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Everything posted by Gundato

  1. Gundato

    Armor Missions

    Well, re-reading Turtledove's Timeline-191 books got me in the mood for tank combat, again. Not really in the mood for a full out sim, but would like some more substance than a truly arcadey game. What fits that description? ArmA/OFP, that's what. So yeah, does anyone know of any good Armor (preferably tanks, but I will settle for APCs and the like if they are fun missions) missions? Preferably where I either don't have to be the overall commander of the forces involved (call me old fashioned, but I like following orders), and even better where I can be a gunner or driver. I would also kill for a good defensive mission (so many missions involve going on the offensive), but I doubt any of those exist (plus, they are relatively easy to whip up with the quick mission maker). I figure, when I get around to it I'll probably start working on my own, but it would be nice to get a bit of immediate satisfaction. Thanks.
  2. I know that OFP had a few maps/reference guides that pointed out some landmarks (stuff like the ruined castle, military bases, etc). Does anyone know of a reference like that for ArmA? I want to work on an ArmA mission (ie. something that isn't just me playing with toys), but the constant scouting of the map gets very annoying (have to find just the right location). So yeah, is there a reference that will tell at what locations military bases, bus stops/gas stations, and the like are? Thanks.
  3. Gundato

    Evolution - Single Player

    The readme hasn't been updated since .7, right? Just want to make sure I am running the latest (grabbed it from the author's website). And also, I am sure it has been said a few million times already, but is respawning possible? If it is possible to dynamically add units to the Team Switch menu, maybe just keep a pool of 2 or 3 in said list, and refill it every X minutes? Either way, GREAT job. Having the time of my life. It will never truly replace the joys of MP, but it is nice to be able to play (without setting up a game with friends) without being completely screwed by twelve kilometer hikes at Private. Thanks.
  4. Gundato

    [Campaign] Resistance Sniper

    I like the concept of this. Quick mission skirmishes with a sense of accomplishment. But one question: Am I supposed to shoot BluFor or OpFor (M16s or AKs )? And a suggestion for a future version: Enable the GPS. Not many people seem to know it exists, but I for one love it for my navigation purposes.
  5. Gundato


    As has been said already: The editor tends to have default loadouts for every unit. So it is quite likely that you might never have tried some of the weapons. Also, the armory provides some quick challenges, much like using the Quick Mission Editor.
  6. Gundato

    Third Person Toggle

    Now, lightly tapping the right mouse or double tapping or some combination of right mouse buttoning converts to third person. This is REALLY annoying when I am trying to report targets, or assign targets in a tank. But I also like being able to tap Numpad_Enter to use third person (not realistic, but I likes it ) So is there a .ini setting or something that can turn off the right-mouse button shortcut? Thanks
  7. Gundato

    Third Person Toggle

    Ah, thanks. I found what it (was actually optics, but whatever). I feel quite moronic, yet also quite happy. I am back to my happy place, thank you.
  8. Gundato

    Third Person Toggle

    Wow. I feel pretty stupid, but I still can't quite find that option. All I have is the choice to enable or disable my joystick, set whether or not the y-axis is inverted, and change button assignments. Any chance you can provide a bit more specific instructions for those of us who apparently got dropped on the head a few times too many as a child? Thanks.
  9. Gundato

    Your favorate OFP mood/situation?

    I know it is odd, but my favorite thing in this game is riding the blackhawk out of a combat zone. It just feels right to know that you have the security of a uh60 to get you back home. Of course, in MP that is a moot point. People tend to shoot at you with weapons that work :p
  10. Don't get me wrong, I love OFP and am not a graphics whore. I am completely content with my current graphics loadout. But it would be nice to get a bit of a facelift. I took a look at various listings and made sure to grab the dxdll update and the animations. Other mods look amazing, but they either add a bunch of weapons (FFUR) or require other mods that do change things. I really am content with what is currently in OFP, and don't see the need for all the extra stuff. Some day I might grab it, but I don't see it happening for a while. So are there any mods like FlashFX that don't require mods that add weapons and the like? While I am at it, are there any mods that give the models a facelift (while maintaining their stats and the like)? Sorry if this isn't the right forum, but it was the best I could find.
  11. Thanks. And yeah, it seems that everyone wants to make a TC, not so much just a tweak. Ah well. As I said, I am quite content with the current models and textures. It would just be rather nice to have updated models without playing as a Ranger or a Marine and having forty different rifles. The WGL pack looks amazing though.