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About GrimErazer

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  • Interests
    OFP island building & mission editing, political & military history
  1. GrimErazer

    Lapland war 1944 - 1945

    Lapland war project is not dead, that is a fact. I promise to put out few new screens when it feels right, don't worry.
  2. GrimErazer

    Lapland war 1944 - 1945

    - Greetings from Lapland! Just came back from a visit to Lapland, a few new fresh ideas with me for the Lapland war project. Here's a nice digi-cam shot from Järämä's German Sturmbock defence position in North-West Lapland: http://www.surfacezero.com/lapland/GrimErazer/piks/100_1546.JPG 8)
  3. GrimErazer

    Lapland war 1944 - 1945

    Well, mostly there would be need for someone to build up custscenes and missions etc., and then some voice actors would always be most welcome (especially if a complete campaign was to be published some day in future...), but I already have turned a little pessimistic on trusting to have too many voices for all the needed Finnish & German characters. That's said for the start.
  4. GrimErazer

    Lapland war 1944 - 1945

    It may be useful and reasonable to write a few informative details about the present situation of the Lapland war project - so here we go: As I have earlier mentioned, we never intended to build up any individual mod, for the reason that from the very beginning we were about to use only the FDFmod & Inv44 units & objects, with some other separate addons. To say it out once more, there will not be any Lapland war mod, but only missions packs, a campaign and an additional island for the Lapland war missions. All the work is still on, but most of the work is halted at the moment for a few reasons (for example myself being quite busy in other interests right now). The Lapland war 1944 - 1945 project web site is the only thing that is truly closed, for the person who mastered the site has left the project. This still does not mean, that Lapland war project would be closed or dead - it is still alive, even when it has lived rather silently lately. The reason for this is after all quite simple: lack and loss of active & interested makers of the project (it's very well understandable after the release of new & shiny ArmA...! ). I still can personally promise to publish something under the name of Lapland war 1944 - 1945 -project, but without giving any dates and detailed future promises... So, that's the fact for now. I surely inform if there will be some important things to inform about the Lapland war project (which once more said is not a mod! ) Let me offer few Lapland war clips from YouTube: Sorry about the quality, those were some quick samples... - With very kind regards to all the OFP & ArmA community, GrimErazer - the leader of the Lapland war 1944 - 1945 project - PS: Got interested in cooperation? Then please contact!
  5. GrimErazer

    New music from "Airut" - the FDF mod metal band

    Airut album Langennut finally out! http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....1076742
  6. GrimErazer

    Music Recommendations

    Hear this all!: The debute album from Airut finally released! The Finnish metal band Airut, known from their music in the FDFmod, has finally relesed their debute album Langennut. The album is available from <a href="http://www.levyvirasto.net/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_66&products_id=1520&language=en " target="_blank">Levyvirasto</a>, either in CD and downloadable MP3's.
  7. GrimErazer

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Hmm... I really must confess to just love imagining the French brest...!
  8. GrimErazer

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    - Natural Born Finnish. I've also lived earlier in Sweden and Switzerland. I could name several home towns here in , now I'm living in a nice coast town in Uusimaa, Southern Finland.
  9. GrimErazer

    FDF Game Night

    Hi all! - Just a very Great idea you have, but I still doubt a little that not many Finnish FDFmod fans will appear, only because it's our long awaited Eurovision song contest here in Finland this very evening (thanks to the Lordi-monsters)! So, it's a slightly bad timing for us Finnish FDFmod gamers... I'd bet that about 99.5% of the Finnish population will be locked to crazy celebration and to watch the ESC Helsinki 2007 show tonight...! :drunk: :guitar: But if this FDF mod MP-night is to be repeated some other suitable day, I believe you all can expect masses of bloodthirsty Finns too to join the game!
  10. GrimErazer

    FDFmod OFP-video from "Lumessakahlaajat 2"

    Thanks! Another video to watch. "Lumessakahlaajat 1": And yet: both of these missions actually are already out, and you can download them in the FDFmod Mission Repository: http://fdf.joltan.de/index.php?cat=single
  11. Here is my little video to honour the National war veteran's day. The video is taken from the starting sequence of my FDFmod 1.4 single mission "Lumessakahlaajat 2". In Finland we are today celebrating the National war veteran's day, for the memory of the end of war in Finland on April 27th 1945. - Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
  12. GrimErazer

    Schweres Wurfgerät 41 - Heulende Kuh

    Great addon, I can't wait to get to test this "thing"...! Could you already reveal us what is the effective firing distance of this terrible weapon? And I guess they would be rather disposable than reloadable, right? edit: "Heulende Kuh" = Crying cow?
  13. GrimErazer

    Average age of the "Flashpointer"

    37. My blood got poisoned by GOTY in 2002. Still hooked badly by this dreadful disease... I take my regular little Flashbacks still weekly.
  14. GrimErazer

    Lapland war 1944 - 1945

    <span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>WANTED: German voice actors</span> - deleted - - Thanks!
  15. GrimErazer

    Lapland war 1944 - 1945

    New screen from Suursaari dressed for operation "Tanne Ost"