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About Gothico

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Gothico

    2-37_Fuel Depot take down

    Sry. No briefing for me... (german version of OFP)
  2. Gothico

    Small is beautifull

    Hui Nice Remo. Two little questions. Is it possible to combine the configs from remo's realism-mod, locke-mod and maybe ecp? Â If yes, who can (is allowed to)?
  3. Gothico

    WGL Everon

    Hiho. Pushing up an old Thread, i know.. Nice Islands. I use them also in Multiplayer. So, what can we await from the new Versions, (and when?) Q?
  4. Gothico

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Is there a possibility to get ecp as a zip or rar-file?? The installer isn't accepting any folder than the "real" ofp-folder. I just do not want to waste up my original ofp-folder...
  5. Gothico

    Mike's weapon packs 1 & 2

    Well, i tried them and i only like the ammo-box and the XMS. Bison (submachinegun) is too loud and the scopes look rather funny. Styre has a nice sound but... I prefer the G36 from INQ and the XMS replacement from SV5000.. ...but keep going on with this stuff, i like it...
  6. Gothico

    WinPBO tool relased

    Call me crazy. I downloaded the proggi again. Copy´d it into my OFP dir and now its working, after a first crash like in the post before...
  7. Gothico

    WinPBO tool relased

    Dito, same here... Is it a language prob?
  8. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    @hudler01 the truck pack 1.1 alternative link the truck pack 1.1 ORCS Rus Soldiers @totala right
  9. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Ok, thunderbird disabled the tracer_fx. I had to delete the pbo, otherwise my ofp chrashes with wrong initline due tracer_fx. division by zero...
  10. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    I asked before. Do u really play MP with ExFlashFx? People who play without EFX see vehicles bouncing. People who play with EFX see vehicles float.. So... something must be wrong.. But, I LIKE the mod! Â This goes into the ECP errors we had before.. Replaced too much?
  11. Gothico

    OFP + Soundblaster Crackle FIX!

  12. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Sry. Misstyped... Â Anyway. Should work now. A question. Did anybody encounter problems while playing MP?
  13. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    M925 V1.1
  14. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Thx, ppl on our server mentioned some lag since adding the tracers. Ok, i got it (them) finally. In that package there are 3 pbo´s. i added them into my addonfolder. seens to solve the problem, don´t ask why.. Â
  15. Gothico

    FlashFX replacement Units

    i have the addon. at least that one thunder got from pappy boington. (the fixed one) btw your link isn´t working, tak.