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General Barron

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Everything posted by General Barron

  1. General Barron


    I just watched the movie "Alexander". I didn't think it would be very good, judging from the preview, but boy was I in for a surprise! This could be thethe worst movie I've ever seen! You'd think that a movie about a military genious who conquered the known world would at least have, well, BATTLE scenes. Even horrible movies can be slightly tolerable, if they just have some fighting (like "Pearl Harbor"). But not this one! It has a grand total of 2 battle sequences, which really aren't that great, aside from some nice arial shots in the first one. Instead of fighting, I was treated to hours of extremely bad dialog about nothing in particular. I won't even get into the homosexual overtones of the movie, which are awkward and undeniable, to say the least. There is no real POINT to the movie that I could find. I could say so much more, but I'll post a well written review from imdb.com that covers my feelings exactly. The only redeeming points of the movie that I saw, were that (a) there was some nice art/cgi for the view of the cities, (b) Angelina Jolie gives a pretty good performance, and © there are two nice breasts for about 10 seconds. :P But those few things cannot change my conclusion: this is three hours of my life I wish I could have back. I was seriously considering walking out of the movie at least a couple of times, but I can't stand paying for something and then just leaving it... even if it is crap. DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!!! Review posted on imdb.com that sums up my feelings exactly:
  2. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well, you learn something new everyday, I guess. But language changes over time, so expecting Americans to use the term 'liberal' in it's original context is a lost cause...
  3. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Um.... okay, I guess I'm thinking of a different definition of capitalism than you are. Of course, there is no nation that has a true capitalist economic system. Now you're missing my point. The government can have a monopoly on whatever it wants. For example, the government COULD decide that all internet ISPs should be government run. I'll come up with some good examples and post them later. They do? Not where I live at least! You should come to Seattle some time, then you'll know what I'm talking about.
  4. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You're right. I shouldn't paint all liberals with one broad brush. I really am just referring to the Elitist liberals who think that people are too stupid to think for themselves. Unfortunately, those are usually the ones who get prominence (Michael Moore, etc). Of course, there are people who take that elitist attitude on all sides of the spectrum. But it just seems to be more common in the liberal side, IMO. Actually, I have. I learned a whole lot about Marxism, and now I despise it even more than ever. Your description of liberalism sound like pure capitalism to me. Umm... "government" anyone? The government can be a monopoly too, you know. And unlike private corporations, the gov. has the right to keep it's monopoly through the use of force (laws and regulations ultimately enforced by the police/military). So if liberals hate monopolies, why do they love government ones so much? Well, first off, I doubt those scams are really fallen for that often. But you're right about your main point. Just look at the debt of the average American. However, I would argue that is a failing of (a) our culture and (b) our education system. Investment should be taught in schools, since many parents don't/can't teach their kids. The only reason I have an IRA is because my mother (whom is in debt) pounded the importance of saving into my head. Our culture is harder to change, and cannot be changed via government action. However, in general, we are too materialistic and short-sighted financially, and we are too concerned with flaunting our wealth. I think Loui Vuton (sp?) bags are a perfect example. Those things are ugly as hell, and don't function any better than any other bag, and likely are just as cheap to make; however, every girl wants one, just because they are expensive. I know because my girlfriend is this way, despite my best efforts to nueter her matierialistically.
  5. General Barron

