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Posts posted by GIGN_Orbarth

  1. The poster of the flare codes is me before i change my account from Chronicles to GIGN_Orbarth (with permission of the moderator) .

    I notice now that i wrote in the past

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">  

    BOB fire ["m203muzzle", "flare"]; CHOPPER domove BOB

    in the case of a soldier using a M16M203 to have a chopper come to BOB position


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BOB fire ["grenadesmuzzle", "flare"]; CHOPPER domove BOB

    for the same action but in the case the soldier is using a AK74/AK47+Grenade Launcher.

    Those 2 code samples are incorrect , i mean the chopper movement part (the flare part is correct) , i forgot the "getpos" code

    the correct code sample

    -M16/M203 soldier

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">  

    BOB fire ["m203muzzle", "flare"]; CHOPPER domove getpos BOB

    -AK47/74 + Grenade Launcher

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">BOB fire ["grenadesmuzzle", "flare"]; CHOPPER domove BOB

    I sent a PM to Placebo to see if he can correct this, as i can't access the Chronicles Account anymore.

    While it is not fixed , refer to the correct codes i wrote there.

    Sorry for any problems

  2. Hey, why are those cars in the middle of the road !


    Those vehicles should not be there


    I guess i should report this incident to the HQ


    Yeah, what a smart officer we have here , and we have to listen his orders ...


    Wait for the first shot guys, remember we have to capture a supposed tactical mastermind officer alive


    to be followed ... (image limit per post)

  3. there were huge tanks battles near Levie near the end game,

    thats rare, in league play the squads go for the all tooooo easy town wins

    CR maps are off scale and many league wins were done in 8-13 minutes because of this

    even now we played it once on our server and simply ignored since

    the tank battles in wgl (no addon version) MFCTI v0.22 has by far the best tank battles we have seen

    My observations on the crCTI 0.2 (precision : crCTI is not the same missions as mfCTI-CR-xxx is) was based only on an offline test game with only AI as players (with me of course).

    Certainly online, and especially on leagues everything is very different .

    In mfCTI , on offline coop, there are lot of battles but when i play mfCTI online everything is often solved in an initial "rush" without really caring of capturing town or defending them, making things more TDM than CTI (fortunately sometime i have some good old fashioned long mfCTI games that are not "rush" decided).

    Of course i have not tested every version (and there are a lot) of mfCTI to see if there are some of them that can prevent those TDM-like games that are uninteresting from my point of view.

  4. I tested in an offline game your crCTI 0.2 and i must say that i really like it cleanrock, that is a really good job.

    I gave the commander position to an AI to see how they behave, and while i never saw a chopper in the long fun game i had , there were huge tanks battles near Levie near the end game, when the 2 factions had a good amount of money running.

    And actually the best thing i noticed is that despite those huge tanks battles, it is a very lot more friendly to my computer than all the mfCTI versions.

    Good job on that, i am looking forward to your next versions to see what kind of features you will activate.

    Thanks for the good work, i had a good fun.

  5. I added in a private replacement mod the wgl night vision, so if you use ECP for private usage (i mean for your offline fun) , you can do it by modifying the config.bin (download the file in .cpp format , edit it and binarize it with the utility cpp2bin).

    If you do not have a private usage of the ECP, you can be sure to be kicked from joining a server that is allowing ECP , as modifying the config is usually not allowed and will be detected as a cheat (as it would give you a really unfair advantage).

    All you need is the wgl_ui.pbo file (that is a part of the WGL mod) that you have to put in the ...\@ECP\Addons\... folder

    And edit the ECP config.cpp downloaded from there (scroll down to the Optional Download: ECP Development Versions part) just be carefull to download the ECP config you use (as there is 3 different one : one normal, one if you use the Dynamic Range plugin or one if you use the Inquisitor Weapon Pack plugin)

    Inside the config.cpp , look for the category

    Quote[/b] ]class NVGoggles:Binocular

    replace the line that is under this category

    Quote[/b] ]modelOptics="optika_night";

    by this one

    Quote[/b] ]modelOptics="\wgl_ui\nvgoggles\wgl_nvg_optics.p3d";

    Close the config.cpp file and save the changes.

    Now download the utility cpp2bin from there

    And use it to create from the config.cpp file you have just modified into a config.bin.

    Replace the ECP config.bin , that is inside ...\@ECP\bin\... (make a backup of it before in the case you want to play online with ECP , as you will have to use the default config.bin if you don't want to be kicked) by this new one you just made.

    Then have fun
