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About General_lee45

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    Watching the days of our lives
  1. General_lee45

    Checking frames per second

    Well I just got a Geforce 4 MX420. Not the greatest card but it run OFP great with my 128MB. SO I was just wondering how great does it really run it? Does anyone know how to check the FPS on OFP, and help will be greatly appreciated. Make Love Not War
  2. General_lee45

    Why is ofp rated "m"?

    Its probably rated Mature because it has any sorts of blood in it. Any game that shows some "Juice" in it, is rated M now because parents are too dumb that they blame Media for there kids violence then themselves. Look at Medal Of Honor that game is extremly in your face violence but because it has no blood, it got a comfortable Teen Rating. God Bless Bad Parents
  3. General_lee45


    i have to disagree with that post. I have a Geforce 4 MX 220 with 128 ram and I can run the game great.
  4. General_lee45

    When you leader dies

    In the heat of battle I was playing and we were taking a ridge of some pretty pesky snipers. Well all of the men of my little squad were killed so I ducked down and flanked the snipers. But then I was lost? I didnt know what else to do. I took the jeep back to the base but nothing happened. So what are you supposed to do when your leaders are killed off? Join them in the great battle field in the sky?
  5. General_lee45

    Snow textures

    Thanks guys turning off multi texturing did it!
  6. General_lee45

    Snow textures

    Yeah I know I should yesturday I got the one I ordered but i accidently ordered an AGP not a PCI, that sucked.
  7. General_lee45

    Snow textures

    Why is it that my game only renders a winter theme, I have above the recomended requirments. Is it my Intel Video Card? I wouldn't think that a video card can screw up the entire game, can it?
  8. General_lee45

    Snow textures

    Why is it that my game only renders a winter theme, I have above the recomended requirments. Is it my Intel Video Card? I wouldn't think that a video card can screw up the entire game, can it?