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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Ghost

    Hard Fight @ACE CO10

    Thank you galzohar. I will look into adding that. **Update** I have a form of the above script implemented. Did some more tweaks but want to do more testing tweaking before releasing an update.
  2. I will have to mess with it. Thank you for your help but at this point I think my problem is not with your script but with mine and locality (server/client scripting) Thanks again shk.
  3. I am storing numbers which in turn act as names to markers. the numbers are the task number and marker name once put into a string.
  4. well if i do not use select 0 then i will return [1] for instance instead of 1
  5. Ghst_actobj is an array but no strings are inside. I could make it that way though.
  6. i am trying to create/delete triggers and in the onact line of the trigger which is ran on every client I want to update the current pubvar task _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_objmarker]; _trg setTriggerArea[0,0,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["EAST","PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["objtrigger", "nul = [""(ghst_actobj select 0)"",""succeeded""] call TASKMASTER_upd; forceEnd; ghst_randomobj = [] execvm ""dta\scripts\randomobj.sqf"";", "deleteVehicle _trg;"]; problem is the method i used does not update the task. Ghst_actobj is an array that is pubvar updated with every new objective. So since your taskupdate requires the taskname to be a string. how do I go about doing so so that it would work in a scripted trigger as shown? I tried _actobj = str(ghst_actobj); and tried doing that again to put double quotes but nothing seems to work. So far besides my scripting issues your task system seems to work well.
  7. may not be the best way but name each unit you want to detect ie man1,man2,man3,man4 and create the trigger activated by anybody or the units side. then make the radius as big as you want. in the condition line put man1 in thislist and man2 in thislist and man3 in thislist and man4 in thislist should fire.
  8. name your group via groupname = group this; <-- put that in your group leaders init line. then in same line or trigger or where ever put {_x moveincargo vehiclename} foreach units groupname;
  9. bomb = "Sh_125_HE" createVehicle (getmarkerpos "markername"); that will create a 125HE shell at specified marker.
  10. Makes sense. Now If i run the "TASKMASTER_add" command on a server only script will it update the clients already in the mission or just the jip clients? **update** Ran a test solo on dedi again and it seems that jip clients and current clients are not updated to tasks ran on server only scripts. If it was possible to do this it would make scripting missions a lot easier.
  11. I had V0.9 not V0.91 but I edited my post and it seems it does work, just takes a moment. Still need to test with friends to make sure they scripts I am calling it from are working properly. thanks for your help and the newer version.
  12. I must be doing something wrong then because that is not happening. nul = [WEST,"obj1",["Eliminate the enemy threat","Enemy","Enemy"],"obj1"] call TASKMASTER_add; I have that in a script and the tasks are updated to those who are connected but if someone leaves then comes back or joins later that task is not updated to them. **UPDATE** Seems I may not have been patient enough. Still need to test with my friends by just myself on my dedi jip works, just takes a few moments.
  13. what is the best way to update jip players with tasks created during the mission? I have a mission where tasks are created during the mission and I would like the tasks and there status sent to jip players.
  14. Thank you ACE team for everything you do. Look forward to your future updates.
  15. put this code in the init line of the unit this moveInCargo [heloname,#]; where # is the seat pos. Trial and error but 0 should be copilot and so on from front to back i think. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInCargo and the turrets http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInTurret
  16. Ghost


    not really, makes it more interesting, problem atm though is the helicopter does not have the lasing system right now. Once it is added it will be great
  17. Ghost


    Current issue with ACE Mod. They made hellfires laser only. Read somewhere it should be fixed in next update, which may be sometime soon.
  18. Ghost

    Bis attention: 1.05 list of problems!

    My issue with 1.05 is that the apache and cobra do not have a laser weapon for designating targets. makes it very difficult to attack armor unless you have multiple players to do lazing.
  19. without trying I believe that should work
  20. might want to use an eventhandler http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addEventHandler like the "killed" one http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#Killed
  21. Ghost

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    thank you Gnat! Great surprise. Did notice if you are pilot and switch to manual fire you will always have ability to bomb no matter what position the doors are in.
  22. Or just check the sticky in the forum. Link is in my sig
  23. Did you try using switchmove to another animation, or even playmove?
  24. I use the following and seems to work well. _markname = "Your_markername" + str (random 999);
  25. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/switchMove