    Bayonet Fight in OFP1

    Aww.... can't you at least show how you configged the bayonettes? That way other mods/addons can make use of the knowledge, instead of having to use scripting workarounds (like PUKF). I know I'd like to know how to do it for my vampires. But I was planning on experimenting along those lines anyway, so I guess I can try to figure it out on my own... You guys have an english site? I'd like to read more about the mod. Might be able to make some pretty good campaigns against the Red Chinese . Maybe even use the JSDF too.
  6. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Wait a minute. I just said that such medicine would be SPECIFICALLY LABELED that it hasn't passed FDA tests. Therefore, it would be a case of "let the buyer beware". Of course, private certification organizations could be developed, much like organic food used to be certified. But when it comes down to it, it would be a person's choice whether or not to use the product. I'll dig up a nice article on a little CPR device that could have saved thousands of lives, while the FDA waited years and years to approve it. But when it comes right down to it, it's my body, god damn it, and if I want to put a drug in it (medicinal or recreational), that should be my choice. It would be optional, theoretically. I would like to see this: you can either choose to NOT be in the SS program, and invest in the stock market or in a savings account (which has the same or higher returns than SS); or you can choose to be in the SS program. If my stocks/bank account goes to hell, then too bad for me. But on the other hand, if the SS program can't support itself soley on the money paid into it by the people who choose SS, then too bad for them. But in reality, SS is nothing more than a ponzi/pyramid scheme. Anyone who knows just a little bit about SS or investing knows that. Hence, the reason why the system is failing. Pyramid schemes always end up collapsing, and crushing those who got in on it last. It is just a matter of time. I prefer to invest my money in actual investments (which help the economy), NOT pyramid schemes, which produce nothing. THAT is the thing I hate the MOST about liberalism. I hate that elitist BS: "People are too stupid to run their own lives" Except for you enlightened liberals, of course. You guys are so smart, that you should decide things for us knuckle-draggers. God I can't stand that. I'll live my own life, thank you very much. Of course, just look at the BS that is social security, which barely keeps up with inflation, and you see how smart you people really are... That is welfare, and it should be labelled as such. All such expenses should be removed from the social security program, and moved into the welfare program.
  7. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    If I am a single person trying to sell something, I should be given my full set of economic rights. Corporations are made up of a number of individuals. Why should you take away their collective rights? And on a legal note, corporations (in the US, at least) actually DO have rights as a person does. But corporations aside, 2/3 of my examples still stand: Social Security is taken out of individual's pockets, even if they think they could make a better retirement by putting that money elsewhere Drugs and other medical things cannot be sold in the USA without FDA approval, which in many cases has caused the deaths of thousands of people who otherwise could have been saved. Even if you wanted to "take a risk" on an un-approved drug, the government will not let you. These are examples of "trading economic freedom for security (even if it isn't your own freedom)" that liberals seem all too fond of.
  8. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    What arguments do I hear all the time against privatizing the social security system? "It's too risky! There is no security in private investments!" What arguments do I hear all the time against de-regulating various over-regulated industries? "It's too risky! X or Y could happen!" What arguments would I hear if I suggested we allow drugs to be sold that aren't FDA approved (but specificially label them as such)? "It's too risky! People might die from the drugs!" That's all fine and dandy, but what if someone DOESN'T want to pay for those things? Obviously you are going to have to take the money away from them by force, or else you might not have enough money to pay for all these things. You shouldn't legislate morality. Better to let people choose which causes they think are worth funding, instead of forcing YOU'RE views on them.
  9. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Okay, now I see you are talking about things that aren't in the article that was posted a couple pages ago. But still, while we're in the "extreme comparison" mode, I'll just say that you must live in a police state, because I'm sure you have things like, well, police, roaming your cities.
  10. General Barron

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Ah, I guess I'll pop in here for a little bit... although if this is anything like the Presidential election thread, then this is just a bunch of Europeans trying to talk about US politics... @denoir I'm confused. At first the topic was a country president having bodyguards, but then you are talking about a police state? Are you saying that a president having a bodyguard or two is excessive security? Or are you saying that having ANY security is the equivalent of a Stalinist police state? If it is the former, then I'd wonder what the historical standard is for this kind of event, and what kind of security the other VIPs at the event had. If it is the latter, then I wonder what you are smoking... To almost quote Benjamin Franklin: "Those who sacrifice essential economic liberties for a little temporary economic security deserve neither liberty nor security" The problem I have with liberalism is its economic views. Liberals think that if you give up your economic freedom (in terms of higher taxes, regulations, etc), in return, you will recieve economic security. Actually, it is worse than that: in most cases, it isn't a matter of giving up your OWN economic freedom, it is a matter of taking someone ELSE'S freedom. "I don't want to pay for (my library, my tuition, my insurance, etc), I want YOU to pay for it" I generally have no problems with the "social" side of liberal philosophy, except when it involves taking away someone's rights (smoking bans, censorship, etc).
  11. General Barron

    Airlines for OFP

    Hmm... there have been commercial jet addons released in the past... but has anyone made any missions with them? Just wondering, because it would be a shame for you to go through all that work, and have nobody use the things... Course, that isn't the reason why people make addons anyway, so no matter.
  12. General Barron

    Some scripts

    You should submit those to www.ofpec.com
  13. General Barron

    Bayonet Fight in OFP1

    Awesome! I'd like to take a look at how you config it. Are you replacing the default strokegun anim? I wonder if it would be possible to have a few different types of animations, for different weapons, or can you only use one? Of course, I suppose you could fire off different anims via an eventhandler... When will you release this?
  14. General Barron

    reasonable radio man script idea

    I'm not following you. How would using an action instead of "firing" the radio be different?
  15. General Barron

    making of a rucksack.?

    Yeah, but you can set the maximum number of mags or weapons in a crate. I'd look into the config of some of the radio-addons out there. Those don't get selected as weapons, but they fill up the secondary weapon slot, right? I'm thinking, the sebnam or bas radios.
  16. General Barron

    Rock climbing, snowboarding, skiing, etc.,etc.

