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Everything posted by Gibbo73

  1. Gibbo73

    Operation storm

    Hi **Spoiler** I found after the ambush, I had killed all the enemy apart from officer but as soon as officer joins my squad, my squad shoot him? any solutions? ta
  2. Gibbo73

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Hi Has anyone had a problem with the game save? Just got QG and first rhamadi mission you have a radio. But if I save the game and then get killed, I reload my save and I have no radio. Has anyone else experienced this? its really annoying because you cant finish the mission without the radio. This has happened on other missions for me where you have a radio.
  3. Gibbo73

    Joint operation SP

    Hi just tried to load up your mission but I got error message saying it depends on downloadable content that has been deleted. i'm using version 1.05 if that is relevant. thanks
  4. Gibbo73

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Hi, I have the 1.04 version. I've installed in my campaign folder, but as soon as I get to clean rug mission the leader falls dead at start. This is despite me reverting to mission 1- i.e deleting all my progress and using the end mission cheat to get back to the clean rug mission. any suggestions, as I don't understand how to clear my saves and I'd really like to continue playing this campaign. ta.
  5. Gibbo73

    Unit selection in 'Tactical command mode'

    totally agree. worst if in extended line and break off two teams. you end up with some on extreme right and some on extreme left and they can't support each other.
  6. Gibbo73

    [CAMP] Perpetua - RELASE!!!

    Hi Bardosy. struggling on the mission to recce chemical factory. any tips? **SPOILER** find the gap in fence but then stuck between 2 fences and either get shot by tower guards or by patrol!!!! I really enjoyed campaign so don't want to get stuck here!!!! help.... thanks
  7. Gibbo73


    Please could someone help me. I have all required ukf addons installed. Originally I had error message no entry missing bis_resistance - I've fixed that , but now when I try to play the mission I am getting an error message saying "No entry 'config.bin/cfgweapons.ukf_lswirn'. How can I fix this - please don't make the answer too technical. thanks.