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About Gaskin

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Gaskin

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Thats right, thx alot Jackal Now im finally able to enjoy the new ACUs in full throttle
  2. Gaskin

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Amazing work as usual HYK! But i'm having the same problem as Blazin - i cant use team leader or machinegunner because of this stupid .model error.... Can any1 help?
  3. Gaskin

    Mapfact.net releases An-12 pack

    Man i've waited for an An-12 for soooo long! Finally all the pieces are in place and I can make some realistic soviet missions. Thx a million! Great work
  4. ok then... thx for the help
  5. Ok, first of all, i know that this question belongs to the "Realistic mission resource thread", but since it seems to be a little dead (i might be wrong though ), i've decided to make a new thread. As mentioned before, a realistic mission briefing should include a WARNO or FRAGO, but i was just wondering if it would be necessary, if player is a soldier in a squad (no fireteam leader or anything, just nr.12). I mean it sounds a little weird to hand such info to every single grunt. Thx in advance!
  6. Gaskin

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    They're awesome ! I can't wait for the release!! Keep up the good work
  7. How do i make a unit retreat after a number of casualties by using the wp/trigger system?
  8. D'OH ..... Youre right. I always used the "aware" mode... Thx for reminding me!
  9. I was just wondering if it has something to do with my inhability to write a proper line or it was the addon.... I tried placing units on top of RHS T80 and ORCS BMP, i use the standard init like "_x moveincargo.......etc". It works with any other vehicle exept the ones, where they sit on top. Plz help!...
  10. Gaskin

    Trigger question

    The post concerning units stand up/ lie down can be found here
  11. Gaskin

    Trigger question

    try to put this in the leader's init at first: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">grp = group this; "_x setbehaviour STEALTH" foreach units grp; "_x setcombatmode WHITE" foreach units grp Then, in the trigger, you put the following in the activation line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"_x setcombatmode RED" foreach units grp; "_x setbehaviour COMBAT" foreach units grp You may keep the "STEALTH" behaviour though, it's up to you. If you want the ambush party to lay down all the time, you might want to check a previous post. Good luck!  btw remember to check who the trigger is activated by  . Just a tip cuz i forget to do it almost every time and then wonder why its not working Â
  12. I was just thinking where to find the falling animation (when u/someone else gets hit and killed). I've checked the Anim.pbo and it wasnt there. The ffur 2006 anims are awesome, I mean where they lose their gun when shot or roll if hit while moving, but I've got some problems with it, so I wanted to extract those anims into my original flashpoint (for personal use only, ofcourse  ). It would be pretty cool and realistic but I just cant find that damn pbo Can any1 ? Thx in advance
  13. Gaskin

    Mapfact barracks gates

    thx man, it has been a great help !
  14. Hi, I had a question concerning the mapfact baracken addon. I just downloaded Mapfact Nogova (it's amazing by the way ), but cant get any grunts/vehicles to get in/out of certain sites since they are blocked off by those gates. It would be great if any1 could give me a tip on how that works. Thx in advance
  15. Hey, if it's of any interest, i've found an article about Spetznaz for those of you, who want to make spetznaz missions. It has a good description of the unit's actual purpose plus its organisation down to squad level. I'm currently working on a SpNz rescue mission and it has been a great help. Here's the link: SPETZNAZ