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About GaX

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. GaX

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I just tried the sound mod with 1.08 Some bugs... The aim of some weapons (one over all the m4 SD) is bad.. Guns go clearly over the red dot...and yes i got the original game with no crack of course. Anyway the sound are pretty good... I don't like the Russian PK sound, and the russian attack chopper sound...
  2. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

  3. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    That`s exactly that problem i meant. Totaly unrealistic behaviour. These 2 videos prove that flight model still need a fix... Bah...
  4. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Flight model is still bad imho. Controll is a bit better but still irreal... I don t undestand why BIS can do flight model like ofp or BF or flight simulator... They are all more real than the ArmA one.
  5. So at the moment there is no english language patch for version 1.02, right ?
  6. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Question for BIS : When we could have a patch for helicopters? Thanks
  7. GaX

    Truck Viewpoint?

    It's nice to see how BIS took the ofp bugs to ArmA....
  8. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Matt you say it's easy cause you just flyed arounds... Anyway, that's not a matter of easy or not easy... Here we talk (overall) about a major bug of the rudder over 50-60Mph Show us some video of AH1 Single player mission with FFAR and manual fire I think you will not say easy anymore
  9. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    The fact that choppers can be manouvrable somehow doesn't mean they are not bugged.... In real life there is NO choppers that fly in that way and can't turn while going over 50-60 Mph...It's absolutely irreal, false, bugged ect... ....AND the fact you are learning to fly a bugged chopper doesn't mean that chopper is not bugged and the flight model is not absolutely irreal... You make it sound like the whole flight model is totally screwed up and it's impossible to fly but even with "all these bugs" it's perfectly possible to play with the choppers. That's why I made the videos to show that it's not that hard to play. In my view there are only 2 bugs with this flight model. First bug is that the controls are too sensative. You don't notice it much when you use the mouse except when you try to aim at a long distance. With the joystick it's easy to notice. The second bug is the rudder controls that become disabled when you reach a certain speed. This makes aiming hard. The max speed should be increased. Finally what do you mean with "can't turn while going over 50-60 Mph"? You mean the rudder? Yeah, when i say that flying model is bugged and irreal i refer mainly to the rudder....so we agree about this... The rudder control should work ALWAYS....even at high speed and with the same sensivity when you fly slow... I think that changing the rudder control, all flight model could work fine...aiming should be more accurate, easy and smooth and AI should not crash or turn arounds anymore...
  10. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    The fact that choppers can be manouvrable somehow doesn't mean they are not bugged.... In real life there is NO choppers that fly in that way and can't turn while going over 50-60 Mph...It's absolutely irreal, false, bugged ect... ....AND the fact you are learning to fly a bugged chopper doesn't mean that chopper is not bugged and the flight model is not absolutely irreal...
  11. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Nothing wrong with choppers?? You destroyed Urals cause even a close FFAR destroy them (you don't need a direct hit)...infact you need only few machinegun shot to destroy them... (Look at minute 2:19 of your movie) AND....the fact that you needed guided missiles to destroy the last 2 tanks (anyway they was all standing and all grouped) show how rough is the flight model... Anyway u got a nice flying.... If u can...should be nice to see a manul fire on a moving armored convoy (make a movie of AH1 sp mission) and i agree with Mr_Tea: even AI can't drive chopper properly...Often they fly arounds and take too much time to engage an armoured or you can see them just crash when flying LOL
  12. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Thanks Remember to use manual fire and ffar... A movie of AH1 SP mission with manual fire should be great too..
  13. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Using stick or mouse/keyboard is the same thing cause it's the flight model bugged.... I was a good pilot in ofp (and i really like ofp chopper flight model) but in Arma helicopters there's something wrong... I tried with both mouse/keyboard and joystick and chopper is impossible to controll smoothly anyway Surely u can always drive the chopper less bad as you can and fire guided missiles from far distance but u can't do anything manual or that need a precision flight (with joystick too)
  14. GaX

    Helicopters in AA

    Please record a video with fraps doing the AH1 single player mission only with FFAR and manual fire...