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About {HoD}Ferocious

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  1. {HoD}Ferocious

    Triggered messages

    Cool - First time I see this offered. Works beautifully btw. Thanks a bunch!
  2. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    Awesome!! Wasn't sure if your initial email was indicating you got what you needed. Super awesome good job guys. One hand helping the other. No need to thank us, Giallustio - we're the ones using your work and then making you come here and solve our problems. It's the least we could do. I'm just happy things worked out. Mission Accomplished! lol :)
  3. no, you're perfectly clear. I just wasn't aware you could even do that. Thank you - Pretty nifty. I'll have to look into this. edit: have you tried taking a look at this guide? I'm in the process of trying to make sense of it. But he does address your problem. http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-mission-root/
  4. {HoD}Ferocious

    Placing Objects

    ^ you have game logic attached to it? Seems like the same issue I was getting with the blackfoot wreck helo. Very odd because it has a health to it (and a texture difference) but I could not damage it using explosives. that works 100%. Thank you. 0.81 gets it(open laptop) on top of a wooden desk perfectly using the street as a foundation.
  5. and then put this in a trigger: on activation : 1 fademusic 1; playmusic "music1"; on dea: 1 fademusic 0;
  6. {HoD}Ferocious

    Placing Objects

    typically a height of 4 or 5 should put whatever on the 2nd floor so I would try 1 for a table if it's on the first floor and 5 or 6 if the second floor. Is that what you're asking? edit: seems to be some collision detection issues. No matter which height I place the laptop at and no matter which desk I use, the keyboard part of the open laptop sinks into the table. If you use the closed lappy it disappears entirely presumably inside the table. height 1 is what it should be tho. Try it with an open laptop and you'll see. Might wanna play around with different objects. "Evidence" can come in many forms. edit: just tried with almost every type of furniture that would make sense. The only one I was able to get the laptop (or any other objects for that matter) to sit on with no collision issues was the icebox.
  7. Ah just checked your video. That's actually a little different than what I was suggesting. He does kinda look like he's just scanning. In some of my missions they spin 360degrees non stop. :\
  8. {HoD}Ferocious

    helicopter extraction script

    well the support modules work like this. They are little temperamental when it comes to waiting for everyone to get on board before leaving so you may need to be creative, but it does function. (you need a support requester synced to your player and then the type of support synced to your request module).
  9. ^ LOL. The good ol' spin-in-one-place-over-and-over scanning trick. Works everytime.. solution: give him a music trigger with the song "You Spin Me Right 'Round" serious note: yeah pretty sure this is a bug. Didn't see it before the recent patch.
  10. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    Not sure about the first part. As for versions, you need to be using 0.94 which has been updated because of the recent patch. Should solve your gear issues and if you spawn with watches check the fix in the post above you.
  11. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    yup that worked! :) Still having issues with my AAF medic, but I think it may be because I added a backpack. Gonna try default and see what's up. Otherwise working like a charm. Was able to test some missions tonight- thanks. edit: default AAF medic works fine. :)
  12. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    done and done. Doesn't have to be much guys (and gals?) - whatever you can afford, but even if people put a dollar or two it can add up and help a major contributor to this community.
  13. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    I'm down Meatball. What do you need Gialliustio. Perhaps as a community we can all chip in like 5$ and help. You've done quite a bit of work for us that's for sure. You're typing at least so what blew up? vid card?
  14. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    awesome! I'm anxious to test this. No problems on the re-breather. I'll just have to find a workaround for my mission. I'll let you know how the test went.
  15. {HoD}Ferocious

    =BTC= Revive

    OK, so this helps. I had "need first aid kit to revive" on which explains all the can't revive scenarios. I was a medic, but being killed first, so when I would pop up I only had watches and no medikit and thus not able to revive. Now, I need to test to see if that's going to have an impact on the watches. There was a possible work around on a previous page I wanted to check too. Question, however: What does that mean? what does this code refer to? Not entirely sure which one I should pick.