. The new way was a pain and still in ways is but after figuring out how it works, everything was fine. Basically its a script so anything to do with scripts need to factored in. Now that they "fixed" the respawning into same unit issue(lossing tasks) there is a new problem I am seeing. If you use the older method of launching the script via an eventhandler "killed" or something you will get multiples of each task. Also JIP now becomes an issue more so for updated tasks. I am still testing to see what the fixed messed up but I really did like it the old way since the fix only fixes players respawning into same slot.
  11. are you running the mission from the editor? if so this has been discussed before. HOLD SHIFT key and press ENTER or click preview.
  12. you could create a looping script that has something like this in it _eknow = eman knowsAbout pman; hint format ["%1", _eknow]; eman would be the ai guy (make sure he is named) and pman would be the player. Would display a hint depending on loop delay about the status of eman knowing about player from 0-4. 0 is does not know and 4 is know exactly. i did a quick test and when they lost me in the tall grass i was getting 1.5 and the ai were spraying the area were i was then when they had a lock it was 4.
  13. I have noticed this too on a dedicated server. Seems to be Intermittent though.
  14. Ghost

    Patch 1.03 Stability Survey

    I have to run the game with -winxp command or else I get the untextured different geo lod models (cartoonish). I have read the different sticky topics and they did not help me. I was hoping this would be fixed in the patch so the game could utilize more memory possibly. I do love that the AI does not report who killed them and where they are, makes sneaky missions much more fun now :) I am running the following specs.
  15. What vehicle are you trying to add?
  16. Rest up Norrin, Glad you are doing better. Look forward to your future work.
  17. skiptime? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/skipTime
  18. I have not been able to test this but what about task completion especially with JIP. Does the game update the status of a task in those situations or are scripts/eventhandlers needed still for this?
  19. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    He does engage but because of his position and angles he may not shoot. I have been fired upon before it all depends at what direction you attack and how far it is before he notices. I will look into it though.
  20. hold SHIFT key and click preview, or press ENTER
  21. Ghost

    Insurgent Airfield CO10

    I am glad you like it. I hope to make many more missions to come, I am just slow and have a lot of real life things going on.
  22. That some good stuff. Never tried the command with the one variable. It does not give you any errors?
  23. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction Look over that link really well. for the script to work properly you should use the two given variables 0 and 1. That page has a great example and I would follow it.
  24. I am pretty sure they are different versions and are not compatible.