    I started making rapelling anims and a script for the ECP, but stopped working on it a while back. Basically, the idea was to allow you to safely and quickly descend steep slopes, or buildings. You would use an action which would make your guy bend down like he is putting in some pitons or something, then he would start running backwards as if he has a rope tied around him. No rope would be visible, or course, but it got the job done. The anims didn't look very good though, and I ended up thinking, "how many cliffs or steep slopes are there in OFP, anyway?" Not many, of course. For that same reason, rock climbing wouldn't be a very useful feature either. X-country skis, however, would make for some very interesting snow-missions. Is there any such addon out there?
  17. General Barron

    Bayonet Fight in OFP1

    Interesting. I'm curious; are you saying this is all done through the config? I don't know that much about configs, but I've wondered if it was possible to make a script-free close-combat system using a variation of the strokegun/strokefist weapons that are already in OFP. The way I see it, there are already close combat "bullets" in the config, and if you could set their range to like 3 meters, a soldier might actually run that close to the enemy on his own and "shoot" them. It seems like the stuff is there in the config, but just not well implemented by BIS... Anyway, I'd love to see how it is done. There is an excellent throwing knife addon out there. I can't remember where I got it, but I think it was off flashpoint.ru or some russian site. The maker implemented pretty much all the bells and whistles possible (it spins through the air, you can pick it up if you miss, it doesn't get thrown as "high" as grenades are, etc), so if you want to know how to make a throwing knife, check that addon out.
  18. General Barron

    reasonable radio man script idea

    Shouldn't this be in the ME&S board? Anyway, you could get the same end result just the same by using either an action, or a radio trigger. That way, there is no need to make a new addon. Is there any particular reason why this stuff has to be initiated from the left mouse button?
  19. General Barron

    Most Awaited Mod!

    Unsung! There island looks incredible, and their units look great as well. I can get started on my campaign as soon as they decide to release something... How far along is the island, anyway drow?
  20. General Barron

    several things every editor should know

    Hmm... not sure if those two things would really qualify for the "essentials". Really all that is needed is a link to OFPEC, and walla, you got all the essentials.
  21. General Barron

    Addon idea:  RTOs and radios

    So true... the only reason I could think of is that people must not really PLAY missions anymore. I guess they just open up their editor, plop down some units, have a shootout and say "ooh, that's pretty". Just look at the number of posts on the addons board, and compare to the number of posts on the user missions board... There just isn't the interest, I guess. I think that any addon maker/team worth their salt should include a good mission with the d/l, featuring the addon. It doesn't have to be great, but it should be a real, compelte mission. Alas, ideas are a dime a dozen. But you know the saying, "if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself". In the case of OFP, the saying might be "if you want something done at all, you gotta do it yourself." So why not help out on getting this idea off the ground? For starters, it would be nice to know what radios and backpacks are already out there, and what addon/mod they are in.
  22. General Barron

    Addon idea:  RTOs and radios

    Hmm... I think I get what you are saying. Sounds like a great idea to include. One of these days I'll finally check out WGL...
  23. General Barron

    scud launch script

    Check ofpec, there are a couple scud scripts there, I believe. Basically you would just need a waypoint with a 1 hour delay, then the next wp would be a "getin" on the truck, and on completion that wp would execute the scud script, if the truck was still alive. So: a) find a script in the ed depot at www.ofpec.com b) make a wp for the guy, and give it a delay of 60*60*60 (the delays are in seconds, so that would be 1 hour after you multiply it out) c) make a "getin" wp on the empty scud launcher. In the "condition" field, write: this && alive scud1 d) name your empty launcher "scud1" e) in the "activation" field of the wp, put whatever is needed to get the script to work right.
  24. General Barron

    Multiple EventHandlers of same type

    Multiple EH's of the same type should work, and they always have for me. However, I have heard of them not working for other people at times. Check this thread here: http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse....start=0 So perhaps there are certain conditions where multiple EH's won't work, assuming there wasn't something else messing this stuff up.
  25. General Barron

    Addon idea:  RTOs and radios

    Hmm... too bad there doesn't seem to be much interest in this. I'd help out on it, but I can only script, not do modelling. I dunno, maybe *someone* (me?) could get the ball rolling by simply collecting all the existing radio/backpack models that are out there, and putting them in one addon, along with some scripts. That way people could get a feel for the addon's potential, and perhaps some new models could then be made in order to complete the addon. How about a list of all the known backpack/radio models that are currently out there? I know about: sebnam radio bas satcom Uh... that's about it. :P